
Wednesday, November 30, 2022

ww: Hulk Murray

I always knew Charlie was a junkie, guys. You don't race up thru your 7yo year without learning to love some drugs. 

True story: Charlie literally leans into whatever shot you're giving him, even if you're actually just drawing blood.... Practically communicating as clearly as he possibly can: "This better be the good stuff!"

But still. Even I was surprised by his *immediate* response to the firocoxib. Good lord. Apparently Charlie has *absolutely not* matured past his earlier.... exuberance lol. Perhaps we'll see a return of Hulk Murray (The Chulk?) after all!!

hulk murray is here for the smashies!

I shouldn't be surprised, really. Charlie is not a stoic sort of horse. He's been disinclined to work through the least bit of discomfort for as long as I've known him. Like, seriously. The rigidity of even just a leather girth is beyond consideration. 

Apparently I still haven't really figured this out, either. I see him uncomfortable and am just like, omg this horse, I'm going to have to inject everything from the ears down..... Or maybe just go on ahead and start digging the hole, ugh. 

But, go figure. All he wanted was a basic generic NSAID. Who woulda thunk, lol.

I'll take it tho - Hallelujah! #BetterLivingThruChemistry


  1. Yay!!! Glad he is feeling great!! Also too funny about injections.

    1. it's ridiculous. you could stick him with a needle that was literally only *dipped* in sedative, and he'd probably just sit there vibing for an hour.....

  2. I mean, I too function so much better with some generic NSAIDs! #spiritanimal lol

    1. lololol yea....... can't argue with that haha, idk why it always surprises me when horses exist in the same manner as people lol

  3. I swear that stuff is magic. So glad it's helping!

    1. MAGIC omg.... i am strenuously willing myself to not feel guilty for not knowing this sooner....


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