Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Loch Moy helmet cam!!

Y'all already know I'm a glutton for riding media, esp from horse shows! So in addition to everything I posted on Monday, there are also helmet cam videos from our jumping phases at Loch Moy :)

not a bad POV in my opinion lol!
Maybe it's just me, but I kinda like seeing the ride from both perspectives -- from the traditional ringside view, but also from the first person perspective. 

While the helmet cam can smooth over little mistakes like funky distances and obvi doesn't show any rider position flaws etc, it does give more insight into some of the grittier ride details. Like line of travel, straightness, the relative forward momentum and flow from jump to jump... 

Sometimes I can see things in these videos that I didn't notice in real time, but that maybe are kinda important or indicating underlying problems etc. Like that time with Charlie at Full Moon where he wasn't actually reading the string-line fencing around the sj ring that I treated as if it were an actual wall... So without even realizing it, I had to yank him around every corner at the last minute, completely disrupting our rhythm. And then, whoops!, I fell off. It wasn't until I watched that video that it was more clear what had happened, ya know?

So anyway. Yea I like studying the videos LOL! Tho again, Doozy was so perfect this last weekend, not much to pick apart here <3

And ya know. Sometimes helmet cam videos are just more fun. Cross country is always better to relive from the first person perspective IMO! 

I'm literally still kicking myself for forgetting the camera at home when we went to Jenny Camp earlier this summer haha.... But it's all good, this trip more than makes up for it! 

It wasn't a long course -- only 9 fences over probably only like 700m if I had to guess... But it was perfect <3 

Anyway. Happy hump day everybody! We're shifting gears around here to dive into all things Maryland 5*, starting with the Young Event Horse Championships tomorrow. Stay tuned for more soon!

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