
Sunday, June 28, 2015

Fair Hill preview

Isabel and I had another event yesterday - this time at Fair Hill. And it was completely awesome. This event was everything you could ever hope for an event to be. The venue was gorgeous, and while the weather wasn't perfect the really heavy stuff held off long enough for us to get through.

gettin ready!!
Plus we went with a great group - including almost all of our young riders, so it was fun having them around (and Izzy LOVES them haha). 

And even better, I got to meet the lovely Allison from PONY'TUDE!!!! What a treat! And of course the timing was perfect bc she was straight off her own fabulous event (tho obvi that's her story to tell!) so there was lots to chat about. Looking forward to seeing you again soon Alli! And next time the red headed ponies are gonna get in on it too - look out world!

bloggers unite at horse shows!
Lastly tho - the icing on the cake - was that Isabel was phenomenal. She really stepped it up at this event, despite being a little more 'up' than usual at the trailer. Honestly I think she just knows exactly what's up now when we go places. And she is READY for whatever challenge awaits. 

good girl brought her game face for dressage
Sadly editing media is a real thing that takes time (esp for media-obsessed folks like me), so I actually won't have a full recap until TUESDAY. I know, I know.... but in the meantime you'll get the details from our awesome cross country lesson with Dan. Yay for posting about things in chronological order!

And also, I guess I can fill you in on a couple pertinent details from the event: we met every single goal I laid out. Including the basic 'have fun and finish with a number' to more of the reach goals. In fact, we finished on our dressage score (first time this season!!!!!! second time evar!!!!) which was itself competitive. Add in the clear jumping and we moved up to take home a very pretty ribbon. The color of which starts with an "R" and ends with a "D" (and has an "E" in the middle). 

Definitely a very good time - details coming soon!


  1. OMG!!!!

    I can NOT possibly wait till Tuesday to hear about your recap!!! HURRY UP!!


    1. haha thanks!! hopefully what i have will be worth the wait, tho it's actually not as much as usual

  2. Congratulations on meeting all your goals and having fun and meeting bloggers and taking home a pretty ribbon!

    1. thanks! all in all it was an awesome day and i'm super pleased with how things went!

  3. Congratulations!!! Great job, both of you ladies! My plans to attend got derailed by an eyeball situation(MINE surprisingly) booooo. I'm so happy for you :) Nothing feels better than going clear!!!!

    1. thanks , it's definitely a good feeling! and what a disappointment for you - hope your eye is ok!!

  4. I can't wait to read about it! Congratulations on what sound alike an awesome event.

  5. Soooo fun getting to meet other bloggers!!

    1. haha i admit to being pretty excited about this :)

  6. Wohoo congrats!!! Can't wait for the recap :)

    1. it's coming!!! editing everything at this very moment haha

  7. YOU ROCKED IT!! So, so, SO proud of you and Isabel!! Can't wait for our next outing together! :D

    1. thanks! isabel was so amazing at this event, she's just so freakin reliable. you'll have to try her out to see what i mean :D

  8. EEEEEE can't wait to see the recap!!!!! Blogger meetup + awesome pony?? Sounds like it was a ridiculously fantastic day :)

  9. Can't wait to read the deets! Congrats!

    1. thanks - i'm putting them all together now!! phew it's always so much stuff lol

  10. YAY!!!! Finishing on dressage score is so awesome, especially when pony brings game face to said dressage!!!!!!!

    1. it really felt great! i finished on my dressage score at our first event and figured it was kinda nbd. but then.... haven't done it again since! so now i fully appreciate it lol

  11. Hehe glad you had fun!! Congrats :)


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