Wednesday, January 31, 2024

After the Races Needs Your Help!

Attention thoroughbred lovers! After the Races, a nonprofit thoroughbred rehabilitation and adoption agency very near and dear to my heart, is in urgent need of your help!

The farm ATR has called home for over 6 years recently went up for sale, and ATR is raising funds for the down payment. As any of my local readers know -- the market for equestrian properties around Maryland is limited and competitive, making the idea of simply relocating a lot more complicated than it might immediately seem. 

Meanwhile, ATR has established an incredible footprint in the regional equestrian community, including their network of dedicated volunteers, veterinarians and farriers who all want to see this special organization stay local.  

adopting Charlie from ATR changed my life <3
OTTB on Tap interviewed ATR's program director, Bonnie McRae in a recent podcast to learn more about the organization, their impact on the thoroughbred aftercare industry, and why this funding initiative is so important right now.

This podcast is available on Spotify, Apple podcasts and everywhere you find your podcasts. Please check out the interview to hear Bonnie's story in her own voice, and please consider sharing among your own networks to expand the reach of this important fundraising effort.

The 77 acre horse property is listed for $1.4 million, and ATR has already raised more than $200,000 toward their down payment goal of between $600,000 and $800,000. 

But time is running out fast

Yesterday, ATR announced an exciting matching gift challenge by The Carver Foundation, founded in 2021 by animal welfare supporters, Guy and Bridget Carver. This gift challenge means they will match the next $10,000 in donations -- making your gift of any size go twice as far!

Support from the thoroughbred community of volunteers, adopters, racehorse owners, and trainers has been immense so far:
  • Over $200,000 raised, in less than a month!
  • $113,000 of those donations came in the form of major contributions ($1k up to $50k!)
  • $95,000 in donations have come from small dollar grassroots donations
  • These grassroots donations range from $5-$500 and DO ADD UP!

Please consider making a gift of any size TODAY -- especially given the advantage of The Carver Foundation's generous matching contribution!

Mondeuse joined us by way of ATR this past August!
Ways to Give:
  • Monetary donations can be mailed directly to: After the Races, 3168 Telegraph Rd, Elkton, MD 21921.
  • You can also contribute via the websiteVenmo or PayPal. Please mention the purpose of your donation through Venmo and PayPal.
  • Please contact ATR directly if you are considering making a major contribution, or if you are interested in committing to a matching donations challenge.
  • PLEASE SHARE OTTB on Tap's interview with Bonnie, news of this fundraising campaign, or any of these infographics with your network too! 

I know this isn't your typical 'Fraidy Cat Eventing blog content, but hopefully you'll appreciate the urgent need and importance of organizations like After the Races. My entire horsey life would be different if it weren't for Bonnie and this special adoption agency, all recognized as honest brokers who offer accessible adoption terms. These folks are known for their advocacy and commitment to giving good horses a great shot at second chances, and it shows. 

No amount of support is too small, and every little bit can have a big impact. Please feel free to contact me directly if you are interested in learning more or getting connected ---  fraidycat.eventing {at} gmail. 

Thanks all!


  1. Done! I just donated to the cause and shared After The Races information via my blog's Pinterest page.

    1. Thank you - your support means so much!

    2. Absolutely! I think it's so important to support rehoming efforts for all horses needing new homes and jobs. I really hope they are able to purchase the farm. I am listening to the podcast episode right now and am impressed with their history and involvement with OTTB's.

    3. oooh i'm so glad you're enjoying the podcast!! Bonnie really has a powerful story to tell, ATR has impacted so many lives! one thing i appreciate most about the organization is their honesty and authenticity. for me, adopting an OTTB is such a leap of faith, such a big move, with so many unknowns and uncertainties --- but their adoption terms and transparency in selling have given me a lot of confidence to go for it with two horses that, under different circumstances, might have seemed too risky. and i love my two horses <3

  2. This is so sad. Zach's racing syndicate actually posted something over the weekend and we donated. Bummer we didn't get the match.

    1. that's awesome tho -- every little bit of support helps! it seems like the match challenge will hit its target, so hopefully it ends up being enough in the end... we shall see!

  3. I haven't heard of that particular OTTB rehoming group but it sounds like they do a great job! I'll donate, I hope they are able to get enough.

    1. thank you -- really appreciate the support!

  4. Done! In addition to supporting their mission, it saves a bit more green space as well.

    1. green space and a wonderful, transparent mission in support of even those horses who maybe aren't destined for competitive performance homes -- they need after care too!

  5. I tried to post a link to your post to FB, and got blocked -- but I WAS able to donate a chunk via paypal. Let us know what happens, yes?

    1. thanks so much, the support is so important <3 you should be able to at least share the podcast on FB, but i'm not a great social media user so i don't know the details lol... in any case, i'll definitely keep you all posted!


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