Saturday, December 16, 2023

just charlie gifs

I'm soaking up the last of my "use it or lose it" PTO before year end, and got to sneak out to the barn for an afternoon lesson yesterday. Meaning --- poor furious stall-bound Charles got another supervised hour of daytime turnout in our one good pristine paddock, the Orchard!

sometimes "supervised turnout" means "on a fucking line bc horses are ridiculous"
This horse, guys, he is BIG MAD about being on stall rest. Which I take to mean that while the wound is probably significantly painful in the way a nasty hangnail can be.... It's also... ya know, not particularly consequential to the horse either. 

Because this ridiculous SOB was legitimately snaking his head at me omfg on the walk up the driveway!! So obviously, I got the camera Ready To Go bc obviously he was gonna explode the second he was released. Obviously. Ahem. 

lololol there it is
Well, ok haha. It took a minute. After observing him wildly.... eating grass for a few moments, I went to step away to go grab my chair -- when suddenly in a flurry of grunts and farts, Charles was off to the races! 

legit have NEVER seen this horse flag his tail before in my LIFE
Lol this horse.... He is so freakin silly haha, lookie at him goooo!!!

"brb, 'bout to go cause some mayhem!" -- charles, 1,000%
Silly me. I had planned for a quiet relaxing post-lesson hour --- sitting in my folding chair, reading news articles and playing sudoku on my phone for an hour while Charlie leisurely and serenely grazed nearby.... It was such a peaceful vision!

pictured: mayhem
Charles was having absolutely None Of That, tho, haha, and instead was completely preoccupied with starting WWIII over the fence with the Rough Board Boys lol. So, ahem, somebody had to go back on the line to graze in hand until the other horses got bored enough and wandered off to a different area....

foot looked fine after all that, tho!
Poor Charles, such a tough life he leads! Honestly it felt like an hour wasn't nearly enough for him. Tho again, it gives me a lot of hope that he really truly feels pretty great right now --- aside from the whole "stapled-on heel bulb" situation. 

"No Regerts"
The wound itself looks fine enough. The flap is dying, as was not entirely unexpected. But at least with the staples it's serving as, more or less, a 'band aid' for the rest of the wound in the meantime. 

Time will tell what happens with the staples too. I tend to think it'll take more than a minor miracle for them to last thru Christmas. But, eh, maybe if they come out sooner, and if ground conditions continue to improve, maybe he'll be able to go back out sooner? 

I dunno, haha, except that the sooner this ferocious TB is returned to his preferred wilderness, the better! Happy weekend, y'all!


  1. Wow, Charlie looks great in the videos. Stall rest creates so much pent up energy, right? Tail flying and all. Here's hoping his injury continues to heal well, and he can be released from stall rest sooner rather than later.

    1. thanks - and fingers crossed!! honestly, he's generally a pretty good patient when he legitimately feels sick or significantly injured --- like he was not quite so frisky this past spring during his whole hoof situation, bc he was just in so much pain. but this injury is like perfectly stupid --- not much more than a hang nail, except it's STAPLED ON at ground level, in particularly muddy conditions.... so basically perfectly wrong on every level lol...

  2. I am super impressed the staples are holding!

    1. so far so good !!!! tho actually at this point, since the flap appears to be dying, i might be rooting for the staples to come out sooner rather than later in case that speeds his return to turn out LOL

  3. Oh Charlie, you are such a goof.

  4. That paddock is gorgeous and he looks so happy to be out. That is a gnarly boo boo. Ouch!

  5. I mean... he seems to be feeling good at least! Doesn't look like that foot hurts him too much. Still keeping the fingers crossed for quick healing.


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