
Sunday, April 26, 2015

video stills + cat bbq

Accurate blog post title is accurate.

Seriously tho - I will have actual interesting (to me, at least!) content forthcoming from this weekend - but am suffering momentarily from limited time and media so... here's some lighthearted fun stuff for what's probably going to be a rainy icky Sunday. 

I didn't get to watch as much Rolex cross country as I would have liked... this was expected but still kind of a bummer. I tuned in from my phone from around 10-10:45 while B got Wick ready for our lesson at OF. We plugged the whole mess into my trucky truck's speaker system too so I could at least listen on the drive... but connectivity issues ultimately nixed that plan. 

At least I caught a couple good rounds (and subsequent stills lol) - tho checking out the leader board after the fact has me DYING to drop in on some of the on-demand stuff. There are a couple riders I definitely want to watch (Elisa Wallace among them) - but PLEASE recommend any that you really enjoyed too!

Anyway, I'll also have more to say about the OF lesson - but maybe not as much as usual (partly due to a very unfortunate dearth of media - our resident barn rats were not on the premises so media is limited to cute pics of Peanut exactly like the following). 

I didn't take Isabel along even tho we took Wick bc I just didn't quite think she was ready health- and fitness-wise yet. And, ya know, I kinda have a thing for this little mare named Peanut so... yea riding her isn't exactly much of a sacrifice lol. 

For the record, tho - Isabel is doing phenomenally well. Like, kinda blowing my mind. More thoughts to come (especially after what will hopefully be an amazeballs bio-mechanics lesson coming this morning - so excited!!!!), but long story short is that despite my sudden and intense infatuation w Peanut - Isabel is still the main mare in my life. 

So... uh, yep that's about it for today haha. As a reward for reading this far, I give you these pictures of a barn cat offering himself as a bbq sacrifice to the gods of who knows what. 

Seriously - he was just rolling around in the ashes like there was nowhere else he'd rather be. lol cats... Hope you're all having a wonderful weekend!


  1. LOL!!!!! Literally laughing out loud at your caption 'offering himself as a BBQ sacrifice to the gods of who knows what' haha! Cats!

    1. lol i feel like barn cats make for the most interesting cats! and re: biomechanics - the lesson was everything i hoped for plus some, can't wait to write all about it!

    2. I too laughed so hard with that caption! Can't wait to read about the lesson! :D

    3. lol i'm glad others appreciate cats the same way i do haha. the lesson post will be a doozy, but hopefully a goodie too :)

  2. I hope that the lesson was fun :) The cat looks like he's enjoying some form of feline spa treatment.

    1. the lesson was amazing - so great! and you might be on to something with the 'spa treatment' - we always remark that the cat is really too pretty to be a barn cat... perhaps that's his secret?

  3. Hmm...so I am imagining you going forward killing it X-country on your Peanut beast and switching to tails on Izzy the dressage diva! LOL-love kitty BBQ :)

    1. lol now wouldn't that be the combo!! tho isabel would like to add that she's very much an xc extraordinaire as well... just a different kind of ride :)

  4. I watched almost all the XC and loved it! Watch Elisa Wallace's round was AMAZING. Michael Jung's rounds were both shockingly clear. Lynn Symansy and Donner are worth watching too. I was rooting for McKenna Shea and Landioso but they had an unfortunate fall, and USEF network didn't show too much of Jimmie Schramm's run before her fall either. Enjoy!!

    1. oooh thanks for the recommendations! i watched Elisa's helmet cam, but want to catch the whole thing. and honestly i'm kind of relieved to hear Jimmie fell (tho obvi i hope she's ok) rather than got eliminated from refusals (is that weird?).... i was rooting for her and Bells!!

  5. hahaha nothing like a bbq pit to lounge around in! Have fun at the lesson!!!!

    1. lol right? he can make anything look normal, apparently haha

  6. The cat is hilarious! I saw most of the Rolex XC(all but the first hour I think). I didn't get to see Elisa Wallace though, but I enjoyed all the other rounds!

    1. glad you saw a lot to enjoy! i will hopefully catch up early this week. i recommend watching Elisa's helmet cam if you have time - it's linked above!

  7. The cat is stealing the show from the Rolex riders--seriously. Bunnie Sexton rode very well. She's 53 and it was her first Rolex. She was there last year and was unable to compete Rise Against (an OTTB). She ended in 24th place, but who cares? She rode at Rolex. :) You could see on her face when she left the stadium she was elated.

    1. she's definitely one i want to catch! i watched her dressage, and checked in on her standings on the leaderboard through the weekend. very impressive that she steady climbed the board with her performances each day. finishing 24th?? HUGE accomplishment in my book :)


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