
Thursday, December 3, 2015

pro pics from loch moy!!

GRC Photo recently had a sale on all orders and I decided to snag a few more digital copies from our last event at Loch Moy. We already have a lot of really nice photos from this event thanks to Austen (seriously, thanks!) - but the show was kinda a big deal to me, even if our score was borderline abysmal. These memories really still mean a lot.

izzy was really jumping out of her skin in stadium - those knocked rails were just my own stupid mistakes
Plus, GRC had photogs in a variety of different places - including the woods, which made for a really beautiful backdrop for the 3 stride A-B combination that Isabel absolutely owned.

mayyyyyybe my new favorite picture ever
I'm probably obviously biased, but Isabel looks really good over these fences. Even when I'm maybe doing weird things up in the saddle. And it all just felt so effortless for her. Like, she's getting serious air time, but there's no real struggle - she barely had to try.

just cruisin around. jumping coops like nbd. plz to ignore wayward toes...
Plus I just can't get enough of all the fall colors in the pictures - especially now that most of the trees are so bare. Boo winter....

not worried at all about the loch ness monster or those suspicious huskies in the background ;)
But really, what's the purpose of a blog like this if you can't relive the memories a little bit every now and then?

garden gates are nbd either
Especially if you're still sidelined like me, and clinging desperately onto anything that even feels a little bit like riding.... these days will be over SOON tho!

seriously, she is just so fun!
Do you have favorite pictures that you're constantly revisiting, looking at over and over again?


  1. Those are fabulous pictures!!!

    1. thanks - GRC really does a nice job, i'm always super excited to see them at an event!

  2. I am swooning over the photo of the rolltop in the woods! Just wow! You two accomplished so much this year and you both look awesome!

    1. thanks! that photo is pretty much my everything right now haha

  3. You guys look amazing! I wish I looked like that jumping. My face...

    1. lolz i know what you mean - it's hard to tell from the lower-res version i uploaded, but my expression in that roll top pic is.... pretty serious haha

  4. That should be your new favorite picture, it is freaking awesome!!!!

  5. They are all so good! Now I am really missing fall...:P

    1. oh man i miss fall too!! it was crazy bc we went back to loch moy two weeks later for brita and kaitlyn (after i broke my leg) and all the trees were bare - we could actually see the horse going through all the woods while standing in the middle of the field lol

  6. That rolltop photo is fierce! But I also really love the photo in the water. You guys have matching expressions

    1. haha usually we have matching derp faces so it's nice to see a matched expression that's a little nicer ;)

  7. LOVE these photos! And I totally understand.. I don't have photos from the Training Clinic last year, but I love going back and looking at those screenshots. They make my heart happy!

    1. yup that's exactly it!! and i really don't discriminate about photo quality - screen shots (even the blurry pixelated crap i so often post here!) are better than nothing!! also i pretty much love those shots from your training clinic too ;)

  8. I looooove the XC pics! You guys look so confident, happy and professional :D :D :D

    1. thanks! she felt so great out there - the xc was by far our best phase of the day :D

  9. Love her ears in every single picture. This is a girl who is really enjoying what she's doing. And you are no slouch as a rider, either!

    1. aw thank you! she really does love being an event horse! i'm about 95% sure she would still happily get it done with a sack of potatoes in the saddle

  10. Haha my whole phone photo album is a backlog of my favorite pictures. I actually had a few printed this year. Eventually, I plan to make a photo book, but I don't know how to break it up. I'd do one of our championship run, but ground poles are hella boring. ;-)

    Anyways. I vote yes to all the pictures. That one over the roll top is FABULOUS. Good choices.

    1. oooh you should totally make a book! i always wonder what to do with all my original photos too - everything gets resized for the blog for faster loading, but i still have all these higher-res originals that just sit on my desktop collecting digital dust....

  11. Print out ALL the pictures! I have more competition pictures of my horses hanging in my house than I do of Hubby and I.

    1. haha that's awesome. i really should print more - there's only one in my house at present... but then ugh picture frames are so expensive haha

  12. These are GREAT pictures! I love having prints- I have a whole gallery-style wall filled with show pictures. I have a few favorites of Moe that I keep by my desk at work, too.

    1. hm - that's a thought! it's funny, i actually have ZERO horsey pics or knickknacks at all in my office... should probably fix that....

  13. Replies
    1. thanks! i wish one of their photographers would follow us around everywhere haha

  14. *drool* these are amazing. I hope you're planning to frame a bunch of them!!

    1. lol maybe i should ask for picture frames for christmas?!?

  15. Lovely pics, I love Isabel's expression

  16. I strongly support revisiting any and all photos! I love all these photos. It is completely effortless!
    I think the water one is my favorite, because your face is visible and you look so happy. Although the garden gate is pretty awesome too. It must be easy to get good photos of you two because you guys look great in every one!

    1. ha thank you - i love that water one too (especially bc my little group of friends is visible in it too). it's definitely easy to get good pics of izzy - she's always so photogenic! that said tho, we've got plenty of iffier ones too lol

  17. She looks really good in those photos! I love how expressive and excited she looks on the jumps and the xc, with her ears pricked forward. She looks fierce and ready to tackle anything!

    1. fierce is the perfect word for her - she really loves it out there! :)

  18. I love that roll top picture! Hopefully you guys can get back out there asap!

  19. WOW! You guys both look like you're just attacking that course... I love them all!!!

    1. thank you!! i pretty much love them too - isabel just makes it so easy to have fun out there!

  20. Those pictures are amazing! You both look great, wow!

    1. thanks! they caught a lot of really great snaps!!! a couple others that were... less so haha... but i'm really happy with the way these turned out :D

  21. The pic of you two at the rolltop is AH-MAZ-ING!!! Seriously, print that sucker up and hang it! :)

  22. These pictures are great. I love the one in the woods.

    1. thanks i'm really happy with how they turned out :)

  23. Those picture look great!! Hope you're back in the saddle soon!

    1. oh man, me too. i'm counting down the days (tho my own personal countdown might not exactly coincide with the doctor's version.... just don't tell him!)

  24. Thos really are fab!! How awesome for you to get such great pro pics!

    1. thanks! i really love this photo company - they are super easy to work with, always snag lots of great moments (like when isabel refused uber-dramatically on the waredaca xc course haha), and have good prices. plus loch moy is such a pretty setting...

  25. Those are some really good shots!

    1. thanks i'm always really happy to get actual nice high quality photos too, rather than the typical video stills i always see

  26. Um yeah, that "new favorite pic" is def my new fav pic of you guys. You both look great and the background is perfect! So cool that you have so many great and just plain pretty pics from that event. :)

    1. thanks! it's such a beautiful venue and the photographers always seem to find really nice angles to shoot (except stadium, that's a bit harder with the parking lot right behind the arena... but oh well).

  27. these are fantastic!! it looks like a great day.

    1. thank you! it was really a great day despite some bobbles ;)


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