
Thursday, November 5, 2015

waterworks play time

Obvi I'm not riding right now so fresh compelling content is harder to come by (perhaps the more observant readers noticed I finally broke my streak of 400+ consecutive daily posts... kinda sad about it, even tho it's more or less meaningless as a record... but c'est la vie).

Luckily my drafts folder has some goodies waiting to take form, including a couple subjects that I keep turning over in my mind trying to figure out *what* exactly I want to say about them...

But in the meantime, I also still have all kinds of random photos and videos on my phone, like these I'm posting today. These were taken on the Saturday I broke my leg, while doing the chores before heading out to our lesson with baby Balimurphy.

Our horses only fairly recently came off the big summer pastures and moved on to round bales for the winter, and I guess the switch to the dryer forage makes them a lot thirstier bc they have been emptying these troughs as quickly as we can get them filled.

And in fact Julius and Shaggy were happy to demonstrate this while I filled the trough up. Never mind that the hose was splashing every which way (and there was a perfectly good full trough with zero splashing about four feet away from us), the horses just HAD TO HAVE that water. And NOW dammit. Haha.

Julius don't care bout no wet face! 

And obviously I thought this was about the cutest thing ever and snapped a bunch of video clips.

Lol it was like he couldn't decide whether this was the funnest or most annoying thing ever. But he never moved away so I guess the fun won out :)

Shaggy was less amused (and Mecca very sensibly waited in the wings until all water-related shenanigans had ceased)

So yea. Super compelling content haha. But hey, it makes me smile, so maybe you'll like it too?


  1. The worst are the ones that shove their head in then start shaking it and douse you in water. We had a horse that liked to do this when it was freezing.

    1. um yea i am not a fan of ANY horse that thinks playing around in the water in freezing cold temps is fun!

  2. haha they are so funny! You have some high water pressure there, it looks like they're sticking their heads in rapids. And Shaggy is so stinkin' cute. My horses haven't played like that before, Berry just likes to climb into the trough and stand in it on occasion, which isn't nearly as cute, and usually requires a full trough scrub.
    I hear you on that water consumption. For a few days I thought my trough had a leak in it, and then I realized they really are going through that much water. Crazy!

    1. that particular hose is just insane - idk if it's the pressure at that particular pump, or if it's the nozzles we have on the hose, but if you're not holding the hose it has to be bungee-d down or it will fly every where. and filling stall buckets? ugh, the worst! and lol @ Berry actually crawling in to play haha

  3. I love watching them play in water. Tucker will shove his whole head in and splash water everywhere. Only annoying when he does it inside. Silly boy!

    1. aww haha! i love watching them play too - isabel *never* plays, she's much too dignified, so i gotta get my fix elsewhere on the farm lol

  4. Hahaha! The boy who licks everything even licks water. :)

  5. I watched one of the horses in our field climb inside the water trough last week just to hang out and play. Like, could you not, because that was full and now it's half empty and I'm refilling it again....

    1. haha yea that's super annoying... we had one that did that for a while and while i was sad to see her leave, i was *not* sad to not have to deal with her water trough shenanigans any more!

  6. Replies
    1. yea.... it was actually just a couple days away from 450... silly record but i liked it.

  7. I love watching horses play in the water!

    Unless they have bad feet and are making mud and then I'm like "OMFG WOULD YOU JUST STOP". ;-)

    1. aww haha i didn't even think about that, but yea i'd probably not be thrilled either!

  8. Sooooo... I had a busy week at work last week and didn't do much blog reading and just had to go back and read your last ten days' worth of posts! I'm so sorry to hear you're injured!

    This is something only a horse person would do... when I read that you're "obviously not riding" in this post, I thought "OH NO did something happen to Isabelle???" ... and then I saw the crutches... and for a second I was relieved... because Isabelle is fine... and then I realized I am truly a crazy horse person because you being injured is not something to be relieved about. But, yeah, I'm crazy and I'm sorry to hear you're hurt and struggling but glad to hear you have a scooter and you are managing with the stairs and your co-workers are freshening your coffee for you.

    Hang in there. And I'll try not to go ten days without reading your blog in the future :)

    1. lol thanks! yea things definitely got turned upside down here in the last ten days... womp womp. but i know exactly what you mean about worrying about the horse first. nobody wants to treat a broken leg in a horse! fortunately it's just me that's broken, but i'm healing slowly but surely!

  9. Aww that's so stinky cute! Henry likes to splash inside the water trough with his face and hooves... Sigh... Weird horse. :)

    1. haha ya gotta love those playful horses tho :)

  10. Aww they're so cute!! I love it when they play in water. My dad's old horse would stick his nose into the water up to his eyeballs and blow bubbles.


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