Thursday, March 13, 2025

happy trails

Am I the only one feeling like March is flying by?? It seemed like only yesterday when I mused that there was plenty of time ahead of us before the competition season kicked off. 

frosty morning flirtation
And yet here we are, about a week out from the first starter trial of the year… Still just sorta idling by. Womp womp. Truth be told, I did actually originally submit an entry for the HT at Loch Moy… But with lingering doubts about soundness and the vet’s suggestion to be more patient, we ended up scratching. 


wonderful woods!
It’s all good, tho, I swear. Yes I have some serious #fomo going on, and am itching to get out and do stuff… But. Also. Realistically. We’ll get there when we get there. 

brave biscuit <3
Plus, even more realistically… Oof guys, we are out of shape in a BIG way omg. One of the only truly redeeming qualities of the last boarding barn was the excellent and extensive turnout. Lots of grass, lots of passive conditioning — even in the winter sacrifice paddocks (well, some of them… and don’t look too closely at any of the fences omg). 

is it just me or are we starting to see tinges of green???
The turnout at the new boarding barn is plenty fine. The fencing is gorgeous, the round bales are replaced frequently, and Doozy loves her pony friends. It’s plenty of space too, and they do roam around a little bit, all things considered. 

she used to be so nervous about the rocks and tree stumps on this path lol
But I’m recognizing that I probably need to be a bit more proactive in establishing baseline fitness for the mare at this farm vs the old farm. Which, nbd — especially now that ground conditions are so favorable for trail riding!

striding out on the buckle <3
Doozy and I have been enjoying little micro rides in the ring this week — just enough trotting to see how she feels and keep chipping away at the basics… And actually a fair amount of intentional “work” at the walk too — figures, lateral practice, picking up, letting out, kinda pushing the mare’s hot buttons a little bit but with the explicit focus of asking her to see thru the sizzle and find softness.

photos do NOT do these hills justice
But I haven’t cantered or done anything with ground poles or jumps or anything yet. Maybe this weekend? Idk. We’ll see I guess. 

feels like you’re on top of the world
But she feels good. And felt GREAT on our most recent little hack about — the source of this post’s pictures! There’s something really liberating about riding this mare out just us. Like don’t get me wrong, I LOVE riding in company, and suspect Doozy does too. But she’s just got such an intense ground covering walk, sometimes it’s nice to just let her go, ya know? 

d’aww haha sweaty ears!
And she’s just so brave, so eager to strike off toward the horizon. Charlie was always a wonderful horse to hack out, but he ALWAYS knew which way was home. His internal GPS was extremely precise, maybe in another life he was a homing pigeon or something, idk.  

sweet thing, we’ll get you fit(ish) again!
Doozy tho? She’s the same coming and going, seems to quite like marching toward the unknown, and has yet to demonstrate any tendencies toward rushing home — even tho we literally travel virtually the same circuit every time. 

straight up outta gas lol
She was so funny on the hills tho lol. Like really digging deep and huffing and puffing and making little “oof” noises haha. It’s cool mare, #metoo lol. 

She always walks 4-beat flat footed vs jiggy, which I REALLY appreciate after years with Isabel lol, but she also always has a sorta sharp feeling to her too. Not quiiiite like she’s about to explode at any moment.. unless… you’re into that sorta thing?? lol… But by the end of the ride she had definitely slowed wayyy down omg. 

alllllllmost bath season lady
It was just what the doctor ordered tho. Isn’t it always? A few more regular rides on those hills and she’ll bit fit in no time LOL.

cute mare
Not too too fit tho, lol, ain’t nobody need that haha. Sorry Doozy but you’re gonna have to get a little more trained before we really try putting condition on you! 

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