Monday, August 26, 2024

a series of unfortunate events

Oh Charlie.... He's lucky he's so loveable, guys, bc he is absolutely the most colossal pest, I swear to god.

"i am innocent." -- charlie, probably
"but also, never leave me again!!"
I always semi-dread work trips and time away from home bc it's always a fairly safe bet that Charlie will do something massively destructive and attention-seeking in my absence. 

i spent the week in seattle for work! view from my hotel room did not suck
Luckily, the folks at his new farm are legitimately wonderful barn mates and excellent horse people. Plus, obviously Charlie has everybody wrapped around his little finger hoof. So I knew they'd be able to manage whatever he threw at them. 

it was a promising start to the week for charlie too, tho he immediately threw a shoe...
But oh lawd, he threw some stuff. First was a shoe, on day 1 of a 6 day trip. Obviously. And when that didn't bring me running back, homeboy went straight up apocalyptic on day 3.

things escalated quickly tho....
Literally as my barn manager watched, Charlie bolted down his dinner with such manic violence that he immediately started choking. And y'all already know him well enough to believe the rest. 

Trying to fling himself upon the ground, retching, snot-rocketing everywhere, acting like he was going to DIE, right then and there that very instant!

the face of a horse who requires your full attention pls
So ya know. Cool, bro, cool. Barn manager called my vet (emergency call, after hours, natch), then called me and obvi I gave her the green light to trust her judgement with whatever she and the vet thought he needed. 

he's lucky the new barn family finds him endearing lol
Tho. Uh, Charlie continued with his little temper tantrum bc then, to his horror, all the rest of the horses started getting turned out after they finished their dinners (having eaten like normal upstanding citizens, ahem). 

Mr. King of the Dings over here ascribes to a lifestyle that includes maximal turn out with minimal riding (just unsound enough, ya know?), so when he realized his latest ding would keep him inside to wait for the vet, he ***immediately*** gulped down his choke and was like JUST KIDDING GUYS HAHAHA!!

"honestly i just really missed seeing you!!" -- charlie, to his most favoritest vet, who got there just in time for him to clear his own self out....
it's ok tho, bro, i'm sure that sweet nose pet was worth the emergency farm call fee haha!
This horse, I swear. He really is a LOT. Like, realistically, last time he choked, the vet and I stayed in constant contact and determined that she'd come see him if he didn't clear within an hour. At which point she'd want to tube and administer antibiotics and all the things. 

But ya know. With being out of town and all that, it made a lot more sense to just marshal the troops immediately and not risk any unnecessary fuckery...

looking forlorn when he didn't get any good drugs out of the deal
As it was, there wasn't much for the vet to do when she arrived other than pet his nose (possibly the horse's secret ulterior motive anyway) and advise my barn manager to transition Charlie back to soaked meals. 

the truth and nothing but the truth
So, eh, Charlie then went ahead and threw his other shoe. Bc why not, right??? 

thanks charles. not sure how the farrier's gonna be able to nail anything to that situation ugh...
In the world of Charles, everybody gets punished when he's sad and lonely!! He's like that tragic toxic ex who starts firing off clingy misspelled drunk texts after exactly 1.5 light beers...

"no regerts" --- charlie, 1,000%
That's all part of his charm, I guess, it's why we love him.... He's definitely a character haha. Neurotic and a little weird... but lovable all the same.
meanwhile, literally every update from Dooz Land looked like this, good girl
Tho, uh, cough cough.... I'm also immensely grateful for the *other* critter haha, who is, by all accounts (and despite her somewhat chaotic nature) extremely normal

She spent her entire vacation head down + eating, based on the pics I got LOL, and had the decency to wait to throw a shoe until I was home again, midway through our first ride back. Natch, bc she is, after all, still a friggin horse ugh lol

this is why we can't have nice things...
Never a dull moment, I guess!! Hope you all had a nice and less dramatic week!!


  1. The final photo with the notes on Charlie's board cracked me up. Glad that he's more or less still in one piece after your week away. What a saga!

    1. omg that note hahaha, i 100% shared it with everybody at the conference lol...

  2. OMG Charles! I'm glad he cleared the choke on his own. The drama!

    1. so much drama, he really lays it on super thick.... and then is just like, okie dokie guys let's wrap it up lol

  3. Charlie's stall sign made me spit my drink. Whyyyyyy though bro

    1. dude and the daily updates to the sign... made it all the way up to '3' before ratcheting back down to 0 again omg

  4. The choking - OMG! I am glad he is okay but still... and both shoes??? CMON MAN

    1. the shoes are so annoying.... our ground conditions right now are just so tricky bc everything was so hard for so long, then suddenly softened up and now the grass is growing and everybody is just like flinging shoes left and right ugh!

  5. OMG Charlie, stop trying to give your mother a heart attack!!

    1. lol to be perfectly honest i was pretty sure he was gonna be completely fine based on the report i got of the situation, it was my poor barn manager, an incredible professional who takes considerable pride in her work, who was like, 'omfg is this horse seriously going critical while his owner is on the other side of the country ?!'

    2. You definitely owe her wine and chocolate at Christmas lol

    3. lolololol mayyyybe sooner than christmas haha let's be real!

  6. Why does he do this????? Maybe you should figure out how to make some sort of sci-fi shrink ray so that you CAN bring him lol
    On a nicer note, what did you think of Seattle? Was your trip completely work related, or did you have any free time? I'm only asking bc I've lived in Seattle for my entire life 😛

    1. ha it's just who he is as a person ;)

      and that's cool about living in Seattle -- it's such a great town!! this trip i was pretty busy with work stuff (including evening networking events etc) so i didn't get beyond the main downtown area by the market, but i've been a few times over the years - including a trip with my aunt where we got to see a lot of the city. it's a great place!

  7. OMG Charlie! You’re going to be the death of Emma. And then what, huh? Who’s going to look after you then?

    1. lol i'm used to his shenanigans at this point, he's now moving on to terrorizing his new barn family lol.... he'll do anything for that sweet sweet attention, amirite???

  8. This is hysterical! Mostly because he doesn't belong to me, but still 🤣

    1. lol my colleagues at the work conference were like “omg he’s such a character you definitely need to write a children’s book about him or something”

  9. OMG. WHY ARE THEY LIKE THIS?! And it's very on trend for the red mare to let you start your ride before tossing the shoe. I mean honestly. WHY ARE THEY LIKE THIS?
    Hope everyone's feet are feeling good with their freshly replaced shoes this week. And no more choking Charlie!


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