
Wednesday, December 10, 2014

ww - they made me eet it

"they made me eet stuff"

"PINK stuff"

"it was awwwwfulllll!! so bad :'( "

"well yea, i mean, i had to eet it all tho. they made me."

Isabel's on a new powdered gastric supplement now that she's finished the gastrogard treatment. The recommended dosage is 2 oz daily, but she just gets a pound of feed at dinner time... so that's a pretty high powder-to-feed ratio. We shall see how long it lasts... we'll probably need to switch to something in pellet form pretty quickly.


  1. Hahaha! That face! The betrayal.

    I'm starting my boys on u -gard as well. I have heard good thongs about the pellets. Would love to get update on how you think she's done it at appropriate intervals.

    1. lol betrayal indeed :) i will definitely let you know how the supplements work out. i'm hoping to at least get through the 4lbs of powder before switching to the pellets (which is also what my trainer uses), but that might be wishful thinking.

  2. LOL! That last photo of her is hilarious!

  3. She is so expressive!
    Hope she continues to eeet all the pwoderz like a good girl

    1. lol 'expressive' is exactly the right word... i hope she eats the powder too but doubt it'll last. that's ok - the pellets are more $$ but nbd

  4. Hehe poor girl!! Could you add hay pellets or beet pulp to her feed? I hope you're able to switch to the pellets soon!

    1. we could add a few things - but want to give the plain old powder a shot first - and then try the plain old pellets. she's a pretty easy keeper - despite her recent weight loss, so adding more feed isn't ultimately the solution we want to settle on. we shall see tho :)

    2. Oh true about being an easy keeper. I didn't think about that. Beet pulp is really great for hiding things in and it's high fiber. I don't think it or hay pellets would add weight to her, but I'm not one hundred percent sure. You know alfalfa is a great buffer on the tummy too so it helps with ulcers, but alfalfa pellets might put weight on her. I guess it depends on how much it would take to hide the powder. Oh well, hopefully the ulcer pellets will work better. :)

    3. yea all of the things you list are absolutely on the table as options - thanks! i learned tonight that she's actually still doing really well at eating it all up, nearly one week into it, so all hope is not lost yet! if she does stop tho - the pellets are an attractive solution bc they are so easy.. we'll see - and i'll def keep you posted!

    4. That's great news!! Sometimes it just takes a little while for them to get used to it. :D

  5. Replies
    1. she loves to tell us what a tuff life she leads lol

  6. Imagine biting into a big bowl of Honey Bunches of Oates and biting into powdered aspirin or tums - ew! I'd make that face too! :) Do you think the Gastrogard helped?

    1. haha seriously - it definitely took her by surprise the first time... and yes i think the gastrogard worked. a lot of the nervous behaviors (including pooping a million times and general stress) seem to be resolved - and she seems much more at ease with the world again. time will tell tho, i guess

  7. Maybe add a drizzle of molasses? It would help the powder stick to the feed and maybe make it a tiny bit more palatable.

    1. that's absolutely on the list of possibilities (as is just plain old wetting it down) - tho i was shocked to see when i went in tonight that there's even less residual powder than there had been a few days ago. apparently she's actually eating it!! yay :)

  8. Hahaha awww…look at that cute powdery pink nose!

  9. my girl loves the powder...just mix it with beet pulp and she eats it right up!

    1. interesting! so far she's still eating it - about two weeks in... so fingers crossed she keeps it up! otherwise, perhaps we'll try the beet pulp idea


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