
Sunday, October 26, 2014

MCTA Jenny Camp teaser

Yesterday's Janny Camp horse trials was a total blast!! The weather was absolutely perfect, and Isabel was in good form. Plus I felt very prepared after some last minute scrambling to get everything packed. 

she enjoys having the choice of grass or hay... or both lol

Isabel was very relaxed for everything, too. I'll give the full details later (too tired right now), but suffice it to say she was settled, seemed to at least try (a little bit) for our flat work, and jumped extremely well. 

despite its grandfatherly appearance, the cap is SO useful for packing

So I fulfilled one of my two goals: We had our personal best dressage score! 39.0!! I'm sure this doesn't seem like much... but to me it's pretty cool to finally break into the 30s. One day we'll be more solid on the flat... but for now we are slowly chipping away. 

one of us is ready. one is feeling a tad world-weary lol.

Regarding my other goal: Finish with a number, not a letter... Not quite so successful there. Isabel was jumping beautifully (again, more on this later) and had a lovely rhythm cross country. 

But... then I fell off when she stopped at some deep mud. Uh, oops? I guess she thought it was too icky or something. It was a very gentle fall, tho - in fact I landed on my feet.. but it spelled the end of our day. 

In any case, getting eliminated was a bummer, but I'm still very pleased with how well Isabel did and feel like we did what we set out to do: get more miles and have fun while we're at it. 

I've got way more pics and some video to share later so stay tuned! 

also, somebody please buy me this from cafepress lol


  1. Good job on the dressage! Falls happen, so no big death there. I'm glad that you were still pleased with Isabel and looked at the positive side of the experience!

    1. Thank you! I kinda love the typo and agree w your sentiment 100%. We had a great time :)

  2. Aw crap! Too bad about the fall! Honestly, though, sounds like a great experience otherwise, especially the dressage improvement!

    1. haha aw crap indeed... thanks tho - was a very enjoyable experience :)

  3. Oh I'm sorry you fell and got eliminated! At least you are okay and did well in dressage, congratulations on the good score.

  4. Sorry to hear about the fall but really glad it wasn't a bad one! Congrats on the dressage!

  5. Congrats on the dressage score!! My horse stops dead at mud or "darker" colored ground too lol, so I know exactly how that felt! At least it was a graceful fall :-)

    1. thanks! yea changes of terrain are apparently a big deal, who knew?

  6. Sorry about the fall. Glad you are ok. It happens to all of us at one point or another. My horse just did a complete stop on course at a road crossing. It was the 4th time he crossed the road on that course. Silly horses! You live to ride another day and that is the important part!

    1. thanks! and i was actually thinking about steady's xc round when it happened. like, huh didn't i just read and watch a video with this exact type of thing?? lol horses...


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