
Sunday, December 6, 2015

some gifs for your weekend

Yesterday marked 6 weeks since I broke my leg, and I've been officially off crutches for almost a week. It's hard to explain just how liberating that feels. It's such a relief - especially being able to carry things! I mean, I'm not *quite* at the 'walk on water' stage... but really, it feels borderline miraculous haha.

And like suddenly I can do all these things again with minimal thought. Like reaching over to switch on the lamp at the other end of the couch. That was a surprisingly difficult maneuver when my bum let was still non-weight bearing.

Or feeding my cats. The poor things probably thought they'd die of hunger given how looooong it took me to do things like gather their bowls, and the food, and then set it all out. But not any more!

I love this bizarre baseball gif bc .... well, it's kinda mesmerizing, right? But all the same, I feel so much better about my own physical abilities again that unnecessarily complicated contortions look practically inviting to me haha. Like nothing can stop me.

Of course I *am* still in the boot, and will be for a little while longer. And the leg does get a little sore still - not the ankle where it broke, but rather just the general soreness of atrophied muscles and soft tissue going back to work.

That's ok tho. Sure I finally feel great and can go out and DO THINGS now!!! But... well, sitting around at home cozied up with some snacks and cats is still pretty good too ;)


  1. I never cease to admire your upbeat attitude about everything Emma. <3 I'm so glad full recovery from your injured leg is within sight!

    1. Aw thanks - this injury has really tested my attitude, but esp now that I'm almost better it's easier to be more upbeat

  2. That baseball gif really is fascinating! It's so good to hear that you're healing up well!

    1. So that gif is actually playing in reverse - which is why it's so bizarre. But I just can't get enough of it haha

  3. I'm so glad you're almost back to 100%!

  4. I'm so glad things are slowly getting back to normal. I love the last gif. Too cute!

    1. Haha isn't it adorable? I jus

    2. Oops mobile app published too soon... Anyway I just want to pet his little nose!

  5. Yay! Soon you'll be conquering the great snow on your faithful steed.

    1. Haha ugh snow.... Hopefully the snow will hold off for a little while so I can enjoy some actual normal riding ;)

  6. I watched the baseball gif for a really long time haha! Glad you're on the road to recovery. Do you have a date that you're allowed to ride? Because I'd have a countdown on my fridge! :)

    1. Provided my X-rays look good at my next appt I should be all cleared at that point. For now tho I definitely have the weeks counted out in big bold colors on my calendar.

    2. Oh yay! I didn't want to ask because I figured it would be like when I was in grad school and people kept asking me when I was graduating. It drove me crazy because I didn't know...

    3. Yea ... Fortunately I'm feeling mostly pretty confident at this point. And even if recovery isn't fully complete (like if I end up needing PT or something) I'll still be back in the saddle once the boot is gone!

  7. Excellent news and gifs. I'm fond of the baseball one. Do you know if the runner was safe? And the hamster is too adorable.

  8. Excellent news and gifs. I'm fond of the baseball one. Do you know if the runner was safe? And the hamster is too adorable.

    1. Haha I don't know the full story behind the gif - but it's playing in reverse so if you watch it with that in mind it makes a little more sense (and kinda looks like he was safe)

  9. Hamster is me by mid winter--just all the blankets and all the food. Happy you are healing!

    1. Haha yup. That's pretty much how I've been the entire time while recovering haha

  10. I'm super impressed with your patience and positive attitude. I'd be a jittery raging bitch by now. I can't wait to hear about your first ride back on Isabel. When will that be????

    1. So spoiler alert - it maybe finally happened this wknd!!!! Tune in tomorrow for details ;)

  11. Eurgh i am so disgracefully far behind on reading your blog that the last time I checked in was way back in March! *gasp*
    I am so shame faced! How did i fall so far behind, yours is one of my (many) fav blogs!!!

    1. Lolz that's the downside of posting as often as I do - it's super easy to suddenly be playing catch up as a reader... Oh well c'est la vie. Long story short we had an awesome competition season w lots of happy moments. Then an unforeseen break (lol puns) but we will be back at it soon!

    2. Cliff notes recap is cool, great news on show season. Sad newses on the break. Wishing you a full recovery *hugs*

  12. Love the gifs! The baseball one is sooo awkward! And that hamster 0.0 *squish*!


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