
Sunday, March 1, 2015

Review: SSG Lycrochet Horseshoe Back Glove

I've always liked crochet schooling gloves and my first pair were from Mountain Horse. Those were well-loved and in tatters when I finally replaced them with another pair from Mountain Horse. Those were equally well-loved, but one was lost before they could fall apart. 

So I ordered another pair of Mountain Horse gloves online and somehow got the wrong size, oops. On going to the local Dover to find a pair that fit, I learned they didn't carry the crochet Mountain Horse gloves - just the SSG Lycrochet UltraFlex and the SSG Lycrochet Horseshoe Back (their crochet selection - they obvi carry other types of gloves). 

glove is one year old

I opted for the Horseshoe Back bc I prefer my wrists uncovered. The UltraFlex had a velcro closure above the wrist - tho appeared very similar to this glove otherwise. These are pricier than the Mountain Horse - but still on the affordable side for schooling gloves, and so far are holding up better (my Mountain Horse gloves always got holes in the fingers - especially ring finger, pinkie, and thumb). 

(taking this picture made me realize photographing one's own hand is pretty awkward.... lol)

Product Description (from Dover): SSG® Lycrochet Horseshoe Back Riding Gloves offer breathable comfort and grip that's perfect for warm weather. These classically-styled summer riding gloves feature pigskin palms and fingers with crochet backs for ventilation.

The SSG® Lycrochet Horseshoe Back Glove has a pigskin palm with reinforcements on the fingers in areas of rein contact. The cool crochet back makes it perfect for warm weather riding.

My thoughts: I love these gloves and have every expectation of buying another pair when these kick the bucket. Except - they aren't showing any signs of imminent demise, despite regular and prolonged use over the past year. 

The only damage: In the above picture you'll see that the right hand glove (palm up) has a split seam where the pigskin meets the crochet at the wrist. That happened almost immediately after I bought them a year ago. I'm 100% positive Dover would exchange them (even now). But the gloves haven't had any further wear and tear (and I have first world guilt problems about throwing out something that's still perfectly functional lol). 

schooling in the SSGs

I wear these gloves for schooling and for my stadium and xc rounds at events. I'm picky about fit too - and can not stand any extra material at my finger tips (it drives me absolutely bananas) - and these gloves are perfect for my hands (which are on the small-ish side). 

Showing in the SSGs

Last summer I spent a few weeks riding without gloves to teach myself how to hold on to the damn reins without letting them slip - but now that I'm better about closing my fingers, wearing these gloves for dressage schooling is fine too. 

They are comfortable for use in the summer (the crochet is indeed very breathable), but I also find them good for winter use too. On particularly cold days, my warmest shirts have thumb holes that fit nicely over the gloves - covering the crochet while still leaving the pigskin in contact with the reins.

the natural-colored glove is sticking out beneath the hot pink shirt sleeve 

Bottom Line: I would recommend these gloves and plan to buy them again in the future. 

What about you - do you have a favorite pair of schooling gloves? Or do you prefer no gloves?


  1. If I do wear gloves, even to show I like crocheted gloves as well. I dunno quite why, but maybe it's like my hand isn't being hugged to death.

    1. I'll pull out the black leather gloves for showing - but agree that the crochet is generally more comfy

  2. I have a pair of these as well and I like them quite a lot! Not for xc (too slippery because of the pigskin) or if you get a lot of horse sweat on the palm as well, but great for everything else.

    1. Glad you like yours too!! I know what you mean about the slippage, tho fortunately my reins have rubber woven in so they're pretty grippy in and of themselves :)

  3. I love crocheted gloves! Glad you like your pair too.

  4. I love crochet back gloves! Buuuut! I always found the SSG and Moubtain Horse ones would fall apart after a year, no matter what. I once had a pair of SSG last me two years, but that was an outlier. The pair if Heritage ones I have seen to be holding up better, though.

    1. Interesting! This particular pair is still holding strong one year in, so perhaps they will buck the trend? Might look into heritage too anyway

  5. I've often wondered about those crocheted gloves..Thank you for the review - maybe I'll pick up a pair sometime!

    1. Can't hurt to try a pair on, right? I kinda love trying on gloves anyway searching for that perfect fit ;)

  6. I've been eying these gloves for a while, and I might get a pair for schooling. I have a pair of Perfect Fit gloves from Noble Outfitters, and they're awesome.

    1. i've heard great things about noble outfitters gloves - just haven't tried any yet. but if you like these crochet style gloves i'd definitely try them on next time you're at the store! they're pretty great :)

  7. my favourite gloves of all time for schooling are the SSG all weather gloves. they come in a variety of colours, the material is thin enough to give me the tactility i want, the fit is right on and they are great for most weather conditions!

    but that all said, the summer months do see my wear the crochet back type gloves a lot... :)

    1. nice! i honestly never ride in anything EXCEPT crochet gloves, unless i'm at a show -- but maybe one of these days i should try something else out for schooling.... maybe lol

  8. I've never tried crocheted gloves, but maybe I should in the summer. I have had the same Neuman's gloves for more years than I can remember. Somehow one ended up in my house yesterday. I had to trick my Doberman to get it out of her mouth. I'm sure it was savory. :)

    1. ewww lol - your dog probably was in heaven with that glove! i really like the crochet style - i think bc maybe it's more flexible about fitting my individual hand than a different material??

  9. I want to try those! I have the heritage crochet gloves and I like the crochet but the fit is terrible and I can't stand the velcro at my wrist.

    1. ooh try them try them!! i'm the same - anything constricting around my wrists drives me bonkers lol - these have a much better fit for me

  10. I used to wear these gloves all the time! I stopped b/c Eli is pretty light in the bridle, but then I got hand eczema and went with the Roeckls. Still use these for barn work!

    1. Ooh I like the Roeckles a lot too - but just haven't thrown down the $$ yet lol

  11. I love the look of these -- so classy!
