
Monday, March 11, 2024

did it for the C(ulture)T

Guys, not gonna lie... I kinda feel like a kid again, omg.

this lovely cooler was a very unexpected and generous gift, ngl i got a little teary eyed <3
And let's be clear here, haha --- I mean that in a few different ways. On one hand, the innocent childlike glee of finally getting back out and doing things with my pony!! And also, the kinda childish feeling of taking an extremely green and rough-around-the-edges horse out in public. 

Mostly, tho, it's all about that first feeling <3 

deep breath, dooz -- throwing you right into the deep end!
Doozy and I participated in another schooling dressage show this weekend. This time, tho, it was an away show with an "L" judge and entries that included FEI horses (not to mention one of Boyd Martin's former Olympic mounts, omfg). 

going down center line of the large court for our dinky Intro B test like........
We were, without a doubt, not the classiest entry on the order of go haha. But ya know, I wanted to be there, and Doozy was more or less on board. And so we did it!

yes i wore my stupid white gloves again <3
I know not everyone would make the same decision. And some might say that our dollars spent on entries might be better utilized in lessons. And you wouldn't necessarily be wrong either, but I just don't see it as a zero sum equation. 

It's not "either / or," ya know? We can do ALL the things!!

only nearly fell off once, when passing the judges stand
And this experience was itself instructive in many many ways. While also facilitating a generally positive set of circumstances for Doozy. 

cantering on purpose!! rider still can't seem to sit tho haha
The forecast called for buckets and buckets of rain to start at some point around midday, so they set the schedule such that riders were arranged into blocks, with that set all sharing the indoor for warm up time (outdoor arenas were also open and available all day) and then doing their tests, and then giving way for the next 'block.' 

basically representative footage
Our group was arranged into a block together --- meaning Doozy and I got to familiarize in the ring among a group of empathetic friends. We were also the first block to go, and in fact the first trailer to arrive on site. So it was a pretty quiet environment too!

"is it even worth getting there if you don't get there FAST?!?" -- Doozy, probably
Just like at Loch Moy, we basically proceeded from the trailer to the mounting block (with a person at the block with us ((hai Katie!!))), no hand walkies needed. And ring familiarization was fairly smooth too. 

Honestly, the biggest hurdles for our rides had to do with 1) Doozy was very preoccupied with Rosette; and 2) Doozy isn't exactly what you'd call "schooled" yet LOL. 

halt, salute, survive!!
It turns out, the stuff that's hard at home (like, ya know, trotting a circle on an even tempo with correct bend) doesn't magically get better at a show. We know this. And it's ok. And thus the quality of our rides was not any better than what you've seen in recent videos. 

NOTABLY, however, the rides weren't any worse either. 

Doozy went forth and did the things. She did normal green horse stuff like sucking back going away from the in gate, and wanting to zoom going toward the in gate. We broke gait a number of times all over the place, and our 'circles' were anything but. 

the collection of unimpressive (but cute!!) satin grows!!!
But ya know. We did eventually present three clear gaits in both directions. The horse did in fact execute two complete tests --- the only error being when I chose to repeat one of the Intro C circles after we misfired into the lead and were slow to fix it. #SchoolingShow, right?? 

AND. She also stood more or less quietly outside the ring while our friends took their turns. And experienced a lot of people and horses coming and going without fuss. Basically a big deposit into the "Soft Skills" bank, as far as I'm concerned!

onto phase 2!!!

honestly this was a major part of why we joined the party in the first place
Lol for real, the only reason I originally wanted to tag along was bc the group planned to jump around the cute little schooling xc field afterward. 

Y'all might remember the first time I came to the Stables at Fox Crossing back in February 2022, when Royal and Charlie did a little jumper show. I swore then that we'd be back to "conquer" the xc field later... and now was our chance!!

not much side view of us jumping, but plenty of helmet cam!
Tho obvi, the forecast of "buckets and buckets of rain" kinda dampened our hopes that it would all work out... except that it did! We got lucky -- the rain held off and we squeaked in an efficient school for all involved, without mucking up any of their footing!!

nonchalant about steps
And guys. If Doozy was confused about me dismounting, changing some tack stuff (like adding the martingale), and getting back on again... she hid it well. And she was shockingly good out in the field too. Like started off a little herd bound, but grew increasingly bold about doing our own thing when she realized jompies were happening!

wheeeee!! also, lol @ rosette's expression
We basically stuck to all the little logs, and she was more or less game. Had one kinda distracted runout when Rosette was directly in our line of sight as we approached the jump, then Doozy was like, "Holy shit who put that there!" and squirted out to the side. Nbd, tho, jumped it the second time fine and had no further issues. 

cantering out in an open field. who woulda thunk!
We also played around with the super fun bank complex around the water! It was like a jungle gym for ponies, guys, 100% recommend haha. 

Doozy did get a little wild at times with our jumps -- but we finished on a few really positive notes and it felt like a really solid overall introduction to jumping on grass + terrain. 

honestly pretty chill at the trailer this day
(also, i love the OTTB's innate ability to 'suck it in' the second you take a pic --- look at her nostrils lol)
Honestly the whole day was a pretty big net positive for the horse. None of the "tasks" are individually difficult for her, she just needs to learn to be able to put it all together. As the judge said, tho, 'exposure + time' will be key for this horse. 

happy to hang out aboard too! good girl, Dooz!!
As far as I'm concerned, this is the good stuff. It's been a long year+ sitting on the sidelines with all of Charlie's soundness issues. And I'm obvi still hopeful that there are future Charlie adventures still ahead of us!

But in the meantime, there's Mondeuse. And it's a lot of fun so far!!! 


  1. Looks and sounds like a fun and valuable weekend. Getting to play in that nifty water obstacle would be worth the price of admission alone. You and Doozy are out there doing the thing- how cool is that!

    1. that water complex was so fun -- as were all the little banks!! sometimes it's harder at smaller schooling venues bc a lot of "DIY" / homemade style jumps are actually not super inviting to the horses -- either bc they don't have the best profiles or are a little spooky looking or whatever. but this place definitely appears to have invested significantly in making really wonderful banks and steps!

  2. It’s never wrong to take a horse places and do the things, unless you have unrealistic expectations. This is all so great for her and you had a blast. So it’s a win in my book

    1. my thoughts exactlyyyyyy :D like, in some ways, from Doozy's perspective, it wasn't really different from any of our other off farm lessons. like, having her perform tests (aka "movements at the letter whether you're ready or not!) in a large arena by herself was a big ask... but turns out, she had an answer!!

  3. I'm glad this judge was more... Constructive! The XC schooling looks so fun, I love those steps from the water.

    1. the steps were incredible -- like i'd def go back just for that alone! there's so much more we could have done, even with as productive as it felt in the moment.

      and yea, this judge definitely stuck more to the paradigm of, "i'm giving you this score for that movement bc this is how it went" vs "i'm evaluating your training methodology to understand WHY that movement was a 4, beyond the actual presentation" lol

  4. Having the fun experience > waiting for the perfect moment. But you two nail it anyway :) I feel like getting out and doing the thing is just as valuable as a lesson, probably more so for young or inexperienced horses.

    1. agreed! and honestly, i love lessons, don't get me wrong, but a day like this --- where basically i get to decide for myself and my horse what we want to do and to what extent, honestly, it was just super fun and low key and exactly the type of horsey activity that i've really missed doing this past year!

  5. So cool to see! I love the way her ears show her focus, her checking in with you, and then they go sideways over the jump once she's confident she knows the answer. Congratulations!
    Betsy in WI

    1. thanks!! that's actually something i REALLY like about her too --- she's a really connective sort of horse, really wants to check in and kinda "do it together." like it makes such a big difference when i remember to talk to her, esp praising and encouraging her. it's been really fun to learn how she ticks haha

  6. I agree with you, you can have lessons AND go to shows. (If your budget allows of course.) I sometimes feel like you could lesson forever but if you want to show, you should get out there and do it. That's when you REALLY see which parts are missing and which are confirmed. At least in my experience. Plus, you're a grown up who takes care of herself, you should do what you want. Lol!
    Anyway, sounds like a great day! Doozy looks like she's having a blast out there in the field doing the jumpies! Also, I liked that the judge was able to see beneath the baby tension and acknowledge that your lovely mare is in fact a quality lady.

    1. lololol yep that's basically it, not gonna lie. am a grown ass adult with my own budget and if i wanna go play ponies that's what i'm gonna do!! tho ya know, it helps when the horse is more or less on board and game too... and 100% agree with your point about getting out there to actually see what parts are missing, too. like, this experience really helped me get a better sense of what needs work --- and also what's actually kinda already in a good place! like, we already know that the flat work itself is not very well schooled... but for only her 4th off farm adventure, Dooz was extremely at ease in and around the trailer all morning!


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