Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Today's the Day!

Well.... I guess more like, this is the week? Or, this is the Beginning of the End? Or... I dunno. Something. Maybe an inflection point?

It's been a time, lately, guys. A reeeeal time. So much of our social discourse today would have made exactly zero sense a year ago, let alone 5 or 10 years back. Life changed a lot this year for most of the globe. And it's been a pretty stark contrast to see how deeply leadership in a time of crisis matters -- what a difference it makes when the People in Charge have your back, and have your best interests in mind.

I try not to be too political or controversial or whatever here on ye olde blog. And obvi hold exactly zero illusions that anyone visiting here hasn't already been bombarded with "VOTE!!" bullhorns in literally every single other corner of the internet in recent months. 

Like.... If nothing else has convinced you to participate, then a handsome picture of Charlie probably won't move that needle haha. But ya know.... I hope that you have voted, or will do so today.

I mailed my ballot in a few weeks ago and felt just this enormous wave of relief when the status was updated to "Accepted!"

(it's just a joke, people. please don't sic election fraud psychos on me!)
Like. Sure, the past few years of politics in America have been rife with opportunities for comedy. 

After all, who could forget Charlie's and my big blustery boasting about our tremendous success* at the Fair Hill water complex??? Nobody's ever seen anything like that, it was the biggest win in history, probably since Secretariat. Believe me, it was huge.

(*despite the terrible, negative covfefe of those unelected activist jump judges..)

But. I dunno about you all, but.... I'm ready for boring politics again. Plain, boring, nitty gritty, detailed, thoughtful, analytical policy and diplomacy and strategic initiatives. 

It's so hard to know what to expect -- or what sort of news to believe. Other than.... It's a safe bet that there's going to be a LOT of information (mis- or otherwise) coming out in the next few days or weeks (please dear god not months tho). 

But I feel hopeful. And patient. And relieved that I've done my own part, small tho it may be, in signaling that, dammit, we're ready for a change.

In the meantime, tho, if you need me? I'm.... probably going to be watching the news like a crackhead. And drinking haha. 


  1. I’m in my 50s and have voted in every single election, no matter how small since I was 18. Except for two when I was sick. Now I vote early to be sure. This year our municipal elections were online and it was soooo easy. National is a different story though. I hope that the results are in quickly and that there are no riots. Living in Canada feels a bit like living over a mine field these days.

    1. one of the biggest silver linings coming out of this whole pandemic situation is how rapidly new technologies (and support for them) are advancing. like touchless pay, and digital receipts. i'm sure there are plenty of pitfalls from moving so many of our transactions (esp the specter of *voting* transactions) online... probably also some pitfalls we don't even know about yet. but... overall i see it as an exciting development. for now tho i'm pretty excited about the expanded access to voting just through mail alone. seems to be making a big difference here, bc otherwise not everyone here votes as reliably as you!!

  2. Replies
    1. probably more heavily than is recommended....

  3. I'm torn between wanting to watch what is sure to be a riotous shit show play out in real time and wanting to hide from everything until it's over.

    1. honestly, if taking a dose that would put me to sleep for the next 2ish weeks was possible, i'd consider it fairly seriously....

    2. if it weren't for the 'rona, i'd say we should ALL be with carly, literally haha.

  4. I've been voting by mail for the last several elections and it's so lovley. I handed in my ballot last week.

    1. nice! i hadn't voted by mail since my first ever presidential election, actually, when i sent in an absentee ballot from college. i'm not even going to admit out loud how many times i practiced my signature before actually signing the ballot itself lol.... #2020stress

  5. I voted a few weeks back and felt great, but now I'm full of anxiety. Hoping to stick my head in the sand today and not come up for air until something is at least semi-certain.

    1. ugh the anxiety is so real tho. here's hoping the "semi-certainty" doesn't keep us waiting forever!!

  6. Jealous of my friends with benzodiazepine scrips. Just sayin'...

    1. lol for real.... i checked in with my doctor and he said Drincodin might be right for me, with bonus side effects to include potential blackouts

    2. *sigh* If only we knew how long we need the blackout to last...

    3. ugh i know, right? may i suggest refillable prescriptions....?? i'm 100% prepared to just check out for like the next 2 weeks haha

  7. I'm a canadian also watching the news like a crackhead to see who ends up winning, so no judgement lol!


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