
Sunday, August 16, 2015

off we go to a jumper show

So our much-anticipated return to showing (after a 1.5 month hiatus lol) begins today at Tranquility for a couple jumper classes.

that tail tho - so majestical!
Really it's going to (hopefully) be a very low-pressure, easy peasy day. I'm not riding for ribbons, and I'm not riding for speed. 

It's an easy (and inexpensive) way to get a little more mileage over stadium-type courses, and also test the upper limits of our comfort zone by entering some bigger classes. 

This is also technically my first foray into the jumper ring and I know none of the rules and none of the actual strategy... so... we'll see haha. I *do* know that this farm is famous for twisty and complicated courses. Hopefully I'll fair ok (and remember where I'm actually going) and we'll leave most of the jumps up.

The plan is to do at least one 2'6" class, maybe two depending. Then try one or two 2'9"-3' classes. We will see. Potentially would do an entire division, but I'm not sure yet. It's also supposed to be a bit hotter today so if the mare is doing well we'll probably just leave it at that.

Wish us luck!


  1. I'm excited for your show and I'm dying over the jumping girl. Oh my goodness!!! The questions is, should she be wearing a helmet?

    1. haha that gif is definitely super creepy!! she seems pretty nimble tho lol

  2. I'm excited for your show and I'm dying over the jumping girl. Oh my goodness!!! The questions is, should she be wearing a helmet?

  3. Good luck!!! I used to go to jumper shows and do the 3'. It was good experience! Have fun!

    1. thanks!! that's what kinda what i was thinking - just a good opportunity to lay down a couple stadium-esque rounds without much pressure

  4. Aahhh! I was going to this show to cheer for my barn, then decided that a day on the river was just too appealing to turn down. Hope you had a great day - I agree that their courses are challenging!

    1. yea it was definitely a good day for the river - it was HOT out! we had fun tho and it would be awesome to run into you at a show one of these days!!

  5. Good luck! And have lots of fun

  6. Please count how many times you are told "wow, she's nice for an arab"

    1. she certainly got a lot of compliments (sometimes it feels like my horse is a celebrity, honestly) - tho there are a lot of arab fans in the area, and especially a lot of ppl familiar with isabel's sire and the breeding program that produced her. so not too many haters out there :)

  7. Can't wait to hear about it!! Fingers crossed for extra luck!

  8. Yay can't wait to hear about it! =) Hope you had fun


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