
Wednesday, March 13, 2024

ww: murder machine

it has been 3 days since our last barn panther related biting incident

the sponge never stood a chance

those claws tho, those eyes.... nobody is safe

wild ferocious feline!

advised to maintain 3' distance at all times

advised to also not be chubby fluffy rodent bc you'd definitely be a goner!

icee, you're a character for sure!! slightly murderous, but still entertaining!


  1. I have one like that. Raven is deathly to paper balls.

    1. oooooh paper balls, hmmm..... we only really just started actually trying to play with Icee... he's so demanding of attention but nobody really wants to pet him bc of all the biting. but offering him toys seems to keep him placated LOL, so maybe i'll try some crumpled paper!

  2. My farrier has a demon black cat someone foisted on her as a kitten and he likes to do the weasel back arched run across the top of her roof like a possessed hell beast. She's horrible at naming her animals anything -like she has a mare named Baby Horse because that's what she is and nothing evolved beyond that - so I named him for her. And his name is Spooky McWeasel 😂😂

    1. SPOOKY MCWEASEL OMG hahah...... also i'm horrible at naming animals too, not gonna lie


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