Sunday, January 14, 2024

"i thought this was the x-rails class"

Happy weekend, y'all --- hopefully a long weekend for most US readers! I don't always post on weekends, but wanted to get this preview out now bc... well, to be perfectly honest there are a LOT of pictures to share so might as well break it up lol!

look at this mare guys omg <3 i live for candid shots like this -- thanks Niamh!
Sweet Doozy went to her second off-farm clinic this weekend --- this time with jompies, and the unfailing guidance of local hero, Sally Cousins!! 

compare: this photo is undated but probably from right around May 2023
Not gonna lie, I kinda thought this might be a.... er.... big ask of the mare. This indoor arena is legitimately gorgeous, but it is also a LOT to walk into. Charlie's first time in this ring, he straight up froze and shit himself. So ya know. It wasn't a huge surprise when Doozy experienced a minor existential crisis upon entering too.

srsly tho, these candid shots <3 <3 <3
Luckily, tho, the schedule worked in our favor. Three of us caravanned up together, to ride in three back to back lessons. Katie was first -- in a semi-private with another experienced (read: unflappable) horse/rider combo who were gracious when we had a few episodes during hand walkies / ring familiarization. 

Amy was second in a private -- and was similarly unfazed by Doozy's shenanigans. Which, naturally, were already starting to abate.

how i expected the lesson to go
Finally, tho, it was our turn --- riding in a group lesson with two very lovely ladies -- one I'd just met (but who actually has connections to Doozy), and the other I've ridden with in lessons lots over the years! 

And Niamh was there!! Longtime bloggers and readers will remember ;) And omg she captured so many pics and video clips -- seriously, thank you <3

how it actually went!! holy moly, mare jumped a gate lol
And as is often the way with Sally, the lesson ended up being a bit more than I bargained for, but in a very good way. I'm notorious for wanting to quit early, get a good moment and call it a day. And Sally was having none of that, ma'am

credit to Katie and Niamh, who each caught so many awesome moments and angles!

She pushed us a bit, and was ruthlessly unapologetic about it too LOL. But Doozy really rose to the occasion! There's a lot to unpack from the ride itself --- including continuing to find opportunities to keep myself accountable even as we offer new challenges to the horse.

sweetest lady --- there's work ahead for us, but i'm excited for it!
And obvi we'll go there... probably at far greater length than the average reader really has appetite LOL. But for now I kinda just wanna bask in this good feeling of... doing things again.

traveled with a friend this time too!
Days like this are exactly why I went out on a limb with a new horse. I remain hopeful and convinced that Charlie will return to sport life. But ya know. He gets what he needs, no matter what. I'm #keepinghim.

But *I* have unfinished business. So here we are. Doozy challenges me in ways very very different from Charlie, she's such a different type, a different person. And I can learn so much from her. 

Anyway. Long preview short, hope you all have a great weekend -- and stay tuned for more!


  1. You guys look amazing!!! Her canter rhythm is so lovely in those clips, and OMG jumping all those fills without batting an eye!!!!

    1. I’m really so pleased with the mare!! She did so well (esp after her somewhat, uh, explosive entry into the ring lol). The jumping was good too — I’ll talk more about how we approached each jump and exercise (for example, we jumped almost exclusively in the direction toward the in gate) later, bc that definitely played a role in helping doozy make the best choices lol. But it was so fun!!

  2. It’s a long weekend? It sounds like it was a great lesson. I’m so happy for you.

    1. Thank you :) and yes Monday is Martin Luther King Jr day here in the States, a federal holiday where we recognize his ongoing contributions and impact, and that of the larger civil rights movement, on our society.

    2. Oh right! Thanks for reminding me

  3. This is very, very exciting! I'm so excited for you!

    1. Thank you, me too!! In some ways, the last year or so of not really being able to do much was maybe beneficial to me bc it helped reinforce that, actually I still do wanna do this stuff. Which is maybe why I’m having less trouble with anxiety right now. Who knows tho lol I’m just glad to be having horse fun!

  4. That is so exciting. She sounds like such a will horse!

  5. Oh my gosh you guys look great!!!

  6. Yay!!! This is so exciting! Emma, she's SO BRAVE! You guys are going to have so much fun. she didn't bat an eye at an of those fences. Sounds like Sally liked her too.


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