
Saturday, March 26, 2016

just here to make friends

Phew only one day in and plans are already shifting. #Figures, right? It's all good tho. Clinic went really REALLY well. But wow, it involved a not-insignificant degree of suffering. Sheesh. We... uh... worked hard for it. Details to come.

Turns out tho that trainer P is a smidge busy with getting all her personal and training  horses ridden throughout the duration of the clinic. To the very unfortunate point that our jump lesson today must actually be cancelled. So sad :( Oh well, it is what it is, I guess.

BUT. Have trailer, will travel, right? While I'd prefer our first xc schooling of the year to be under the watchful guidance of a trusted professional, I think we can also more or less muddle our way through in some familiar settings.

So we're gonna give it a shot today anyway. Count down is on for Loch Moy and I just really want to get galloping over some terrain and solid obstacles.

In the meantime tho, please to enjoy this footage of Brita trying hard to figure out how to smuggle these mini-donks and pony out of our clinic host's farm and into our trailer!






  1. Those are pretty adorable. The mini at my barn is super cute but really evil. Have fun XC schooling and I can't wait to hear about the clinic.

  2. Envious you're out xc schooling, hope it was a successful and fun day!

  3. XC schooling sounds like fun! Hope it goes well!

  4. Hope it went well! Mini donkey cute overload!

  5. EEE everything little is fantastic

  6. Those minis are so cute!


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