
Sunday, October 12, 2014

sunday quickie: sand and snacks

Just a quick update bc the Orioles are playing and I gotta watch - woo hoo post season!!

Had a pretty good lesson on Saturday, all things considered. We've had a lot of rain lately and the ring was SOUP. But it wasn't particularly slippery, so that helped. All the same, tho - we were COVERED in sand afterward. Boo. 

At least sand just brushes off once it's dry...

Also- I finally got to try out the peanuts-as-horse-treat idea Alli from Pony'Tude posted about a while back. Friday night I was down by the ballpark to soak up the atmosphere, and happened to scoop up some peanuts. Literally, just got a scoop of loose nuts. 

So I spent the rest of the night w a purse full of peanuts. That's dedication folks!

However it was all totally worth it. Isabel LOVES them!! 


Anyways, that's all for now. Will have a full recap (with many more pics and video!!) tomorrow. Happy Sunday :)


  1. This post inspired me to buy a 75c bag of peanuts at the grocery store this morning! We'll see if Henry likes them.

    1. Awesome!! I hope Henry likes them too. I'm pretty much spreading the word bc it's such a genius idea - thanks to Alli!

  2. Hahaha that's so cute!!! So you feed them shell and all? I'll have to try it sometime! I mean..for Max of course ;)

    1. Yea! I was skeptical too, but Allu said Dino ate them shell and all, so that's what I tried. So far each horse I've tried has enjoyed them :)

  3. What a clever idea. I'm going to try that treat option! Also...sorry...I have to say this...GO ROYALS!!

    1. haha glad i can pass an excellent idea on!! and while i'm clearly diehard O's.... i gotta respect the Royals game - bc they are playing gooooood!

  4. So glad Is likes the peanuts!! I find them great for clicker training and stuff too because they're so easy to carry around and feed one at a time. :) Great low-sugar snack for our metabolically challenged friends. :)

    1. They are SO perfect - thanks so much for the recommendation!!

  5. LOL I love the purse full of peanuts. Only a horse person...

  6. Peanuts?! I need to try this on mine. Isabel is so freaking cute :)

    1. haha thanks! and i'm STOKED that she likes the peanuts to much. def better for her than candy canes lol. plus, now she smells like peanut butter :)


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