Wednesday, June 12, 2024

ww: moving Mondeuse

somehow managed to pack all my remaining junk... once both horses are settled in and i have a feel for each of the boarding barns, i'll get serious about thoroughly reviewing inventory to split between locations. for now, it's all in the truck and trailer....

managed to fit in a last-minute dentist appt too!! gotta keep checkin off all them boxes, amirite? much better to get this done in the comfort of 'home' and not need to think about it for another 10months...

morning appts ran early so doozy spent her last 45min at this farm in a paddock with a pony friend

flash forward to a little bit later and --- we've arrived!

settled in with a little hand grazing! mare will spend a week or two in solo quarantine, so she'll need a lot of attention in the meantime

those nostrils omg haha

the farm is enormous with hacking everywhere --- see the little lane going up over the hill?

stalls are nice!

have window, will peep

two main barn aisles are connected by grooming bays in the middle and end

middle bay also fitted for washing

yep, looks like a barn!
tack room cubbies come complete with little box. this will be an adjustment after years in a full locker lol

pretty sure all my stuff can fit nicely, will just need to be a little creative! ideas welcome!

onto the riding facilities --- it's a short walk to the first indoor!

and slightly longer short walk to the second indoor

outdoor ring is cute too!! sorry just snapped a shot on my way out the driveway, but obvi we'll see more of this soon! there are also little logs and xc jumps in a back field <3 <3

onward <3


  1. Wow!!! Looks very nice, can't wait to see her in action there.

    1. Definitely off to a nice start, hopefully she will settle in well!

  2. OMG two indoors is amazing! The barn looks lovely, too.

    1. Two indoors is super nice esp since they’re both generously sized! We had two outdoors and one indoor at the last place, so it’ll be interesting to see which configuration makes it easier to ride in our locations of choice

    2. Weather permitting, I much prefer to be outside. But there is also something just so appealing about not all being crammed together in the same indoor in the winter. It will be interesting.

    3. definitely agreed --- esp since i'm not sure the outdoor has lights, come to think of it LOL...

  3. What a nice facility. In terms of cubby organization, all I can say is hooks, hooks and more hooks, lol. Maybe baskets to hold wraps and bandages.

    1. Yea I think you’re right about hooks. My last locker had baskets up and down the side walls which was perfect for bottles and stuff, tho I don’t have a good track record with baskets on the floor- they tend to get overrun. My last locker was dominated by a set of drawers, which was perfect. I’ve got some ideas tho so we shall see!

  4. Looks like a lovely new place! And certainly has plenty of riding amenities. I hope you both will be quite happy there.

  5. I'm so jealous of that land to roam around!

    1. not gonna lie, i'm not sure exactly how soon doozy will be ready to roam lol, but it's nice to know it's there for when we need it! and the hills, dear lord omg, the hills... she will be a fit puppy just in her turnout alone!

  6. Looks like a really nice place! And two indoors in the winter sounds dreamy! Like one can have the lessons happening and one can be open for non lessons... I hope that's how it plays out anyway!
    I hope Doozy settles in quickly and isn't too lonely in her quarantine period. Are they going to require that when you ship out to shows and what not too?

    1. i think the quarantine is a one-time thing for newcomers, tho i'm honestly hoping they might release her a little early, or at least give her a friend... it's always a hard adjustment!

  7. This barn looks lovely too! I'm sure having two indoors will be really nice in the winter to at least change things up a little!


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