
Friday, December 4, 2015

i spy: a resemblance

So this is kinda silly. But whatever, who doesn't love a little silly on a Friday, right?

Anyway, I spent a long time looking over the pics from when Izzy was playing in the round pen (bc that's what you do when you can't do anything else, ya know?) and kinda got a sense of déjà vu. Obviously, yes I've seen Isabel before, and I've seen her run around and play, but it was something more than that. 

who knew that my uber-dignified mare likes to play?
Ohhhh yea, that's right - I created a little portrait of Izzy in MS Paint last year based mostly just on imagination, and the more I looked at the pictures, the more it seemed she was trying her damnedest to bring this little portrait to life haha.

looks familiar
Of course the portrait didn't quite capture the essence of her cross canter (lol), and it seems head and leg placement aren't quite right. But eh, I definitely thought it was kinda funny. Life imitating art imitating life, right?

yup, there it is lol
But THEN (because obviously it can't be super surprising to see a resemblance between a living horse and a portrait of that horse) I saw something else that reminded me of dear little Bali man. Specifically, an actual deer: a Kashmir musk deer. Lol.

Maybe it's the teeth fangs? Or the ridiculously fuzzy ears?!? Idk haha.... do you see it tho?

bc i definitely see it

edited image with arrows pointing out bali's protruding teeth for full impact lol. higher res version here. close up of the teeth themselves here
Haha poor Bali can't get any respect around here!

"stop making fun of my teeth :(" - bali
So yea, very silly as promised. Tho perhaps some of you out there are looking at this thinking, hm YEA my horse DEFINITELY looks like something a little strange. And if that's the case - by all means please post comparison pics haha!

Lolz..... ANYWAY. I'm already looking forward to what should be a fun weekend, hopefully to include plenty of pony shenanigans (which may or may not be doctor-approved...). Anyone else got big plans for the weekend?


  1. I can't stop giggling at the cute little deer fangs!

  2. Omg you have vampire deer?!! Never seen that type of deer before....

    1. well not exactly - i'm pretty sure they live in the afghanistan/pakistan/india region.... i found that picture via the google after seeing them featured in some article on 'vampire animals' haha. super cute tho, right?

    2. Derp. Kashmir. ..I shoulda known

    3. lolz - i mean, we do have a seemingly endless parade of white tails in the woods surrounding our farm - including an actual honest-to-god piebald deer (thought it was a goat the first time i saw it). the woods are protected from hunting so it's pretty flush, so much so that i wouldn't even be particularly surprised to see something with tusks back there lol

  3. So freaking cute! I love the little vampire deer. Not to mention if Izzy is in the picture it's adorable value jumps :)

    1. lolz we've got a lot of cute horses around here :)

  4. Haha. It's like when L compares Ramone to a Moose <3

  5. dang you have some impressive MSPaint skills. I'm impressed!
    Vampire deer does seem to resemble Bali. He needs some rubber novelty teeth and the transformation will be complete.

    1. lolz bali already has the teeth, and they are NOT of the rubber novelty variety. look *very* closely of that pic of Bali next to the deer, and see the white things sticking out below his upper lip? those are actually his TEETH. protruding from his face. crazy haha

  6. The fuzzy ears are definitely the same. Ear fuzz all the way! And your paint skills are truly impressive.

    1. thanks haha. i really can't get enough of those fuzzy tufted ears!!

  7. Oh Bali, so cute! I'm blind though and can't see his teeth sticking out:(

    1. lolz it's kinda tricky in that image (tho i added arrows and uploaded again to make it easier) but if you click on the teeth fangs link above it you can see an actual close up of his terrible parrot mouth

  8. I will now be forever thankful that horses do not have fangs like that deer. Tucker nibbles would be a whole lot less tolerable.

    1. ha seriously!! i'd probably just stick little rubber or cork stoppers on the end lol

  9. Replies
    1. lolz he does have a somewhat evil, nefarious mien :)

  10. I love that MS portrait (in fact I'm downright impressed that was done MSPaint!) I think it captures Izzy's essence haha :)

    1. lol glad you like it! i was pretty pleased that it resulted from yet another intensely boring january midwinter evening haha

  11. You have some pretty epic paint skills. And this reminds me of my post comparing my ponies to random things (like a potato).


    I OPENED MY BOX TODAY AND I GOT LYMED! By the cutest lyme spirochete ever!

    You are the coolest.

    1. oh yea - i knew i saw a post like that before and couldn't remember!! and glad you liked the little lyme guy - he looked like he needed a home :)

  12. I totally see the dear bali to monster deer resemblance.

    I feel Bali's pain. I have a similar overbite ;)

    1. lolz meeee too. (tho my teeth issues have yet to impede my ability to put on weight haha)

  13. Yup that drawing is her alright!!! I love how the colors show her spirit as well!!! :) :)

    1. thanks! i thought the colors were perfect for her too :D

  14. Ahhh vampire deer D: ! Kind of cute kind of scary..! That drawing is quite perfect :)

    1. lol i think it's just super cute (tho the jury's out on whether i would want to actually touch it given the opportunity haha)

  15. Thank you for making me lol. I always say Georgie has alien eyes, but other than that she's really pretty normal looking....

    1. Haha now I think you need to post close up pics of these "alien eyes" - I wanna see the resemblance!!


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