
Saturday, April 11, 2015

TOABH: 18 on the 18th

Archie's 18th birthday is almost here! And somehow I've managed to do most of the blog hops - hurray! This one is gonna be on the cheesy side, but whatever #noshame :)

Eighteen on the Eighteenth.
In honor of Archie's 18th birthday, tell me 18 things you love about your horse.

I love that Isabel is a trail riding machine
And equally boss at riding camp games.
She'll gobble up big scary roll tops (of doom)
As easily as a handful of candy canes.

I love Isabel's fancy prancing;
She wants to succeed as much as I do.
She meets every occasion with her patented tail flick,
And her 'no fucks given' attitude. 

Isabel is expressive and sassy as can be;
And I love those curled ears.
She's always game to try anything once,
Even when I want to back away in fear.

I love her big jump in a little body,
And her look that says "excuse me I'm a princess, please."
But she's as honest as the day is long
With a future of endless possibilities

I love that Isabel and I started a new sport together.
And, more than anything else, I love spending time with her.


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