Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Oh FFS, Charles.....

Sooooooooo. Charlie. My dear sweet gelding, Charlie. You know the one.

this one. this swamp monster and his ne'er do well friend moose....
I don't call him the "King of the Dings" for nothing. Bc just when we thought things were looking up, he went ahead did it again. 

I'm guessing he and his herd of hooligans got a little frisky in a recent rainstorm --- note the mud speckles on his face, and forelock tucked behind his ears? Telltale signs of a Charles who has been running....

probably shoulda warned ya, but these pics are gross
And I dunno. Maybe one of his friends stepped on him? Or he stepped on his own self?? Or maybe just put the foot somewhere it didn't belong. Who knows, ya know? Regardless, he came in with a big ol' heel bulb wound.

"i didn't make that mess behind me, it was the other brown horse" - charles, probably
The combination of what must be an astonishingly painful wound (I imagine it's a bit like a fingernail bed injury), plus having been out in the rain all day, made him a bit of a handful. 

laceration incorporates the coronet band....
I got him into the outdoor wash stall first to rinse off the bulk of the mud from his legs and hoof... Then attempted to flush the wound with peroxide and iodine, all while trying not to get kicked in the face.  

looks painful
Shot a text off to the vet too... Tho, hahasob, as fate would have it -- we already had an appointment scheduled. Bc ya know. Charlie was supposed to get his hocks done. Bc he was supposed to be returning to soundness, legging up again. Remember? The whole "be my riding horse again" thing? 

taking me for a little walk while waiting for the vet
As it is, tho, we put off the hock injections. Joint injections have associated risks even in perfect conditions, right? Adding in a wound on the same leg, that may or may not be brewing infection, elevates the risk profile a bit. We've already waited this long, might as well wait a little longer -- and address the more pressing wound first. 

charles, maybe if you didn't try to graze like a mountain goat we wouldn't keep having these problems
Which, ya know, is fine. Charlie doesn't need hock injections to go about living his normal life. He needs them to be a riding horse who comfortably does stuff like walk-canter transitions and jumps. So it's not a big deal. 

see, isn't this much easier??
The vet spent a good long while scrubbing the wound, after sedating him and applying a numbing topical spray. Honestly I think she was trying to decide what to do. 

mmmmmm sedation
It's not necessarily a deep wound, or particularly catastrophic. But the flap is thick enough that it could potentially survive -- vs needing to just get cut off. The flap also incorporates coronet tissue and some hoof, details that make it maybe ideal to try to save it. 

debriding the edges of the flap and contaminated deep tissue
So she ultimately decided to administer a nerve block, debride the wound and staple it closed. The staples might be wishful thinking.... Like, it sure would be great if they worked. But it's not a big deal if they fail --- or at least, not a bigger deal than if she didn't try in the first place. 

please please please do your thing, staples!
Either way, vet expects it'll be a pain in the ass to get this heel to heal. Everything about it is kinda perfectly not ideal -- the location, the inclusion of coronet tissue, pressure on the wound from normal movement.... All the things, basically.

elastikon'd to high heaven
Plus conditions outside are basically exactly wrong too. We're officially into the wetness of early winter around here, especially in Charlie's field -- which is gigantic and grassy, except for where it bottoms out at the stream where the gate is. That area gets MUDDY and deep. 

plus a duck tape wrapper for good measure
So Charlie will be consigned to his stall for at least the foreseeable future. Bandage changes every 1-3 days depending on how soiled it looks, with photo updates to the vet re: the staples. It may be that they start falling out in a couple days, but ideally they'd last about ~2wks before being intentionally removed -- cross your fingers for a Christmas miracle haha.

He also started a course of regular SMZs, plus got some banamine during the visit, and will get a few days of bute too. 

Sigh. This horse, I swear. I really really love him. And he really really loves being fussed over. Sometimes it's just a lot tho!!


  1. I swear, the only person I know who has luck as rotten as mine is YOU 🤦‍♀️

    1. lol i mean, at some point you'd think i'd learn to stop talking out loud about how excited we are when charlie looks like he's getting sound again ......

  2. Oh.. My.. Goodness Charles. I'm speachless.

    1. it's kinda amazing how good he is at ridiculously absurd minor injuries

  3. I have no words. None. I can imagine your frustration. Enough universe. Enough.

  4. OMG Charlie! I'm shaking my head but also hope he heals without any complications

    1. srsly.... i'm not super optimistic about those staples lasting more than a couple days but crazier things have happened!

  5. Whyyyyyyyy. Maybe if you change his nickname he would change his shenanigans? Sort of the old superstition around show names? Fingers crossed for those staples.

    1. lol i mean.... he has undisputedly earned his mantle as "King of the Dings" let's be real hahahaha.

      i could call him something else a bit more aspirational... just asked Chat GPT for ideas involving 'clean legs' and they recommended "Sir Smooth Shanks," so.... there's that LOL

    2. "Sir Smooth Shanks" made me spit my tea lol

      Also come on Charlie, srsly

  6. Charles!!! God I hate heel bulb injuries. I accidentally clipped L once when trying to undo an abscess bootie and it bled so much for such a tiny cut. Fingers crossed for a speedy recovery and that his staples remain where they belong.

  7. Oh Charlie, this is NOT the way to get more attention to yourself! Good luck with those staples, sheesh

  8. Charlie says if you're going to do something, do it all the way 🙃 omg tho fingers crossed he heals quickly and uneventfully!

  9. Oh, man! He does have a knack for finding trouble. Hoping once again for a speedy recovery.

  10. I have nothing new to say that the title of your post hasn't already said (facepalm)...but hoping he heals quickly and with relatively less Charlie drama

  11. Noooooo!!!! I’m so sorry, Emma! I will pray for quick healing!

  12. Omg, you just can't catch a break with this horse! I hope Santa brings Charlie a giant roll of bubble wrap for Christmas this year.

  13. Ugh. Charlie. Dude. BE MORE CAREFUL WITH YOURSELF!
    I hope, despite expectations, that this heals quickly for you guys.


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