
Monday, October 13, 2014

sloppy conditions

I figured we'd be inside for our saturday lesson, given all the rain. But the indoor at OF is pretty small, and there were six of us in the lesson, plus the rain had already stopped... so plenty enough reasons to stick with the larger outdoor arena. 

ick ick ick 

Isabel doesn't really care for sloppy conditions, but the footing at OF is a little better than at her home barn, so it worked out ok. 

We kept the jumps small to avoid any lapses in confidence. 

no worries there, except where goes my toes?

And the courses mostly reflected what we've been working on: bending lines and singles on the diagonal line. Pretty good stuff. 

The one jump that everybody nailed off the diagonal was the caution oxer. That is, until I pointed out that everybody was nailing it. Then we proceeded to, uh, not nail it. 

they said she could be anything, so she became a carousel horse

 Anyways, it was a pretty straight forward lesson. Mostly decent distances, but purposefully not over-challenging given the conditions. One clear thing is my position issues - specifically: wut are my toes doin?????  2pointober plz help. 

also, emma: "upon closer inspection, wtf am i doing w my hands????"


  1. I'm with Isabel...soupy footing=no bueno!! But it looks like you guys did pretty well in spite of the slop! I particularly hate that draggy feeling of hesitation in the horse's stride as they have to pull each foot out of the suction...ugggggg

    1. Yea it's not my favorite, but Iz did better than I expected. Idk what exactly the footing is, but it wasn't slippery at all

  2. She makes a very cute carousel horse :) Glad you two rocked it out, even with the muddy footing.

    1. Thanks! I'm pretty sure I've ridden nearly identical horses on the merry go round lol

  3. Haha, Isabel's face says it all: GIRLS DON'T LIKE TO BE DIRTY!

  4. The first picture over the caution jump is so cute. I often won't jump if forced into really sloppy conditions because it's just not fun for me to worry about it. Stampede is definitely not a mudder!

    1. Thanks! And yea I hear ya about worrying over the conditions - def not fun!

  5. Sorry, but I had a good giggle over the carousel horse pic - she's just so cute! The first pic over that jump is sure a keeper, though :)

    1. Thanks! And I'm pretty sure I'm giggling in that picture too lol

  6. At first glance I swore it looked like you had a cast on! But just sleeves lol!

    You guys always have such fun!

    1. Haha yea it's just those weird sleeves that have a hole for thumbs.

  7. She jumps so cute! Simon also hates sloppy conditions, as do I :)

    1. Thanks! And I was actually a little surprised how well she did w the slop lol

  8. Awesome! Great riding through the slop, definitely something I'm not comfortable with at all!

    1. thanks! it's not my favorite either but the footing was surprisingly stable. i'm not sure what all is mixed in (some kind of stone dust maybe?), but it wasn't slippery at all. isabel usually tells me when she's worried about footing, so i mostly followed her lead.

      that said tho.... i'd still very much life for it to dry out any day now please :)

  9. Cleaning tack after a ride in footing like that is always a joyous occasion. After the downpours we had over the weekend, even our all-weather footing needed a day to dry out some. Isabel looks so cute over the caution jump!

    1. thanks! and there's definitely some major tack cleaning in my future. i gave it a quick once-over, but it's gonna need more attention soon....


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