
Wednesday, February 14, 2024

westerly wordless(ish) wednesday

Happy mid-week, y'all. Not too too many words today, bc I'm actually out of town so not a whole heckuva lot is happening! 

look closely -- this statuette apparently has an abscess-wrap on his hoof lol
Or at least, not a lot for Doozy. She's getting a little vacation, aside from some extra TLC from barn mates. 

beachy with my aunt!
I figure, she's been working hard and doing well. Plus she proved after the snowstorm last month that she can come back from a break without much fuss. 

the wild west
So, eh, what's another week or so, right? 

garden at the Getty Center was incredible
Charlie, meanwhile, decidedly does not thrive with neglect haha. And in his book, "neglect" means going longer than 36hrs without direct personalized 1:1 attention lol. 

certainly more scenic than late winter mud lol -- see charles spying from the bottom right?
He actually started back under saddle about two weeks ago maybe, very simple rides spent mostly working on lateral suppleness at the walk, with adding trotting very slowly -- a minute or so more every couple of rides.

different day, same charlie <3
His heel bulb wound is almost entirely gone, but recall he still needs his hocks done since he keeps interfering with those plans... Plus ya know, he's been out of regular work for a year. And at the end of the day we just aren't sure how his feet will respond to increased load again.

back to hacking!
But I'm hopeful. Aside from the janky hocks, he honestly feels like a million bucks. 

lots and lots and lots
Like, feels so good that it's easy to get greedy haha. Bc damn it's just so nice to be sitting on him again!

and lots and lots and lot and LOTS of hacking lol
So I'm eager to keep up the (slow low intensity) momentum with him, ya know? 

and a sma smidge of ring work too <3 talented junior got a lesson on him before i left town
Fortunately, Charlie has a LOT of friends around the barn -- and he's reliable enough that it's practically worry free to hand the keys over while I'm away.

and got to enjoy hacking around too
I'm never sure if he's the most classically "fun" horse to ride, bc he can be a little pokey and lazy... But then again, he knows a LOT. And maybe can teach a lot. At this point, basically all you have to do to ride him is hold a steady position with a clear forward intention... And he just... goes lol. 

So... Actually, maybe that IS fun for the typical barn rat junior who always ends up with the surlies or greenies lol.

he's in good hands! and so is she ;) 
All in all, I feel good about it -- and it definitely helps me feel a lot less guilty about leaving for so long (wish the same could be said for my guilt for my two little house kitties who are used to having me home almost full time....). Feels like a win-win, ya know?

So anyway, more news later. Hope y'all are having a nice week!


  1. Enjoy your time away. It looks lovely there.

  2. Have a lovely break - it's so good to get away for awhile sometimes

    1. thank you! not gonna lie, i always kinda dread leaving, definitely a homebody... but then once i'm away -- it's lovely! funny how that works...

  3. It looks beautiful, have a great time away!

  4. Have a fantastic trip!! The pictures of Charles make me melt, how wonderful to be able to share him with barn rats and know everyone is getting taken care of.

    1. he's honestly really just the best boy --- i feel a little selfish wanting to keep him all to myself, not gonna lie lol... but eh, at least for this week it's easy to share!

  5. Have a great trip! Looks like Charlie is in wonderful hands!

  6. That junior looks awesome on him!

  7. He's so cute with the kiddeo on him!


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