
Friday, August 19, 2016

friday foto finish

So legitimately I think this needs to be a real thing. Seriously. That feeling (all you bloggers must certainly know it) of knowing you should probably get a post out... but not being all that sure what the hell to even write about. So you start swiping through your recent photos like, wtf have I even done recently?

And so. Dear readers, friends, fellow horse ppl who maybe just kinda have lots of random pictures on your phones: may I present a Friday photo dump of lots of little things that will be forced into one single horse-shaped post.

For starters - let's see a show of hands here, who streamed the Olympic games while at work? All of you, I'd wager, at some point or another haha. Alas, I ran into the struggle of not having actual cable (bc of course I don't, I live under a rock, remember?) so Austen was kind enough to provide her mother's cable login credentials so I could watch. Um, thanks mama G! 

We also made another trip back to Olde Hope Farms for Brita and lesson director R's horse show. I mostly just played spectator and pretend groom (meaning: person who hands you cold water and beer), and not very sadly at that seeing as it was super hot out. Still tho - what a fun day. All horses and riders performed very well, with Brita and Wick even locking down their first dressage score in the 20s at novice!

Our show set up was aaaaalmost on point. Almost. So close. Except. Well. My canopy (the blue one) died a sudden and tragic death at its first outing at Plantation earlier this summer (Allison was there to witness lol). It still.... kinda? does the job? But... not really. Idk. It stood up for the whole day tho so I'm gonna call it a win - we needed that shade!

Especially bc Brita got a puppy!!!!! And this little puppy needed it's shade for naps!!

Seriously tho, how sweet is she? 

And then we found an EVEN SMALLER PUPPY OMG!

On a slightly less cute note, my ensuing week kicked off with a flight out to Memphis for quite the work-related roadtrip through the South - a region that I hadn't previously gotten to know. But we certainly got to see a lot of it on this trip, with plenty of stops along the way! (Tho, in all honestly, we didn't actually stop in Greenville or Greenwood, but they were notable landmarks along the way all the same).

My colleague roadtripping with me has actually lived in the Delta before, and knew all the history and all the landmarks and had very personal connections to everything. Including needing to make a quick pit stop at Miss State for a picture to send his daughter.

I gotta say - all that insider info definitely gave the trip a better shape than had I just gone through it all by my lonesome yankee self haha (nvm that Maryland is technically south of the Mason-Dixon line - we like to say that Baltimore has all of the Northern charm and Southern efficiency haha).

Once back in Baltimore, things continued on their hot August summery ways. Including the hatching of all our cicadas. Such crazy weird bugs. Kinda creepy actually, watching them emerge from their armored shells. But cool. If you're into that kind of thing... (which obvi I am lol)

Mostly tho it's always nice to come back home bc of the kitties. They haven't gotten too mad at all my absences bc it's been balanced out by working remotely for the first time ever. So even tho I am technically out of town and away more than ever before, they are actually still seeing more of me bc of working from home. So I guess the cats are the real winners in my life choices haha. 

I'm trying to fix that balance tho. #needsmoarhorses, ya know? I'm working on it. An intro lesson at a new barn with this elder statesman Remmy went a long way towards remedying that. Not an awful lot to share yet - but I'm feeling optimistic about getting back into a regular riding routine with actual full-sized horses who probably aren't neglected problem children lol. 

Like this poor problem child. Oh Krimpet, sweet thing. She was SO TIRED OMG before this ride. It's camp season and she's workin' her little butt off apparently. Which isn't the worst thing... except for some reason they decided to free jump her for camp - having her go pretty high for a pony (tho as you have seen she's actually quite a nice jumper).

Which. Well. She jumped that 3'6 fence no problem, and proceeded to jump right on out of the arena. Bc guys. This pony aint stupid haha. I'm not totally sure why they chose to take a sour baby horse with a poor work ethic and run it through a scope test... Especially when it resulted in teaching an already-naughty pony a new trick... But whatever. Nobody asked me and it's sure as hell not my horse, so I don't call the shots. 

So whatever. Greener grass beckons. In the meantime, my cats are kinda judging me for even considering life outside the walls. Well. OG is maybe still curious, but Martini knows. Ohh he knows. He's got it figured out all right haha.

What about you - what story would the recent photos in your phone tell?


  1. I like the photo-dump plan! Mine - trying to get a decent picture of Leo in his stall with no treats for motivation and semi-abysmal lighting, prancing giraffe videos from my lesson this week, and three videos of my current project horse at the therapeutic riding center.

    1. Omg I have so many poorly lit, poorly composed stall pictures too haha

  2. Oh Em Squee those puppy pix 😍😍😍

    I love a Friday foto dump and have been prone to them myself when I have photos to share but nothing remotely constructive to say...but being honest I rarely share anything constructive on my blog anyway lolz, so it's pretty much service as usual 😂

    1. Ha yea I'm a big believer in just plopping the photos in and finding the words later lol

  3. I keep forgetting to take pictures so all of my posts are random photo dumps to break up my blabbing. :)

  4. Cute post. Thanks for the updates. :)

  5. Yeahhhh most of my posts are just photo dumps haha. Not jealous of your cicadas at all, we only seem to get them in those 7 and 21 year cycles and they majorly creep me out!!

    1. I honestly kinda love them. They are super weird tho. We get them every year but this isn't one of the "big" years, just normal populations

    2. When I was a kid we had a year where the 7 and 21 year cycles synced and there were ungodly amount of cicadas and it basically traumatized me haha. I don't mind the noise but I don't want them to touch me and their little shedded shells creep me out 😂 I'm a wuss!

    3. Yea we get those big cycles too. It's crazy how many of them come out of the woodwork (literally!). I remember one summer as a kid my parents found one still in its shell and brought it inside so we could watch it molt or whatever in a terrarium. That was SO COOL, I will never forget lol

  6. Lolz I love this post, as I have NOT been inspired to write lately. "It's hot. Candy is learning to trot like a not-llama. Moe is so done with flatwork. Gina is still pregnant."

    Your kitties are adorable.

    1. Ha thanks. And yea I totally get that feeling of "well it's just business as usual here so.... Yea"

  7. LOL krimpet jumping out of the arena. that'll be a fun one to deal with, especially with a kid on her back.

    i like the photo dump idea, and if britas puppy goes missing i definitely did not take it

    1. Haha yea idk what they were thinking. Seriously tho you're gonna have to get thru Brita to get to that pup - good luck lol ;)

  8. I love this idea. I'm going to jack it for myself.

    Also, I'm pretty sure we've established that you are basically a cave troll. Which is totally different (and way cooler) than living under a rock.

  9. Omg I can't believe they taught krimpet (phone autocorrected to killer) that she can say "peace out homies!" Looking forward to hearing about your intro lesson.

    1. ugh yea i was probably more pissed about that than i have any right to be... but like. the one thing the horse does well is jump. literally that's the only thing. she's bad about everything else - especially hard work. so why would you take the one thing she does well and turn it into hard work such that actually jumping out of the arena feels like the easier choice?!? ughhhhh ppl....

    2. but also tho. omg. that autocorrect to killer. hahaha so fitting!

  10. I love that you came up with a name for the randomness that I swear applies to 50% of my posts! Your kitties are so cute!

    1. ha yea i'm a pretty big fan of ye big olde photo dumps haha

  11. My photo dump would be one hundred percent kitten and cat obviously I need to get that together ASAP.

    1. frankly i'm a little disappointed that you haven't yet given us this gift of kitty pictures!!!!

  12. Your photo album looks a lot more exciting than mine. Horse heads and failed art and screen shots!

    1. ha i mean - i got a lot of those too, it's just a matter of curating ;)

  13. Does it count that I just did a video dump? Ha! My photos are really boring. A vest I am trying to sell, a pics of a spark plug for the weed wacker, a mocked up shirt, bunch of cat pics and some racecar stuff. Yours are much more entertaining.

    Loved the story about Krimpet, oh how I laughed. I have always been afraid of that exact scenario with freejumping. Horses that are too smart would be hard to contain if they know they can jump without our help!

    1. video dumps TOTALLY count haha :D and yea there's a certain degree of care that's needed for smart horses. mainly, trying to avoid being outsmarted by them lol

  14. Honestly, my phone is just filled with memes, so it tells how much I'm on tumblr and nothing else lol

  15. I have NOT streamed Olympics at work but only because our internet is sad and pathetic and it would all come to a grinding halt. Rolex nearly killed it already. ;-)

    1. that's basically the story of my internet at home. solidarity y'all.

  16. Replies
    1. That's what they keep saying. Honestly I think it's for the best for everyone involved that I don't tho lol

  17. Don't tell my dog, but my pics are kinda al puppy all the time right now.... Your cats are way too cute and I'm glad they at least perceive the new job schedule as a good thing!!

    1. i mean, who can resist the puppy cuteness? and i'm glad my cats are doing well too. honestly the first day i worked from home they were SO SURPRISED haha. mostly bc i basically am NEVER home that often, ever. and suddenly, they have me around (and awake) for 8 straight hours on a regular basis lol

  18. OMG puppies are so cute!

  19. The recent photos in my phone are me on the tractor cutting hay (so boring going around and around started taking weird pics to pass the time!) and the rest are of the kidlets in the pool. Maybe someday the tables will turn as the kids get bigger - them driving the tractor and mom in the pool. ;)

    1. ha yes i think that shift needs to happen - why bother with the little ones at all if they can't be made to do all those nasty little chores haha

  20. OMG PUPPY!!!!1!!!1!11!!1 I clearly need to get back on the eventing bandwagon so I can hang out with that cuteness! Your cats' expressions are also priceless.

    1. yasssss we need to see you at more events!!

  21. ooo i will need to bug you more in chat then :P

  22. I streamed too from her account, thanks indeed. lol

    Not enough horses is what my photos tell. Guess we shall rectify this weekend...

    1. yes. more horses. the answer is always more horses lol

  23. I love that basket on top of your heater (?). Omg I'm dying at Krimpet though. They probably felt dumb for their idea after that!


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