
Saturday, June 6, 2015

blurry but pleasant trail ride

We FINALLY made it into the woods again! It's been ages (since March, actually) and I've missed it. Plus it's good for Isabel's brain. Unfortunately my intended trail buddy got stuck at work, and I usually avoid going out alone bc we've previously had disagreements about speed and head flinging and general diva-type behavior... But I was determined that we would do this thing, and we would enjoy it, dammit. 

And it was great. My plan was to let Isabel choose her speed and reinforced this to myself by grabbing her martingale neck strap whenever I felt like getting handsy. She's sensitive enough to notice the pressure on her neck so I could sorta communicate 'slow down' that way without fussing with her mouth. Really tho, she was a star. 

Izzy was so surprised to be out there again - and ALONE. She had snagged a mouthful of hay on our way out the barn that she just kinda held onto not chewing for the first 5-10 minutes while we cruised along the road and fence lines toward the woods. Finally tho, she started chewing again (and grabbing more mouthfuls as we went) and settled into her forward march. 

She chose to trot a few times (and even canter once) but was very balanced and polite about it, despite the slick muddy footing. So I let her be. She handled obstacles in our path with ease (like a nasty-ish wood fall on a rocky narrow stream bank) and had her ears pricked the entire time. Naturally, since she walks so fast all the pictures are blurry. But that's ok - it was still gorgeous with lush greenery and we had a blast. What a nice change of pace! 


  1. Sometimes a solo trail ride between ears like that is EXACTLY what you need. ^.^

    1. i agree completely - when they go well it feels like i've reached some new level of nirvana haha. but when they don't go so well.... eh sometimes i regret them. never a great feeling haha!

  2. Sounds k like a lovely ride

  3. I wish I had nice trails like that where I lived!

    1. it's definitely a very different landscape from your home - tho sometimes i wished we had your sprawling vistas and gorgeous rolling hills

  4. I can't take a non blurry trail pic to save my life - yours are pretty good! Those are beautiful trails, glad you had a nice outing

    1. lol why is it so difficult?? but hey, can't argue with forward happy ponies :D

  5. Your blurry shots look artistic! Sounds like a great ride.

    1. haha that is maybe a little generous, but it was definitely very beautiful out there

  6. Love trail riding to clear your head!! Jealous!

    1. it really was super mentally refreshing. at first i think isabel was looking for xc jumps, but then she remembered how to trail horse and loved it i think

  7. What beautiful trails to have access to! Good for you for being able to leave her be--I don't know if I could do that! :)

    1. it was tough - but she really does better with minimal input and i tend to get WAY too micro-managerial and ruin the ride. holding the neck strap really helped bc it made me feel more secure when she was bouncing around -but i didn't have to pull

  8. Lovely trails! Love the slightly blurry it all a sense of motion and realism lol

    1. haha there certainly was a LOT of motion! she is not about the 'slow and steady' at all lol.


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