
Wednesday, August 2, 2023


Friends of the blog, I'd like to introduce you to a new face: Mondeuse (2018, Big Brown x Toga Tiger, Hold that Tiger). Barn name TBD, leave your ideas in the comments. 

hello, little star
I don't really know what to say, to be honest. And --- to be more honest --- there isn't a whole lot to say yet. She won't be home for another week. 

her one and only posted sales pic, all the rest are from when i met her 
There's a whole lot about this that's.... kiiiiinda impulsive. And a whole lot that decidedly was not
So let's start with the 'impulsive' bits, yes? For starters. Mare bc of available room at current boarding barn. That's the beginning and end of that story. Red mare with sketchy race history for... not such specific reasons. 

link to source: https://www.pedigreequery.com/mondeuse2
I dunno, ever since Bali (old timers might remember), I've wanted something with Danzig in the pedigree. That's becoming increasingly less common, and naturally farther up in the tree... So ya know, shoot your shot?  

all pics are from the video below, this is a walk-trot transition
More impulsive bits.... Let's see. Not great hair. Like, actually, really bad coat. Charles has been blessed with svelte panther genetics. Mondeuse is basically a leper at the moment. Leave your favorite coat health products (nutritional or topical or whatever) in the comments too. 

if you watch the video for no other reason, let it be to enjoy the adorable playfulness between horse and doggo
I also didn't ride her. Uh, nobody did. Again, see aforementioned "skin basically exploded" comment, plus "oh and she also recently went thru a fence" as explanation for no restarting. Eh, it's worked for me once before.... (hai, Charlie!)... maybe I'll get lucky again?

seriously, every pic is like a "find the dog!" puzzle
also, yea, she has head to toe rain rot, plus, um, scabs from a recent fence encounter, oops
Honestly... I really don't know a whole heckuva lot about the animal. But... I like her. She's pleasant and easy to handle. Got to observe a whole spectrum of care work being done (including bathing and a dex shot for obvious reasons) when visiting. Plus obvi the round pen work in the video below. 

neck retraction game is strong
She appears to have a strong desire to connect. Both with the dog participating in her liberty work.... but also with the person doing the driving (who, it should be known, also sold me Charlie). 

shark fin wither = check
I'm ultimately pretty agnostic about the finest points of 'talent' or 'potential' or 'fanciness.' Most reasonably built + sound thoroughbreds can jump 3' and do 2nd level dressage. And in my experience... Getting beyond that is obvi easier with a schoolmaster, sure, but also requires quite a bit more from the rider. Which..... ya know. Charlie helped me understand better. 

needs about 200lbs
Obvi this is not a Charlie post, but it must be noted: Charlie remains the big star, here. And I do still hold out hope that maybe we can do 1m things in one way or another when he's sound again. He's the big guy, my #1. But I'm not convinced he loves lessons, loves a lot of purposeful methodical practice. Ok ok ok, he's really spoiled and I enable the shit out of that. 

And it got to the point where I'm so protective of Charlie that I'm really selective about what sort of lessons I'll take, and what I'll allow us to be instructed to do... Which.... Uh.... Ya know, kinda defeats the whole point of continuing education. And as a consequence, it's been a long time since I've felt like I'm really developing in my own education as a rider. 

must love dogs <3
So that's the decisive part of this whole crackpot plan. I want an understudy. I want a warm body to grow and learn with, while preserving all that is wonderful and amazing and confidence building about the sweet capable superstar of a gelding we've all come to know and love. 

Will Mondeuse be perfect for that role? Who knows! For all we know, maybe I just doubled my vet bills and still won't be able to ride LOL (but, srsly universe, plz no!). It's a step in a new direction tho. Maybe a leap. I dunno. We'll see. I promise to write about it tho!


  1. That is very exciting and I look forward to following along!

    1. very exciting haha, hopefully in the right ways!

  2. OMG!!! Congrats!!! So exciting!!! Can't wait to follow this journey!

    1. thanks -- i'm already feeling impatient to get started lol

  3. Congrats!! She's beautiful! Big Brown was my first racehorse love and I've always wanted one of his babies, so I'll be excited to follow along in your journey with her.

    1. oh that's awesome!! i don't know if i've ever met any of his progeny before Mondeuse, but she seems like a really solid sort of person, so i'm hopeful!

  4. Congratulations!!! My OTTB mare has Danzig on her dam's side. Can't wait to go on the new baby journey with you. And the two horse journey with you :) Also equiderma lotion for skin stuff! It really really works

    1. so many journeys lololol, including apparently the skin funk journey!

  5. YES!!! I love this! Congratulations!

  6. Congratulations!

    For what it's worth, I did not ride Olive until I owned her. I hung out with her a little, liked her vibe and decided to throw the dice. It's been almost two years, and I have no regrets.

    Also red mares are my favorite.

    1. As for product recommendations, Equiderma lotion is a great topical and Farrier's Formula is good for feet and coats.

    2. oooh i love farriers formula! charlie was on it for years (probably should be on it again given all his recent hoof issues...). and yea i didn't ride charlie either before buying him... maybe if i was buying an experienced / trained horse (presumably priced according to its CV) i'd want to test it out to make sure the training style and my riding style were a match, but in this case i get to make the horse myself so we'll figure it out as we go!

  7. I’m so, so excited for you! It’s a great age for Charlie to get a younger understudy, too <3

    1. thanks! that's my hope! there were a couple candidates who were 6 and 7 that also really interested me, but i wanted more of a gap in age to charlie, esp considering my hope is that charlie has many more years of riding left

  8. I am the biggest fan ever of red mares, so yay!! Congrats!

    1. thanks!! come meet her -- and help me make her beautiful lol

    2. I forbid you to touch her mane without me lol

    3. lololololol in that case, you better not look too closely at charlie's mane ;)

  9. CONGRATS! Gosh everyone is getting ponies left and right!! Plus a red mare!!!! Gosh my favorite mare ever in terms of connections was a red mare. Poor baby with the skin stuff though, I feel that. I've always had good luck with the marigold stuff from Eqyss for coat stuff and L lived on Omega horseshine for his coat but that was a feed through. Equiderma I've heard is also great for topical skin funk and eqyss makes one too and my trainer swears by it. I just like all the eqyss products because they all smell divine.

    1. maybe christmas just came early this year LOL -- new ponies errywhere! and yea omg the eqyss stuff smells soooo good, 100% an important factor in my buying choices haha

  10. Officially official!!! 🙌 Can't wait to see where you guys are at in a year, this is going to be such a fun journey!

    1. thanks!!! i'm super excited to get started and see where she's at.... and thanks again for enabling / indulging all my impulsive excitement lol

  11. Congratulations on joining the red headed mare club!!

  12. Wow so exciting! Can't wait to follow along on your journey! ❤️ All new blog material!

    1. Thank you!! It’s a bit of a gamble but I’m honestly pretty excited to see how it goes. At least to be able to do more than just brush my sweet horse haha!

  13. This is so exciting! Congratulations!!! I can't wait to read all about your adventures! I hope Charlie loves having a little sister!
    As for names I'm already calling her Mona, but realize that's not the most elegant of names. Deuce seems like a boy name. Maybe you should call her Money. Ha!
    Oh and for skin stuff, more for maintenance than for clearing up anything too tricky, but I love the Eqyss Microtek. It smells great and is supposed to have anti-microbial properties. Moisturizes well too. And this will sound ridiculous, but my favorite fly spray makes their coats AMAZING. I think because it has lanolin in it. It's the Flysect Super 7. Not the concentrate though, get the strong stuff.

    1. Lol Charlie heard the news and has been an absolute attention seeking pest, and also more sound!! I’ll take it LOL! He’s still not sound enough for “work” but it’s nice to be sitting on him again at least!

      And omg my friend came up with Deuce too, but more like “dropping a deuce” - no thanks lol!! The pronunciation has more of a “z” sound tho so was thinking maybe Doozy but that sounds like a jinx lol. Idk. We’ll see. It’s a French red wine grape so there are other ideas in there!

  14. I feel excited for you and Mondeuse. And I love your dedication and attitude towards Charlie. I also understand the issue with wanting to protect Charlie by being selective regarding lessons and clinics. I have felt the same way about particular horses of mine. Lessons, and especially clinics, often require a lot of stretching and expanding of boundaries that unfortunately are not always IMHO appropriate for horses with certain physical issues. Anywho, looking forward to hearing more about your new mare as you get to know her!

    1. Honestly the protectiveness around Charlie is less about his physical health and more about how I’ve trained him. We have many (many) compromises in how I ride him and push him that don’t always conform with what a trainer might expect as the correct or best way to do a thing. But it works for us and he’s my horse so I get to make those choices. Ideally with the new horse tho I’ll have less hang ups and can maybe be a better student and better about establishing more correct habits earlier in the training?

  15. I'm soooo excited for you!! <3 For a barn name, sticking with the theme of people names like Charlie and Isabel's, what about Mona or Monique?

    1. Thanks! And omg we have so many horses with people names at this barn - it’s kinda weird!! Esp when a boarder and a horse share a name. Like when people talk about “Emma” do that mean me or the horse?! Lol….

  16. This is so exciting! Congrats, she's absolutely lovely!

  17. OMG I’m so excited! Mondeuse is a grape variety for red wine so maybe that’s a good theme. Like Merlot.

    1. yesss we are def exploring the wine theme -- my grandfather was scrolling the whole Mondeuse wiki page looking at varietals and regions and appellations for name ideas lol

  18. Wow! This is so exciting! Your blog is pretty much my favorite and now you will have twice as many reasons to post! She looks gorgeous and I hope all goes well on getting to your barn.

    As for coat, the trainer that I work for in FL retrains OTTBs and they have all had awful skin problems this year from the heat, rain, and humidity! She has us rub all their icky spots after a ride while they are still sweaty with Head and Shoulders shampoo! We rinse it off after a few minutes and then dust them with Coat Defense powder when they are dry. Don’t know if this works for anyone else, but thought I’d share a totally different idea. I do love the smell of that Microtek medicated shampoo, though, and used it on my TB when I lived in Seattle!

    1. aw thank you!! hopefully i can live up to that haha.... and yea i'm a huge fan of Coat Defense powder, actually. it's not particularly strong, necessarily, but very very applicable. tho i usually use it more in the winter, except it also seems great for itchy summer tails.... good to know about H&S shampoo too!

  19. I am so curious to hear the details! Did you see her online and decide to go look specifically at her? Or did you go to look at all available mares and choose her? When does she come home? I love the name Mondeuse. It's unique and has a cool meaning and ties in to her red mare identity.

    1. omg there are so many details haha, some sensible, some.... less so, ahem, lol.... probably i'll end up doing a whole post. maybe. but the short story is, i started putting feelers out around my connections just to see what was out there, and... ya know... the market is a little overheated at the moment haha. stuff is moving FAST at seemingly high prices with really limited information (and often without in-person meetings). but i really like (and trust) the agency where i got charlie - they have really good adoption terms, do pretty decent vettings on all their incoming horses, and tend to be really upfront about injuries or limitations.

      this particular mare was the only one on their page that didn't have any vet findings that i found squicky (they've since added a few more nice fillies to the mix, but i'd already made up my mind), plus she was in the right age range for my hopes for a gap to charlie. and i liked her pedigree.

      there were more horses on my list and more meetings already scheduled elsewhere.... but, i dunno, i liked her personality and disposition a lot, she moves nicely, and none of my friends flat out told me i was nuts.... so i went for it lol.... she'll be here wednesday ;)

  20. Wow, congrats! More pics when she arrives? I can hardly wait. (#livingvicariously)

    1. thanks ---- you will get alllllll the pics, i promise!!! (even if she arrives bald and pitiful from the rain rot lol)

  21. Just catching up and glad to see you posting again!! I was worried if the blog silence was because Charlie was off again, sorry to hear he's still up and down with his feet.

    But I'm super excited to hear about the new horse!! She looks more feminine and refined than Hero, but her face sure does remind me of him!! Along those lines, maybe your favorite female heroine? =-)

    Congrats on the new horse!

  22. Catching up on your new girl! Congrats! Long time follower, first time commenting. :)

    You asked for recommendations so here goes:

    Supplements to help skin:
    Ground flax - (if she’s not on it already) up to a cup per day. Will really help with growing a shiny coat and cutting down the inflammation from her current crud.

    Copper:zinc supplemented in the appropriate ratios: California Trace, Vermont Blend or Mad Barn Amino Trace all contain this. CaT and VB both offer samples of their products so you can try them beforehand. When fed in the right ratios, These will also benefit Charlie’s feet! Most commercial feeds and locally grown forage do not contain enough copper:zinc to truly make a difference in the quality of their hooves. Will also help prevent coat fading down the line. You just add these supplements to their feed. Start with 1/4 serving and increase gradually over the course of a week or two to the full serving.

    Looks like you already chose a barn name. Not sure I would have chosen Doozy for a horse. Bestest of luck with her! Excited to read about your journey with her. 💜


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