
Friday, April 3, 2015

10 photos you'll see on equestrian blogs

Thank you everyone for your kind thoughts yesterday. As of this writing there are two new cases... but more importantly, we have a diagnosis!! It is NOT the worst case scenario bacterial infection that would necessitate at least 3 months quarantine. halle-fucking-lujah!

It still remains unclear how long we'll be quarantined... but at least horses not yet sick can get a vaccine booster to help protect them - which in theory should limit the spread and therefore the duration of the outbreak.

SO. I am cautiously optimistic. In the meantime, on to happier thoughts!


The other day I read this article wherein artist Joanna Zhou illustrated the "12 Most Common Photos You Will See on Instagram." I thought it was pretty clever - both in concept and execution, and thought something similar could be done for equestrian blogs. 

I considered recurring pictures seen on many of our blogs and made the following list. Continuing the idea of creating original art from unoriginal themes, I used craft paper and clippings from Dover and Smartpak catalogs to make the collages. 

Without further ado, The 10 most common photos you will see on the equestrienne's blog:

pasture play

the look of eagles

pony all dressed up

bad azzz action shot

funny face

rootd (rider outfit of the day)

saddle spam


satin collection

the photogenic pet

Did I miss anything?? What about you - do you have these pics on your blog too? Care to share your favorites? 


  1. This is HILARIOUS (love the selfie stick!)! I think you hit all the major ones, except with jt being shedding season there is bound to be some photos of hair, either clipped off or shed into a pile!

    1. haha i wasn't sure if ppl would get the selfie stick or not (does anybody actually ever use them??)... and yea the loose hair photos - didn't even think about that!

  2. The selfie stick! Hahahaha too funny! These are great!

    1. lol how else are you gonna get the horse's whole face in there ;)

  3. OMG these are so true! I may or may not be guilty of at least 8 of them...

    1. haha i'm definitely guilty of all of them over and over again (and have no intention of stopping any time soon!)

  4. Haha, you nailed this! (And did you make these collages??) glad for the good news on the diagnosis!!! What the heck is it???

    1. thanks! and yea i made them - my mom gave me this awesome book of patterned craft paper that constitutes all the backgrounds

      re: the diagnosis, i'm going to do a whole post on it soon - just have to do a bit more research and fact-finding, and think a little bit about what the implications are for bringing izzy back into work. she's gonna be fine, but we just need to be conscientious

  5. Stampede's favorite pose is the look of the eagles, comes naturally, lol. P's pose is the look I'm sweet please give me cookies face.
    Glad you finally know exactly what the ponies are getting sick with. I hope the time goes by quickly for you and Isabel!

    1. oooh the cookie face - didn't even think of that (tho there probably aren't many examples of horses mugging the photogs for treats in dover catalogs lol)

      and yes we are SO relieved to know what's going on. obvi we would have preferred nothing at all to happen, but... well, that's horses

  6. Genius! These ate great (and very accurate),

  7. Genius! These ate great (and very accurate),

  8. Very true! I would add the "between the ears" shot to the list.

    1. yesssss how could i have forgotten that one???

  9. hilarious and brilliantly executed! brava!

    1. haha thank you - it was fun making them :)

  10. OMG- I disappear for one week and I have so much to catch up on. So glad it's nothing too terribly serious!

    Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to buy a selfie stick.

    1. thanks - we're glad it's not too too bad too! and yesssssss please get a selfie stick!!! haha

  11. Replies
    1. lol thanks! gotta figure out a way to fill my time while isabel's outta commission, right :)

  12. So glad it's not serious aka no quarantine!!! I hope Isabel is back to her normal healthy self STAT!
    And OMG I laughed so hard with the "10 Most Common Photos in the Equestrienne's Blog". Guilty as charged! Hahaha You should submit these to Horse Nation!

    1. we still have a quarantine, unfortunately, but it's only a fraction of the time we would have been facing, fortunately. glad you liked the pics too haha - i had fun making them :)

  13. LOL Emma, these were great!! I love your scrapbooky-wallpapery backgrounds!!

    1. thanks!! i love paper crafts, and my mom gave me these papers probably two years ago and i've always loved them but hadn't really found a good use until this little project lol

  14. LOVE THESE! Especially the aligators haha. Clever! And glad the news is not worse with the barn/sickness situation. Best wishes for the all clear soon!

    1. haha thanks!! i was wondering if anybody would notice the alligators - i think that's my favorite pictures haha

  15. Omg this post is awesome. And I do ALL of it. Glad the q situation isn't the big bad bacterial thing.

  16. Hahaha this is so accurate! I'd add that as a gray horse's person, I compulsively take pics every time she gets muddy :)

    1. oooooh yes! i definitely snap photos of my muddy muddy horse too (tho thankfully she's rarely ever muddy!)

  17. OMG the selfie stick was TOO funny!!!

    1. lol what self respecting horsewoman doesn't have a selfie stick??? :D


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