
Monday, November 25, 2024

normal barn things

Something about the transition from summer to fall always feels really fast and furious to me. Almost hectic. Idk what it is... folks reawakening after the dog days of summer? Suddenly realizing the shortening days? Idk. Regardless, September is kinda a wild time in my life. 

omg guys, doozy has new ponies <3 <3 <3
November, tho? Well. Ok. Also kinda wild LOL. Imminent holidays, closing calendar (and maybe fiscal!) years too... All sorts of shenanigans. And woof, before you know it? Almost December!

and a new bff, wave!
But from a horsey perspective? We're currently at a moment of breathing deeply, of resting, however briefly. The weather is turning. Daylight hours are very short. Weeknight riding options are now limited to lighted riding spaces.

she embarked on her first solo mission into the woods too omg
Doozy got some pretty significant (and VERY welcome) lifestyle adjustments in recent weeks too. She and her bebe Morgan paddock buddy integrated into another small cabal of pony mares just in time for round bale season. 

something about the woods in winter tho, i just love it
Doozy LOVED her pony friends at the last barn, but never really warmed to her little Morgan friend since moving. Tho... tbh, the quality of her days doesn't seem particularly reliant on whatever society she keeps. Annoying bebe Morgan? Meh. Cute group of pony mares? Eh. 

Bc apparently, in Doozland, it's all about the food. If there's something to eat? Mare is happy!

strolling by the stream!
Still tho, I secretly appreciate that she has friends now. Esp bc I feel less guilty about taking her out of the field away from a group instead of a single bebe. And I not-so-secretly love that none of them care about the extraction. Yessss!! Ya just never know with mares, amirite?

woot woot, officially transitioned to round bales! tho, as of this post, this particular bale is already all gone omg mares
Our under saddle work is kinda simplifying a bit too. Leading up to Waredaca, I made it my business to find daylight hours to get in our final working sessions -- including reintroducing grids at slightly more realistic distances from last time lol. 

continuing to jump around outside for as long as conditions allow
Recall, Amy came to visit and serve as jump crew a few weeks ago, and I'd set an 18' grid that Doozy cruised thru using some interpretive dance moves that were not exactly what I'd intended

omg grids! this is a 9' bounce to a 21' one stride
It turns out, a 21' distance (still shorter than true) is a better fit. So we've played around with variations on this distance in grids. I first set up a configuration that was bounce to one stride, tho we actually came thru the other direction too. 

a week later: simplified to a bi-directional 21' one stride with 9' ground rails on both ends
Mostly, tho, just the simple one stride grid seems to be doing what I want it to do. Which is... Ask Doozy to be just a little straighter and sharper without punishing her keenness. 

and another week later, carrying on with the bi-directional 21' one stride -- increasing beefiness to individual elements -- note the hogsback vertical pole in that far element? eventually everything will all be verticals once Doozy feels really confirmed in answering the grid question
She's learning to recognize the exercise, which is good bc it can be a LOT to look at coming around a corner and seeing a veritable sea of poles lol... Eventually I'll continue progressing the exercise into more height and variety and like, oxers and stuff... But for now, this suits! 

indoor is big enough for courses and fully stocked with supplies!
And anyway it's dark most days when I get to the barn so we're just working with what we got in sharing spaces with lessons etc. 

the big star <3
Over in Chuckleslandia, the big guy is doing well too. He's being slightly less ridiculous now that he's getting more attention (and more work, even if it's just walkies work). 

he is GLOSSY and FAT omg. and demanding, LOL
This is the first year since I've owned him that he hasn't been clipped, and he's FUZZY! But still oh-so-soft omg <3

and omg he sometimes canters <3 <3 <3
It's been really nice sitting on him more regularly, but I'm still trying to just take it one day at a time. Some days he feels really eager and ready to go, and I can't resist pushing for a little more!

my janky selfie game can't hide his celestial aura <3
Some days, tho, he's more distracted or dull or just less forward for whatever reason, and it's easier to feel all his physical limitations, and we content ourselves with... a lot less. 

the bestest bronto <3 he loves when i try to take selfies bc it's essentially just extended moments of face hugging haha
And it's all good! I remain ever hopeful that Charlie may still surprise us yet. But, he's in a home and situation where it's all good either way! Time is an amazing gift, we'll see what it brings.

it's not a bad gig for the big guy, tbh!
So yea. Both horses are easing into the season. I kinda pretty deeply wish Doozy was as fat and glossy as The Sir Himself... But then again, he certainly didn't look the way he does now, back then. So I'm trying to be patient. 

back to doozland -- mare looking straight up drugged at her farrier appt. twas not drugged, just bein a sweet lady!
Doozy's new farrier, who has seen her 3x now, absolutely swears that she's grown. Idk if I see it, tbh lol... But, eh, we'll see what emerges come springtime!

Maya Kuntze Photography knocked it outta the park with their shots of us at Waredaca!! consider how tricky the lighting conditions were in that second pic, but they were determined to feature the gorgeous pond. i love it!
She's certainly come a long way this year, tho. Our winter plan is to explore fun educational opportunities, and keep shoving calories into her as much as possible. Oh, and continue all the wellness stuff we've figured out for her general management. 

my pretty starlet <3
I'm also gonna try to get away without clipping her too -- just to keep her as warm and insulated as possible. Tho ya know, I also don't wanna spend ages lollygagging around waiting for her to dry after a ride, so we'll see. 

bundled bc it's apparently winter now, y'all! stay warm!
Anyway. That's a lot of pictures and random updates from the last few weeks of us just sorta doing normal barn things! Just the little bits of minutiae of everyday horsing. It's been quiet and relaxing, and for that I'm grateful haha! Are all y'all settling into the season similarly? 


  1. Those pictures!!! 😍😍 Also lovely that Doozy joined the mare herd with no drama, well done ladies!

    1. it's honestly wild to me how drama-free doozy is! mare absolutely does not care, and i love it LOL! and yea omg that photographer really nailed it <3

  2. Ifeelyou on the frenzy of fall. I’m hosting our riding group’s Christmas party this year. A week ago I realized I should get on that and was all ‘omg I was sure it’s still September!’
    Both horses look great though.

    1. omg my calendar math right now has been so absurd. between work stuff and horse stuff and holiday stuff it's just like, holy crap where has the time gone????

  3. Both your horses are looking good! They are thriving in their respective barns. How fun that you can do under saddle stuff with each of them again (at least on the days when Charlie is feeling well). It will be 2025 before we know it!

    1. omg i'm both very ready, and not at all ready for 2025 LOL! but i'm def grateful both horses are seeming to be doing well with their big life changes !


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