Monday, August 7, 2023

critters critter-ing

It's been such a weird time around these parts, guys. I'm spending as much (or more) time at the barn as ever -- and honestly really enjoy that time. It is a little monotonous and uneventful, tho. 

charlie likes chatting with the shetlands during hand grazing
At a certain point, if you've seen one photo of Charlie hand grazing with cute shetland ponies, haven't you seen them all? Mebbe lol. At least they are still, in fact, very cute.*

(*Except when the breeding stallion gets loose and the barn yard erupts into chaos while we try to corner and snare the wild and wily little micro beastie before he can reach the promise land lolol.....)

my sweet goofy pony, standing like maybe his feet are sore.... 
Anyway. I thought we had maybe accidentally stumbled on the perfect antidote to Charlie's persistent lameness --- tell him I bought a second horse lol. Charlie was suddenly all sorts of hyper and eager and wild seeming, like a horse that very much wants to go out and do things!

sometimes i sit on him too while we spy on shetlands 
But, eh, I dunno. I'm pretty certain his feet still hurt. Or something hurts. I dunno. Esp now with a date set for Mondeuse to come home, I've been trying to log more consistent time in the saddle -- even just walking and/or sitting, ya know? 

just charles bein a horse with his new bff pony, spirit
Bc let's be real, Charlie's not the only one wildly out of shape at the moment haha. And I'd like my first sit on the freshly off-track TB to be unremarkable no matter what she does lol.

in other critter news, remember royal?! hopefully starting to see light at the end of his long long road to recovery
But even after just a couple days in a row of easy walks around the xc fields, Charlie seems to be standing a little parked out again. 

mikey, makin sure we do a good job cleaning out the trailer!
And ya know. It's still disappointing. The farm where Charlie lives just held their annual recognized event, and the N course looks like legit play for Charlie. In another day and age, I'd be plotting our chance to rocket around after the event, or maybe we'd even be riding in it. And go figure, the ground conditions right now are so perfect -- a rarity in summer for us. 

being the barn snoopervisor is a tuff gig
But oh well, right? It's just the natural cycle of horses, I think. Like our good friend Royal, above, who was basically completely perfectly sound always and forever, right up until his own significant injury. I was shocked to learn it's been a year exactly since my friend last sat on him... 

lol at the tumbleweeds of michael floof
And you all will remember our other buddy, Punky, who spent the better part of a year out of regular work bc of some sort of mystery ailment. And after months and months and literal thousands of dollars in diagnostics, with no stone left unturned, that ailment remains a mystery even as the horse has basically returned to normal work.

oooh, and two more critters!! my niece and nephew's rats, eating birthday pie <3
So, we carry on with Charlie and his own ailments, and hope for the recovery to continue, no matter how long it takes. 

And in the meantime, the countdown clock has started for Mondeuse's arrival. It's possible that maybe another horse is just consignment to a fate of more of the same... But I'm letting myself feel a little hopeful that maybe, just maybe, I'll get to start riding again ;) 


  1. Definitely just the natural cycle of horses - just when you think all is calm and quiet, BOOM. Good vibes to Charlie and his feets and can't wait for the new one to arrive!

    1. ain't that the truth!! i'm getting excited for the new one too... had kinda hoped charlie would be a little more rideable by now so that i could sorta use him to tune my aids even while starting with the green thing.... but c'est la vie i guess!

  2. A life with horses is such an emotional rollercoaster, right? It is not for the faint of heart, that's for sure. Enjoyed the Charlie photos plus the barn cat and the birthday rat photos. Cute!

    1. when all else fails, at least there are pictures!! ;)

  3. I have extremely emotional responses to my horses lameness, so I give you kudos for holding it together this long. My mental health is (probably very unhealthily) intricately tied to my riding time. I hope you get much more saddle time with the arrival on Mondeuse!

    1. yea i mean, that's super relatable, right? i've tried to diversify a bit in recent years to get my horsey fix through channels beyond just riding -- like working at the farm, going to horse shows with friends (either as cheerleader, coach or spectator), tons of volunteering, including getting more involved in the local association's administration.... but ya know. at the end of the day, there's still a lot more i want to do and learn and accomplish in the saddle. so here's to hoping!

  4. "Everything is boring and quiet" is 100% my bane as a blogger. What have we been up to? Nothing more exciting than "petting the ponies in the field and trying to teach Dearest Spouse about horses." What is there to blog about? Not... a whole lot. I need to go do a photo post at some point... lol

    1. ha yea i totally feel that.... but hey, at least pictures!!

  5. I can't wait for Mondeuse to arrive!

  6. Having owned two for a while, it does seem to be a thing that one is always sound and happy to go to work and then the other one is...less so, for...reasons. lol. Fingers crossed for 200% sound and happy horses for you!

    1. ugh thanks ---- i'm definitely hoping for 2 sound horses, not gonna lie. it'll be a blow if Charlie keeps dragging these issues out, but i'm honestly pretty hopeful that he should (eventually) be back to fighting form! it just might not be quite in enough time to get me more fit for the greenie.... c'est la vie!

  7. It must be so frustrating when you’re doing all the things. I hope he sorts himself out. And when does the new princess come?

    1. the plan is to pick her up tomorrow, if everything goes as expected :D

  8. As someone who recently battled laminitis... the parked out stance gives me heart palpitations. I'm not sure how many xrays I have of Graysons feet now, but its FAR MORE than I have ever had on my entire body haha. Fingers crossed things resolve for Mr. Charlie!

  9. Ugh, Charlie. Get your feets together buddy! Maybe Charlie just needs to actually see his little sister to get up the motivation to be a sound working horse? Hopefully that will do the trick. Fingers crossed!
    I can't wait to read all about Mondeuse and her arrival!


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