
Saturday, June 27, 2015

june confo (and show day) (and other stuff too)

We're at Fair Hill today - so exciting!!! If everything goes according to plan we'll be traveling with a fairly large group. Six competitors and a whooooole slew of barn rats and young riders accompanying us. Should be awesome! 

PLUS - I am seriously looking forward to seeing fellow blogger Allison from PONY'TUDE, who will be there grooming for another rider. Yay for blogger meet ups!

For our rides, I would like to see a more level-appropriate course than what we saw at Tranquility - but want to have the same approach. If we can canter at Fair Hill the way we did at Tranquility, there won't be anything we can't handle (except maybe water, ughhhh). 

So for the sake of documentation, I'm repeating last week's goals:

  • dressage < 40
  • clear cross country

Tho if we're being honest, I'd actually like a sub-35 dressage score and a clear stadium round to boot... We'll see what happens tho (don't get greedy, emma!). Wish us luck! 


Anyways.... onto the actual purpose of this post: June's conformation shot. Continuing the trend of finding as many drastically different lighting options for each month's photo, I give you this beauty snapped while hanging at the trailer at Tranquility.

June 2015
I continue to be really bothered by how peaked her SI joint is... and also continue to like how her neck is developing. Her back could be a little more filled in tho... but generally I think she's looking quite fit and in good weight. 

May 2015
April 2015

Also: I managed to find a pro pic from the MCTA Starter Event at Tranquility. Thanks to Rylee from RP Photography

how happy does this little mare look???

Plus the swag from Tranquility that I never posted:
completion prize #1: saddle cover that fits my dressage saddle!! score!
completion prize #2: Eqyss grooming spray. haven't used yet but am excited all the same
this is not actually swag from Tranquility - it was a gift with purchase from The Herbal Horse - a lavender scented balm that Izzy wanted to eat. I rubbed it around her nostrils on show morning and she seemed quite happy with that.

And finally - one last little teaser pic of a lesson that happened a couple days ago. Not quite finished editing all the media yet (brace yourself - the photo spam cometh!), and it will likely get pushed back by Fair Hill stuff too.... but it was an epic lesson out on the cross country field with Dan (in the rain, to boot). After this outing I'm feeling quite good about today's cross country course!

'jesus take the wheel!!!' - emma


  1. Be safe in the rain!

    1. thank you - the footing was definitely iffy but the heaviest rain held off just enough for us to make it through!!

  2. Geez, MCTA gives better swag than recognized shows! All I've gotten this year, even with 4 placings in 4 shows, is a mug and horse treat! LOL

    1. MCTA does swag right, that's for sure! i was especially pleased that i still got swag even tho i was 5th -- but they had boxes and boxes of stuff to choose from, including collapsible chairs, lead ropes, grooming products etc. the thermos i got from MCTA's jenny camp is in constant use now too. i love it!

  3. I LOVE THAT STADIUM PICTURE! Please frame that!

    1. thanks - i love it too! the photographer definitely caught the moment!

  4. I love the Tranquility photo!Also it's so awesome theta you can go to Fair Hill; it's an awesome place. I hope it goes well!

    1. thanks! and Fair Hill was LOVELY. lots of walking to do tho (and omg i'm actually really sore from so much walking haha) but competing there was definitely a bucket list item!

  5. Replies
    1. oh great! i'm glad to add it to my ever-growing arsenal haha

  6. Wishing for a most excellent outing for you! :)

    1. thanks! the stars aligned and it was a good day :)

  7. That stadium picture is so BOSS.

    Also, lol @ "jesus take the wheel" comment.

    1. thanks haha. and that was pretty much exactly what was going through my head when i pointed her over that bank... nerve wracking stuff!!

  8. Love that professional stadium photo!!

  9. That pro picture is OUTSTANDING. You two look fabulous! She is so very happy looking - definitely loves her job.

    1. i agree - the photographer caught a great moment and isabel's expression is really just so wonderful! (tho obvi i may be biased haha)

  10. =) Great pro photo. And its so interesting to see how different poses and lighting impacts the confo photos.

    1. i agree - the photos aren't really as useful as i would like them to be bc i kinda suck at setting the mare up (and have actually mostly given up) and the lighting never cooperates... but we will keep trying!

  11. So jealous! I like the big show crowds!!


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