
Monday, August 22, 2016

fluffy ponies!

Because it's Monday, who needs words when there are fluffy baby pony pictures to look at, right?

Plus bonus horse-sized baby too, out with the yearling shetlands bc poor thing is apparently an orphan. 

Seriously tho, these little babies are so freakin friendly. We literally just pulled up in the trailer (immediately behind the camera) and they all hustled right over to the fence line to say hi.

Which, obviously, nobody turns down an offer like that haha.

Omg their little noses and ears are just ridiculous. I don't think I'll ever get over teeny tiny horses haha.

And you just gotta love friendly babies. I mean, sure, some horses are more naturally reserved or distant. But still. Give me a good sociable pony any day!

Of course they were even more excited to learn that someone (ahem, yours truly) had a pocket full of breath mints.

Which was ridiculous in its own right. Considering a life saver is typically more than a fleeting taste of flavor for our larger equine friends. Like, say, Wick. 

These guys actually had to spend a solid couple of moments chewing each haha. 

All the same tho, they were always ready for more. Pushy little buggers haha. 

Don't get me wrong - there was more to this weekend than just fussing around with yearling shetlands. For instance, we had our weekly lesson at OF (the farm these guys call home).

Plus I made it up for a lesson with Dan on one of his horses. First time I had seen him since... gosh mid-June? It's hard to schedule anything when I don't have something for him to teach me on at my barn, and his barn is so far away. We'll figure it out tho.

There's also one last segment to the rider safety survey. So there will certainly be more to tell soon (once I get around to writing haha). In the meantime, tho. PONIES.

Hope you all had a nice weekend too!


  1. Fluffy ponies make mondays so much better. :)

  2. Squee!! What a nice start to a Monday morning 😁

  3. Replies
    1. i kinda feel like we should all have a couple in our back yards lol

  4. Ohmygod I really do love the fluffy ponies!!! I always joke that when I retire I'm just going to have like a 14.1h appy pony that's just broke to death and I won't do ANYTHING with it except ride around bareback in a halter and give advice from the wall to people who don't want it...

    wait not that last part lol I hate that

    1. ha i love your plan!! we should all be so lucking lol

  5. Replies
    1. so much adorable packed into such tiny packages!

  6. Replies
    1. they are basically real living my little ponies haha

  7. Much fluff so I second whoever comme ted on yesterday's post & have long thought you should be on instagram 😍😍

    1. haha i'd probably be the most annoying instagrammer out there lol. this blog will suffice for now :)

  8. Ermahgwad, how did you not steal one and take it home? They'd probably fit in your kitchen...

    1. lol we explicitly asked that they did not count the number of ponies in the field after we left until we were sufficiently far enough away to make a clean escape ;)

  9. Awwww so fully and adorable. Would love to hear about your lesson with Dan, I hope it is in the works!

    1. yes it's in the works!! and words!! if i can get my act together there should be a post tomorrow (alas limited media but plenty of words per usual lol)

  10. This makes me miss my ponies! I used to have 3 mini's and sadly had to sell them when I went off to college. Sadface

    1. Omg I am so sad for you :( it would break my heart to sell the little munchkins!!

  11. So adorable. Ponies are best that way: just being cute and fluffy and not being little demons under saddle.

  12. I'm not sure there's anything better than baby ponies!

  13. Unless I missed it, can we have an IZ update? Where you're going with her?

  14. So cute!! :D This needs to be a weekly occurrence ;)

  15. So much floof!!! Perfect even for a Tuesday morning :)

  16. O-M-G I want a herd of tiny ponies to nuzzle up to me!!

  17. SO CUTE!!! We have a herd of 4 minis (was 5, but one just went home) and they are the most adorable sweet tiny things ever!

  18. I don't think I'll ever get tired of ponies or babies


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