
Sunday, June 30, 2024

look whose ears!

Happy Sunday, folks! Hope everyone is staying cool... It's been a bit warm around these parts!

honestly only a couple days have been properly miserable, tho the folks at Charlie's barn do a nice job of keeping the horses in a little later when it's really nasty, so they can stay chilled under their fans vs baking under the sun.
Charlie's doing well, too! he's coping with having bare soles better than expected, and the thrush seems to be drying up more or less apace. we're still treating regularly, tho.
but i dunno, guys, i kinda got a wild hair the other day... 

i just.... ya know.... was really hankering for a good old fashioned sit on my good friend Charles <3 so we saddled up and did exactly that!!!
just went for a nice little plod around this farm's cute outdoor arena.

guys. this place might be small and modest, but these folks take pride in their management. check out the fresh drag lines! and those freshly placed fence posts at the end, to eventually enclose the ring completely. it's kinda weird, my horses have each been moved for less than a month, and yet BOTH of their farms have dragged their rings more often in that time period than this entire year at the last place LOL
enough about that tho, bc this is about Charlie <3 <3 he's obviously ya know. not very sound. tho not as unsound as i expected. like we actually did a little bit of trotting -- a circle or two in each direction. 

it's hard to know if he's only stiff and creaky, sore from the thrush, or just generally janky. or maybe all the above? but it would be nice to maybe do a little more 'active sitting' on him to feel him out, see if maybe some trails might be in our future. 
and i swear, i only really rode him around for about 10min total. just enough to push a couple buttons and see how he is. homeboy still sweated up a storm tho -- look at that foam thru the billet strap!
we had fun tho <3 i swear this horse loves being the center of attention. so long as like, it doesn't require work lol, and also involves plenty of treats!

he's already cultivated an entirely new crop of worshippers among boarders and friends of the farm, and loves holding court in the center of the aisle, demanding smooches and pets from anybody who tries to get past lol. what a horse <3
i honestly really enjoy the time i spend with him at his barn, so maybe it's one of those blessing in disguise situations to have the two horses at different locations?
regardless, it was good to sit on him again. i still don't know exactly what his future holds, but that's ok too. this is good enough, and Charlie obvi owes me nothing!


  1. Yay Charles. I’m sure he enjoyed the toodle too! Irish spent his last several years pretty much unsound. But he enjoyed being ridden and it was good for him.

    I’m glad that you like the new digs.

    1. thanks, so far so good with the new place, charlie seems happy and i'm hopeful that we can keep toodling around, maybe riding with some of our new friends :)

  2. Charlie is looking good! The new place must suit him very well. Great lead photo of Charlie and his perked up ears as well as super cute selfie-photo of you two besties. And I am with you on the pleasures of a freshly and frequently dragged arena- very refreshing.

  3. Awww yay for bay ears! Glad you had a nice toodle. I'm sorry he didn't magically come sound, but it doesn't seem like you expected that to be the case anyway. I bet he enjoyed the ride as much as you did!


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