Ok bear with me folks. As previously mentioned, I'm on the road this entire week so things are slightly dicey with interacting real-time with this blog. EXCEPT. I gots some stuffff to share. Including a slight backlog right now, and some rich promises of things to come (*cough* ROLEX *cough*).
and mare ears. always mare ears (also spot the Tillie and the Krimpet photobombs!) |
I've lately been sacrificing my sleep in exchange for lots of fun activities. Like, for instance, totally crashing Austen's visit with L Williams last week. Totally worth it tho - L is freakin hilarious and it was so great spending time with these ladies in our nation's capital eating excellent food and drinking excellent beer on not one, but TWO evenings.
Never mind that I passed out so hard on the train home that some good samaritan had to shake me awake at the final stop in Baltimore... Oops haha.
pictured: blogger meet ups FTW! |
I've also managed to actually ride my horse as expected as well. You already read about our relaxing and idyllic hack out from last Friday. And Saturday was lesson day at OF as expected. What was unexpected was learning that the next couple weeks of lessons are cancelled or otherwise not in line with my schedule. Boo :(
triple bar! |
It doesn't exactly give me warm fuzzies knowing we'll be walking into our next event (at Fair Hill for those particularly curious readers) without another lesson with trainer P... But I just have to trust our training and trust the horse.
Plus we're sticking with BN for at least this next go round. Bc why not. I'm busy and traveling and the horse is verging on not fitting into her girth any more (#springgrassproblems). We're also going to this show alone. Except my parents will be there (show is on Mother's Day and they live close to Fair Hill) and I would rather really savor the whole day with them instead of worrying about Fair Hill's novice xc oxer.
fence so skinny you can't even see it! |
While our most recent lesson at OF with trainer P wasn't without issue (both comedic and intensely annoying) - it was still plenty good enough to reaffirm that N is well within our stadium wheelhouse. The mare is just good, guys. I can ride her to shitty distances. I can ride her to a stop. Sure. But I can also lay down some really nice fences with her. We just have to get back to a better ratio of good to meh.
astro-coop! |
Right now we're at a place where the forward stride is getting easier and easier. But it MUST be ridden with commitment. However, that does
not mean "chase the mare past her distance" - my current foible du jour.
Isabel will jump from a gappy distance
sometimes. There is actually some solid video evidence of her doing so from some of our first jump lessons after I returned from the broken leg. But right now? If I ride her to the gap, she will stop. I don't like it. But that's just where things are right now, and I need to focus on our canter to avoid that altogether.
mare can't believe we're still going in the #longestcourseever |
I'm optimistic about getting some lessons with our favorite technician Dan in the next couple weeks tho, so that ought to help us feel as prepared as possible for our next event. And maybe if the stars align we'll fit in a dressage lesson with trainer C too...
Ooh but we did manage to go cross country schooling this weekend tho. With some of the freaking cutest blaze-faced chestnut geldings I've ever met. OMG. Oh, and their riders were prettttttty cool too!
warning: equine internet celebrity sighting!!!! |
Details to come!!!!!!! :D
You are killing me with all this teasing. Also in case you didn't see over on the $900 Facebook pony we came to the conclusion that you need an Instagram! Have a blast this weekend! Can't wait to read about it.
ReplyDeleteha and now i feel properly shamed for my social media ineptitude... lolz sorry? still gonna go for the win with that pic of uni tho! and thanks, i will hopefully have a lot of fun stuff posting over the next couple days - just trying to mete it out piecemeal since i'm not actually doing anything horsey at all right now ;)
DeletePretty much everything EventingSaddlebredStyle said.
ReplyDeletelolz can't catch a break with this crowd!! stay tuned for fun rolex (and our own cross country) stuff soon!
DeleteGlad you managed to squeeze some horsey into your otherwise crazy business! Lucky girl getting to meet people!
ReplyDeleteit was definitely a squeeze, but also definitely worth it :) and yes - it def felt lucky getting to ride with such cool ladies like Niamh and Alli!!
Delete*spoiler alert!* Riley looks like a giant next to Izzy and Dino. Lol. Can't wait to hear all of about the fun I'm sure you three had! Val and I are working on being comfortable with a more forward canter too. It still feels so fast to me and it's hard for my super controlling self to just sort of let go, so I feel you on that struggle.
ReplyDeleteha Izzy and Dino had to stick together to try and not look so dinky in comparison to Riley ;) they still look good enough together as a matched group haha. and re: the going forward, it's tricky with isabel bc despite appearances she actually is a push ride. so it's not enough to just 'let go' - we have to move up to the pace. so the trick becomes finding that nice balance where we don't just get flat and start running / rushing... it's tough (for me at least lol)
Deleteomg I am so tired and jetlagged but meeting up with you guys was the best! I'm so glad I didn't embarass myself too badly in front of you two! I hope to see you guys again and thanks for being awesome. You and Isabel will do fab at Fair Hill!
ReplyDeleteit was so awesome meeting you and T!!! hope you had a great trip and thanks for letting me butt in on the party!! maybe one of these days i'll be out west and can return the visit :D
DeleteYes! Come west!
Deleteoooh i would like to!!
DeleteSO MANY FUNS WERE HAD! Excited for your version of the XC recap! :D
ReplyDeleteall of the funs!!!! i'll be able to write it soon, maybe tonight? i think you covered all the good stuff tho - excellet recap!
DeleteYou're going to Rolex??? I'll be there all 4 days. Just sayin.
ReplyDeletei'lll beeee there!!! shoot me an email at fraidycat.eventing at gmail and let's meet up!
DeleteEverybody has been going cross country this past week, and this is the week that I decided to skip the lesson with the eventing team . . .
ReplyDeleteaww... yea it's a good week for getting out there but there will be other good weeks too!!
DeleteSO many celebs!
ReplyDeleteLove the blogger meet ups, so many awesome peeps in the same place ♡♡♡