
Thursday, July 12, 2018

cats in boxes

I'm moving at the end of the month, and things are starting to get pretty real with packing and preparing. It's been kinda intense bc I've lived in the same apartment for like... ten years lol. And considering my penchant for holding on to stuff, it's meant quite the amassing of like.... things over the years.

Luckily the prospect of having to move all those things has been inspiring and motivating enough to get me to actually, ya know, purge some of it. There have been many, many dump runs (actually, even more today...).

Still, tho, there's still just a lot of stuff that needs to get packed up and moved. Whether it's bc it's useful functional stuff, all those many books and whatnot, random decor items, or just the sentimental detritus I can't bear to part with.... There's just a LOT.

Which means a lot of BOXES. So many boxes. Most of them have already been packed up, but my friends (and the local liquor store lol) have all been really generous in sending more my way each week.

I would be annoyed by the clutter except.... Well. You can't deny the cat enrichment opportunities posed by all these boxes. I think my cats are the real winners here!

Hopefully the madness will calm down soon so it can stop consuming my weekends. Tho actually, there should be some fun horsey stuff happening in the next few weekends anyway. Hopefully. Fingers crossed lol.

Do you have pets as helpful as mine when it comes to cleaning, organizing, or packing? Lol....


  1. We cleaned our carpets last weekend which meant all the furniture had to get moved and stuffed together. The kitties thought it was the best playground EVAR!

    1. lol omg i believe it!! these guys get so curious / excited whenever i start moving stuff around haha. i'm hoping that by spreading out the cleaning / packing / rearranging over the last two months that they won't be so shocked and upset when the actual real move starts happening. hopefully lol...

  2. Oh I needed some cats playing video to get me through today! Thank you :-)

    My dog has learned to seriously hate boxes. A box comes out, and she starts panting and whining hahaha. Good thing we don't plan on moving again for a LONG time.

    1. lol i think everybody needs some good cat pics and videos every now and then ;) and yea my last cat used to get seriously stressed whenever i would start packing bc i used to be always driving us back and forth from rochester NY to baltimore MD. cat did *not* appreciate that... these new kitties tho are a little more chill about things...

    2. I don't like driving back and forth from basically Albany to Rochester, so I don't blame kitty for that one! :D

    3. lol yea, but at least the drives are kinda pretty????

  3. My big dogs loves to help with laundry. Specifically sorting socks. Except she sorts them not by color, but by which socks want to be indoor socks and which want to be outdoor socks LOL

    1. lol gotta love those helpful puppers! i'm sure you always appreciate the input!

  4. I've been purging somewhat the last few days also. I had to get my hot water tank replaced, and you know the saying "a clean house is a sign of a lame horse"? Let's just say my horses have been sound for a long time.

    1. lol i wish i could be like, 'ha yea with charlie my house has been spotless often lately!' but.... nope!

  5. Cats + Boxes = the best entertainment!

  6. Adorable kitties!! We had formed a habit of moving every 2 years which was nice for not gathering a bunch of stuff. Hopefully we are settled now for a long long time.

    1. yea i can definitely see the advantages of having to pack up often in terms of keeping everything nice and light. except wow i would hate to have to pack up that often.... alas, it doesn't seem likely that i'm settling into another 10yr place anytime soon!

  7. We still aren't unpacked from moving into our house last September, but I do love that moving makes me want to purge all the things! We lived in a teeny tiny apartment for a year between houses and 90% of our stuff was in storage. It makes you realize what you really do and don't want! But otherwise, I hate moving and I hope yours goes really easy and smoothly. My cat is a giant chicken and her way of helping is to hide under any available furniture hoping we would forget about her :D

    1. yea that's kinda how i've been viewing it: opportunities to see what i really want and what i don't.... i kinda started packing and preparing like two months ago, so have been able to make multiple sweeps through each room. and each time, there's always something that i didn't want to throw away the first time but am more ok with parting with the second (or third) sweep lol

  8. PS Your cats are adorable! <3

    1. aw thanks, they certainly think so to! ;)

  9. So cute! Our cats were the ultimate trolls about moving boxes. They also are pain in the ass whenever we try to make the bed haha. But they are cute so I forgive them!

    1. lol yea they're always so so so interested in everything that's going on!

  10. Ermahgawd is there anything better than cats in boxes? No, no there is not.

    1. lol cats in boxes on top of boxes, in boxes!!! mine are certainly getting pretty meta about it!

  11. LOL cat enrichment.

    you could post this every day for a week and i'd still be sad on saturday when you stopped

    1. hahaha careful what you wish for, i don't move for another few weeks - it's fairly certain there will be more hijinks before the dust settles!! ;)

  12. I hate moving so much! I hope it all goes smoothly for you!

  13. Ugh I have to move soon too... this is hitting too close to home right now.

  14. I mean. Mine don't like getting in boxes, but they fill them up with hair FAST. 🤣

  15. I moved last summer and it was the WORST just because it was so hot outside - good luck to ya!

  16. ugh moving. And ugh boxes. Tho my cat does enjoy the empty boxes too. I love all the hi-jinks you got of them though. Very cute;)

  17. I love a good purge!! And your cats are adorable :)


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