
Saturday, October 25, 2014

HT ride times + goals

We got our ride times for today's horse trial! Not too shabby: starting in the early afternoon will give me plenty of time to get through my morning barn chores, plus packing and grooming etc. 

The venue is a 30min drive up the highway, which will be a new towing experience for me. But I'm not super worried - must just be very careful changing lanes / merging. 

'can't you see i'm ready? let's hit the road!!' - isabel

I like the generous time cushion for course walks after dressage. I thought there was enough time last go round (a little less than two hours), but then found myself in line for a hot dog when I really should have been already warming up for stadium... 

So that extra 45min will provide a good opportunity to just sit and chill for a bit. And perhaps watch my barn mate get through her BN stadium and xc rounds? 


I am keeping it really simple. This show is our biggest to date, and the organizers made it very clear on the prize list that this is NOT a starter trial. 

'that's cool - we mean biznesssss' - isabel
(photo credit Shelli Ramos)

It isn't likely to be our final show of the year (may have a fun hunter trial next week!!), but it IS likely to be the last horse trial. So I want to end this year of firsts for us on a positive note. I have two goals - one very basic, and one that's more of a reach:

Basic: Finish with a number, not a letter

As our second HT, and first show at a new venue, it's important that we set a good, positive tone and enjoy ourselves. It's supposed to be fun!

Reach: Dressage score consistent with previous tests (low 40s)

The point here is not about the overall final score (ie, it's nbd if we have a rail or stop, tho obviously I'd prefer not to) - it's more about developing a record. 

Bottom line

I don't expect to be competitive at this event. Our division has more entries than placings (8 ribbons awarded). And let's be real - it's the end of the season and most riders are wrapping up, rather than just getting started like Isabel and me. 

I would LOVE to snag some satin (love love love to!), but will not be disappointed if we have a typical-for-us ride and it isn't enough. 

'c'mon, let's GOOOOOOOOOOO!!' - isabel


  1. Good luck and I hope that you can either snag some satin OR just have a good experience.

  2. Good luck and have a wonderful time!

  3. You guys will rock it! Can't wait to hear all about :)

    1. thank you! i'll def have plenty to say lol

  4. Good luck, can't wait to hear about it!! Fingers crossed for satin!


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