
Thursday, January 11, 2024

boring is good

I had just about talked myself out of riding last night.... Eh, I was tired, it's been rainy gross weather, so many zoom calls already this week, so tired... ya know. Normal stuff. 

Was just gonna brush the ponies, tell them they're pretty, change Charlie's wrap, and call it a day. 

Buuuuuut.... Then Katie said she wanted to play around with some little jumps in the indoor lol.

me when my friends say they wanna set up little jompies
That obviously sounded a whole lot more exciting than yet another ride spent on endless walk-trot transitions and spiraling in and out, our homework from last week's dressage clinic. 

doozy loves the mirrors lol
Don't get me wrong, I love homework. The day in, day out nitty gritty minutiae is all part of the journey and joy for me and all that... But, eh, sometimes it's nice to change it up haha!

power trotting around
Tho, naturally, we spent our warm up on the same work anyway. Bc ya know, Lauren maybe had a point about the importance of zillions of walk trot transitions, esp any time I feel like Doozy might be trotting a bit away with me. 

traffic school graduate
And I'm enjoying practicing the spirals too, bc it turns out that our blobular attempts in the clinic weren't only bc of imprecise steering. It's actually..... not that easy to keep Doozy turning on those smaller radius circles right now. Which like, duh haha. That's kinda the whole point. Needs intentional practice, so we practice intentionally!

target acquired!
But ya know, the main event was playing with colorful poles, yay!!! We set up three jumps along the E-B line, a simple straight forward X on the quarter line, and then two verticals on the diagonals.  

Plus we placed a few single ground poles strategically --- one in line with the center line at A, the end of the arena where Doozy tends to fall in on her right shoulder the most. Another in line with the center line right around X, for catching on a circle. And another on the quarter line at B. 

landed on her correct lead!
I obviously love a lot of ground pole exercises --- they are so helpful in keeping me honest in my steering and balance and all that. Plus they're useful in helping Doozy tune in too.
my left hand has a mind of its own lol but look at her go!
After a long walk warm up, and some pleasant trotting plus some solid canter reps over the poles, we started aiming for the little cross rail. Obviously clobbered the whole thing the first time bc #boooring lol. 

get 'em, dooz!
Dismounted to reset it, got back on, then went about jumping it back and forth a few times in each direction. And Doozy was basically just perfect. Kinda bored, tho got excited and cantered the last few steps to it once or twice. 

clever already with her footwork
So I opted to do one last little circuit around, but this time adding in one of the little verticals! Doozy has jumped a slightly larger vertical before --- when we did that two stride in and out a few weeks ago. But ya know. It still feels new to me. 

adorably boring
Not to Doozy, tho, apparently! This jump was equally boring to her, and she just trotted right on over and cantered away. Good girl! And obvi we videoed it bc I live for this stuff lol.

landed that lead correctly too, good girl!
Also notable about the ride --- we started in the ring with just the two mares, then Punky joined us as we were starting to jump. And then right as Doozy headed to her first jump in the video below, you can hear the sliding door as a fourth horse came in from the attached barn. 

And none of that mattered to Doozy. She is officially traffic-safe in our home indoor, good girl!

And that's the stuff, right? Good clean simple fun with our ponies -- I'm so glad my friend convinced me to ride haha. And am excited to keep working on the jumping stuff with Doozy --- she definitely seems to enjoy it!


  1. OMG she's so casual about doing her job, good girl!!! 😍😍

    1. thanks i'm so impressed with her attitude is coming along!

  2. I know she is new to jumping, but it just seems so in her wheel house. I can see why you have fun with her.

    1. thanks --- honestly that's exactly what it feels like, too! like sure, she has second guessed a jump once or twice --- but the more she sees of them, the more she seems to understand and like them!

  3. Awww, she's such a grown up! What a good girl with horses coming and going. She really seems to like jumping. I think you two are going to have SO MUCH fun this year!

    1. thanks i am hoping to have SO MUCH FUN !! she really does seem to enjoy the jumping game -- almost like the whole rest of the world melts away when she's got a jompy in her sights haha...

  4. That vertical looked SO easy for her!

  5. Boring is the best. I think you’ve got a great horse there


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