Spring is coming and everyone is starting to get excited about the season ahead. Knowing how things usually go for me and my friends (and probably a few of you too!), the season is likely to be chock-full of highs, lows, and plenty of hilarious moments of fail.
won a ribbon! |
To celebrate, I would like to announce a fun and friendly contest to span the entire 2017 season - tho with a nice door prize to satisfy those of us with an insatiable need for instant gratification. The contest? EVENTING BINGO.
Door Prize Entry - Contest Open to All!:
- First, leave a comment by Sunday, 3/5/2017 on this post indicating you want to play.
- Each participant will be randomly assigned (by the gods of Excel's random number generators) 2 (two!) of the below EVENTING BINGO cards. Much excitement!
- I will post said assignments in a dedicated blog post, and recommend that you download and save your two cards (and maybe post to your own blog).
- HOWEVER. To ensure entry in the contest, you must do the following:
- From your cards, choose a winning BINGO path (either a full row, full column, or diagonal).
- Write a fictional short story about how that path might play out with you and your horse in real life.
- Not all paths will be realistically feasible in a single event (as in, you probably can't have an RF on xc and still get a ribbon.... unless you're riding in a starter trial and fall unrelated to the fences and are therefore allowed to remount and continue bc some starter trials are awesome like that) so make sure your story reflects this. If you don't know what a block on your card means or have questions about rules, please ask.
- The more absurd, creative, epic, hilarious, tragic, whatever, the better.
- Illustrations / visual representations highly encouraged.
- Publish your story in the comments of the post dedicated to BINGO card assignments, or publish on your own blog (but leave a comment saying you did so) by Wednesday, 3/15/2017.
- A $25 Riding Warehouse Gift Certificate Winner will be drawn randomly from the pool of participants.
- Therefore you don't need to be an eventer nor do you need to participate in any 3-phase events this season to be eligible to win a prize!
- I may also highlight collections of the most hilarious, dramatic, or riveting stories throughout the season.
this dressage test could have checked off a few boxes |
2017 Eventing Bingo Season-Long Contest:
Things are a little more squirrely in the actual playing of EVENTING BINGO, for which the cards are open ALL SEASON. I expect (and hope for!) multiple winners - but proof will be tricky.
Obviously photographic evidence of each achievement is ideal - whether that's a picture of your dressage test sheet, your ribbon (or, um, lack thereof), or actual action shots or videos. But this is not required.
Reporting on your BINGO card achievements should be done in real time (in comments or on your own blog) and you are responsible for keeping track of what you check off throughout the season. It may take multiple events to complete a winning BINGO path (
so, if you fall during xc in one event, but come back and win the next one - you could complete a path that includes both those criteria).
To report a winning card: Write the story of how each achievement came to be (whether it was over multiple events or just one) and either publish on your own blog or send to me (in which case, I will publish the story here).
Some "achievements" are fairly tongue in cheek. For instance, "Wardrobe Malfunction" could be many things and is left to your discernment. Could be a popped boot zipper. Or a broken stirrup leather or rein. Or a pinny flying into your face right before a fence. But it probably
isn't a snagged hairnet, unless it somehow snagged hilariously (feel free to take that as a challenge!).
"chipped in an extra stride" is a gross understatement for this moment. |
As for prizes.... Because I'm hoping for quite a few winners, the prizes will likely be on the light-hearted side of things vs cold hard cash money. Think: Custom badges for your blog. Or like. Stickers or something. Small fun stuff that probably won't require me darting back and forth to the post office 8 thousand times.
However, I reserve the right to do some sort of retroactive prize for winners, maybe on a quarterly basis? Such as: everyone who reported a winning BINGO card in Spring gets a token prize.
Honestly I'm hoping that the $25 Door Prize will incentivize entries well enough, and that you'll continue to play along bc it's plain old fun. Let me know if I'm way wrong on that tho lol.
In the meantime, take a gander at the below cards to start imagining what
winning might look like - and how this game could take a losing day or terrible disaster and turn it into an advantage.
Leave your entry in the comments!!
Card A |
Card B |
Card C |
Card D |
Card E |
Card F |
Card G |
Card H |
Card I |
Card J |
Card K |
Card L |
Card M |
Card N |
Card O |
I WANT TO PLAY!!!!!! omg so excited!! This is the best contest idea I've ever seen!
ReplyDeleteHaha yasss I'm so excited! Can't wait to see what you write up too lol
ReplyDeleteYAS excellent!!! My riding buddies and I had been joking about this forever. Had to make it a reality!!
DeleteSo great!! And I have 2 horses to event this year so TWICE the opportunity to have fantastic, Bingo-worthy, hilarious fails!
Deletehahahahah egggggscellent!!!! hopefully with two tho you'll also have plenty of chances for some sweet wins too!! "won a ribbon" anyone?!? :D
DeleteSign me up! I want to play. Will definitely do the fictional account and see how much of real one I can do without actually doing CC :)
ReplyDeleteHaha I mean some of these cards can definitely be won with a more creative interpretation of the blocks lol. Looking forward to reading Carmen's perspective on the horrid of cross country lol ;D
DeleteOooh, I luvz me some bingo! Count me in!
Deleteand fun fact: i made those bingo cards while riding the train into DC yesterday, and there was an older woman sitting next to me who kept curiously peering over onto my computer screen. i got the distinct feeling that she plays a LOT of bingo, but could not for the life of her figure out why these cards looked so.... strange lol. "That's not like any bingo I've ever played!"
Oh this is going to be fun! Sign me up.
ReplyDeleteyay!! i'm stupidly excited to see how this plays out!!! :D
DeleteSo many of these have happened to me. Many that I hope to never repeat again. And some you don't have (Eliminated in warm up, forgot to cross the finish line)
Deleteyas so many have happened to me too..... so so so many lol. and actually "missed the finish flags" is in there (see Card F, bc yea that's happened to friends and ALMOST happened to me before), but damn i did not know you could be eliminated in warm up!!!
Deletesome of these really made me laugh. where do you come up with this?
Deletei kinda wish there was a jump JUDGING one cause I think that would be really funny too....
"rider made you actually poop your pants a little"
"had to stop rider for going off course earlier"
ha that would be hilarious too - or "Made the jump judge want to poop their pants a little bit!"
Deletehonestly my riding buddies and i sat around in my trailer drinking beers and giggling about all our funniest moments (including one of their EPIC long spots earlier in the day) and brainstorming about how to make eventing bingo a reality. we are definitely doing our own version of the game off blog too haha
is it a drinking game? if so we should formalize for FEI tailgating
Deletejust sayin.
Omfg yes a million times yes. Lol!
DeleteThat's it. We are totally doing it. Hell. I shoulda been doin this all last year when I was only spectating and not competing lolol
DeleteI'm in. And I might try extra creative interpretation for the season long bingo to see what happens since Stinker doesn't jump
ReplyDeleteyas creative interpretation is VERY encouraged in this game!!
DeleteOmggggg I'm in!!!! Woohoo!!!
ReplyDeleteomg yes IT IS ON!!!!
DeleteOk, I'm in. I am reading some of the bingo cards and am cringing as I have earned some of these already and hope I don't again. Got a 4 on movement? check. My horse was "that" horse? check. How many penalties and not eliminated? Check. jumped a xc fence without stirrups? Check. Mud everywhere? Heavy rain? Check. *sigh* I should be able to come up with some really real life stories!
ReplyDeletelolol, right???? i mayyyyy or may not have borrowed quite a few of these "achievements" from my and my friends real life experiences haha, and from the stories i've gleaned reading blogs like yours. it's gonna be a blast filling these cards out!
DeleteI may or may not have been inspired to put up a "Eventing Bingo Bad Backstory" post. Oh the laughs I hope it gives people from my pain!
Deleteooooh yay i can't wait to read! and am looking forward to your formal entry story once i get the bingo card assignments out!!!!
Deletei LOL'ed at the 'my horse being THAT horse'.... does spinning, dumping me in warmup, running at a flat out gallop and rearing at the gate counts as that horse??!
Deleteum. YES haha i think that counts for checking off a FEW of the above boxes lol.... tho now i'm kicking myself for not including a "LOOSE HORSE" square haha
DeleteI think I've checked off all the ones you mentioned in a single dressage test before. LOL!
Deleteha yup sounds about right!
Deletehahaha omg yes there shouldve been a loose horse. worst feeling ever... watching them streak off while you do the long lonely walk back to the trailer alone...
DeleteSeriously. Worst. Feeling. Ever.
DeleteI can't even imagine what would have happened if Izzy ever got loose. She might still be loose today haha, ruling the wilderness as only she could.
This is so great! Looks so much fun. I'm thinking to join too:)
excellent! i think it's going to be really fun!!
DeleteDude yes I am 100% in
DeleteYou had me til write a fictional short story lol. I am lazy. The bingo part looks pretty fun though, I'm giggling at a few of the squares.
ReplyDeleteawww lol c'mon, you're a blogger - a natural story teller! and there's no word limit (minimum OR maximum) on the stories. i'll probably do some examples over the weekend, but it could be as boring as this, from Card J:
Delete"horse freaked out in warm up and got all the wrong kind of attention, but we were still in first place after dressage - YAY for being the only rider in the division! had a bummer rail in stadium but was cruisin around. until we fell in the water on xc, thus crushing our hopes of winning a class of 1, and snatching defeat from the jaws of sure victory!"
Ok, if it only has to be a paragraph then I'm in lol. I'm already halfway there on a few of the cards.
DeleteThis is SO creative! I think I'd like to join in for the door prize part..though some of those squares could easily be converted into trail ride/hunt pace misadventures lol
ReplyDeletehahah definitely - i'm all about thinking outside the box about these squares!!! ;)
DeleteBest idea ever!! I wish I could participate but I don't event. I'll be following along though!
ReplyDeletereread the rules for the door prize - it's literally a randomly drawn winner from the pool of participants who write a hypothetical story about how their winning bingo card could play out in real life. you don't even have to actually ride a horse to be eligible to win, let alone event one!
DeleteI don't event (yet?), but I'll enter the door prize contest! :)
ReplyDeleteexcellent we're happy to have you!!
DeleteI'm definitely playing! Hopefully we'll make it to one whole event this year too, where knowing us we'll be able to cross off many, many of those squares in one fell swoop. And probably not in a good way! :P
ReplyDeleteyasss haha!!!! bobby's definitely got the talent for it!! and of course in the right circumstances and with the right gusto for weaving a story around each achievement, i'm open to ... more creative interpretations of how each square is fulfilled lol. so potentially non-3-phase outings could be open for consideration :D
DeleteOMG I'm so in- this is HILARIOUS!!!
ReplyDeletehaha excellent!!! i can't wait!
DeleteI have...not a whole lot of idea what's going on but count me in anyway! I think my brain is just stuffed full of the writing I'm doing for work today and not processing non-history things terribly well. ;)
ReplyDeletelol no worries - more details will come!!
Deletei am not that creative but dear God this has me giggling like a banshee in my office at work (they are used to me being inappropriate). I am in. SO Many of those squares i have already done as well...Rider Fall of course that probably is a given again this year but my best one I squeed at was Nice Pair (I get that in all my dressage tests, i tend to think cause we are both chunky (blondes and buckskin) :) HA
ReplyDeletehahaha excellent!! and who knows, maybe you'll surprise yourself with your creativity? or you'll get a card that hits close enough to home that you can draw on all those past experiences to come up with a story!! ;P
Deleteand i too will need to reread and figure this out :) LOL (a lot of info in 30 seconds) :)
DeleteI am sooooooooooooooo in!!
DeleteI want to play but I'm so distracted right now. Baby fever on the brain. I'll keep myself as a maybe until the 5th!
ReplyDeleteha that's fine - plenty of time to make up your mind!
DeleteI'll join in ;)
ReplyDeleteexcellent!!!!! :D
DeleteMay the stories commence! (Er, I'm in...)
ReplyDeleteyasss!! i can't wait to see what everyone comes up with haha
DeleteI think I'm going to have to re-read the rules a couple times before I fully understand all this, but I'm in :)
ReplyDeleteEspecially as I'm aiming to do my first ODE in April!
haha excellent - and no worries, there will be further clarification, explanation, and examples coming over the weekend and next week ;)
DeleteBoo.. another circle I can't be a part of
ReplyDeletedoor entry prize is open to any and everyone - no riding even required! i'm putting you on the list whether you wanna be or not haha, tho i'd love to see what you come up with for a short story (or maybe a graphic rendering????)
DeleteSweet! I'm totally in.
ReplyDeleteyassssss!!! it's gonna be good!!
DeleteCan you send me 2 extra cards for my husband? He going to play too. I might even get him to blog about it.
DeleteAnd I'll contribute a prize for one of the quarterly/monthly whatever you decide to do. Stall sign/treats/whatever, just let me know.
definitely - he's added to the list!
Deletethat's awesome about contributing a gift too - super generous! i'll be in touch with you off line to discuss details further. super excited!!!
Me me me me!!
DeleteI am IN for the door prize! Could be tricky doing the full season one with being a dressage horse and all . . .
DeleteI'd like to play, even though I have no horse. I do have several stories, though....
ReplyDeleteexcellent!!! stories are exactly what this is all about!! :D
DeleteOh gosh I want to play!
ReplyDeletegreat - it's gonna be fun!
DeleteYes. I'm in. What a FUN idea Emma!
DeleteI'm in :)
DeleteYes please! Sign me up!