Wednesday, February 26, 2025

ww: sunsets + sillies

Ok… less “wordless” and more “word-lite” but you get the idea lol.

I *think* we are maybe finally (hopefully?) finished with arctic blasts for the year!! And with dusk pushing past 6pm, we’re finally transitioning to full-time outdoor riding again!! Woohoo!!

Doozy would like you to know that this pleases her very much. And sure, she still had a few moments of “airs above ground” in our most recent ride… But ya know, they were joyful airs, ahem.

And besides, she’d like to point out she wasn’t the *only* naughty one in the ring lol…

The ponies were having their first outdoor ride of the season too and were full of alllllll sorts of dance moves lol… These are some good riding kids tho so giggles were had by all!

And anyway. Who can blame the horses for feeling a little fresh when the air is literally perfumed with the earliest scents of growing grass??

It’s not spring *yet* but if you squint hard enough at the distant trees, you can almost imagine that lovely haze of pale green that will surely emerge in the coming weeks!

And actually — a barn mate just sent me a photo she took of us last summer and oh man… All that green, I *cannot wait* omg. Also lol…. When I say Doozy is a “busy” sort of horse, this is what I mean haha.

She’s a good girl, tho! Actually seeing the vet today for spring shots and coggins, and actually her first proper “holistic wellness check-in” — a full exam to include flexions etc. and any other baseline imaging the vet considers useful. Sorta like a post-(but like, really post)-purchase exam. It’s something I used to do for Charlie roughly twice a year just to stay on top of things and get ready for the season ahead. Wish us luck!

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