Tuesday, October 11, 2022

MCTA Pro Pics

Just pro pics from the show.... 

just the best boy. even when he jumps dead center, i'm still like, "mm maybe left tho?"

the more fill, the better

trying so hard, cantering so largely

biggest bestest boy hoppin around

lookin pretty much like a lot of fun while he's at it tho

hippity hop!


ooooh hey-o, even lazy charles can get 4 off the floor!!!!

you're a good boy, sir. i think i'll keep you <3


  1. Such lovely pictures! Usually I'm not a landing picture fan, but that last one is just so cute with his game ears and star front and center!

    1. idk what it is but i kinda love landing pics -- some of my all time faves are in that stance!!

  2. You two look so great! Like you're both having the best time!

  3. You both look so happy doin' what you love.

  4. Having lots of pictures is priceless! Nothing like having a blast of a time with a good horse and capturing those moments for posterity.


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