Sunday, January 28, 2024


Ugh. This mare, guys. This fucking mare. 

I'm gonna sell her to the Amish for a dollar, I swear to god. 

She just, ugh, she's just so busy with her pitiful little wisp of a tail.... Her worst toxic trait is constantly swishing into everything and literally ripping out gigantic chunks. UGH!

I about snapped yesterday when I walked into her stall and saw.... this

Oh my god, Doozy. OH MY GOD.

looks like maybe pulled out of the left side?? also, yea, that's a quarter-sized BALD SPOT on the top right from some other incident oof
Like. I am at my wits' end here, not even exaggerating lol.... True story:: I may or may not have bought Charlie bc he's down with face hugs and HAS GOOD HAIR. 

Doozy?? Not so much, ugh. Like, the color is nice, and it looks like she could theoretically eventually develop some thickness.... 


just be beautiful pls :(
I mean. I guessss she has other redeeming qualities or whatever. Like being super cute and cuddly, and also kinda fancy and fun to jump... 

But c'mon mare! Ugh.... Tragic.

So I dunno. I guess lmk what products you swear by for tails, esp anything for conditioning, growth, or possibly to keep the skin happy (/not itchy)....  Sigh.


  1. Carmen rubs and/or catches her tail on things all the time. Fortunately it’s so frigging thick it doesn’t matter. The only thing I can think of is to use a tail bag.

    1. Ugh Carmen’s tail is so beautiful but it still makes me sad when they rip out chunks!! Doozy really doesn’t have any to spare!

  2. Hahaha, OMG. Goggles has a pathetic rat tail and it does make me sad. He at least grew a forelock which helps a bit. I got nothing other than camaraderie in sadness over pathetic tails.

    1. The sadness is so real. Tho at least we are better off than one of the horses we saw at the YEH champs at fair hill this year - it literally had like just the wispiest of wisps right around the bone, but was so thin you could quite clearly see the exact contours of where the fake tail was attached …. Legit the worst tail I’ve ever seen, and on such a nice horse!!

  3. Put electrical or other tape around the hooks on your buckets and the hair won’t catch ;-)

    1. Ugh seriously tho, smooth surfaces only for this mare!!

  4. Oh no! She had a nice tail too...(not gonna lie though, I did find it a little bit funny 😛)

    1. Lol…. At least the tail itself doesn’t look as bad as I thought it might after seeing that chunk…. But ugh thin tails make me so sad … sigh

  5. Maybe run some vet wrap over the bucket handle gap to at least prevent THAT snag from happening again? Or duct tape. All that missing hair is a sad sight!

    1. the sadddddest sight omg haha.... and yea i'll probably cover the bucket gaps... at least one of my buckets is already taped there bc the clip used to get stuck in the gap in like a super annoyingly obnoxious way haha..... tho knowing this mare, she'll find some random staple that's been stuck in the wall for the last 15yrs and rip another chunk out there too. ya can't win!!

  6. I legit cried when my cute baby mini donkey chewed my mare's tail off

    1. omgggggg i don't even know what i'd do, why are these creatures like this???? all that gorgeous hair and they just wanna CHEW on it?!? omg

  7. I have my husband designing plastic covers for the sides of the buckets with his 3D printer. I've done tape in the past but think this will be a lot nicer. Plus then maybe I can patent and sell them and retire? A girl can dream. Lol.
    I'm lazy anymore but I remember the days of using infusium23 and mud knots in the tail to help grow it out. Always seemed like it worked. If she's itching though I test for worms first and you can spray and rub in a mix of listerine and baby oil in the base of the tail. Good luck!

    1. lol it may be true that blogging platforms are past their prime in terms of influence and product recommendations.... but it'd definitely be happy to test out some plastic covers haha!

      in terms of treating the tail, ugh, she's up to date on all general maintenance but she also just generally has not great skin. baby oil or a nice infusium or similar conditioner might be the way to go... i've had good luck with coat defense powder too, but just finished my last can womp

  8. Oh man, manes and tails take so long to grow out that I understand the frustration of finding large chunks of hair hanging from everywhere or on the ground. I second the idea of using electrical tape or vet wrap to cover the bucket hooks.

    1. yea the bucket hooks should definitely be feeling the evil eye right about now haha --- but they're only responsible for 1 of doozy's THREE recent incidents.... like i'm pretty sure she could find the merest splinter of wood and manage to yank out more... ugh horses!

  9. Oh no girlfriend! I've heard goof things of using keratin and argan oil, I mean I'd suggest a tail bag but that isn't always best. Definitely tape or smooth all catchable surfaces, I tape all my buckets because L ripped a chunk of tail out on it once. I did notice a difference in Dee's tail growth putting on KIS-Trace, it's slowed over the winter but I was chopping her tail every few weeks in the summer. Still has her sad floofy forelock, no good forelock genes sadly.

    1. charlie ripped out half his forelock once and it was legit the worst haha... so i feel your pain there! and yea, argan oil might be worth a try too... idk what it is about tail bags but i'm very like... anti haha. no reason, just... don't like 'em lol... but i am hopeful that some nice skin treatments could make a difference!

  10. I feel like this can be a mare thing. I have a photo or two in mind I need to take for you of my gate latches with big chunks of Sophie hair attached. The top of her tail is in the same fabulous condition as Doozy's. Making sure her teats (and really the entire area around/under her tail/between her back legs) helps....the other thing I wonder about is those animal scratching plastic dealies you can put on walls or maybe those would be gentle enough to not snag the hair but still allow scratching satisfaction.

    1. oh definitely agreed about it being a mare thing! tho, another one of her wonderful mare habits is constantly swirling around in her stall to snake and hiss at her icky gelding neighbor with all his cooties... based on observations we're pretttttttty sure that's how this particular tragedy played out lol, but we're definitely putting a good deep clean bath on the list for when weather allows!

  11. I have little neoprene covers for the buckets at my house because Shiny also likes to swish all her tail out on these things. At the other barn I went the cheap route and used vet wrap.
    Reading the above comment reply, it seems Doozy and Shiny's tails have similar drama to survive. It's not an easy life being a mare's tail.

  12. If it makes you feel any better, I would have never guessed that her tail wasn't a full thick tail from your pictures.

  13. I swear by my Tail Boot tail bag if you are willing to wrap it up. I have an appy who had the standard ratty tail when I got her, but now it drags on the ground if I don't trim it enough! I've had the same one for 3 years and she wears it full time all year round, I only need to take it out to wash it and for shows


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