
Monday, November 21, 2022

the REAL bday present

Obviously taking Charlie for a breathlessly carefree and refreshing spin around our cross country course last week was a perfect birthday celebration. But lo! Something else was afoot too!! 

trucky truck version 2.0
For some background: I bought my first truck, a 2000 Chevy Silverado 1500 (v8, 4wd), back in 2014 from a dealer I found on Craigslist. The truck had just shy of 200K miles on it and a suspected oil leak, and I paid $4K cash.

Over the years, I replaced the brake lines twice (here and here ((this also still stands as one of my all-time favorite posts lol))), all four tires, and all the hoses and some stuff relating to temperature control / radiator / something or other I really honestly don't know.... I don't know anything about trucks but am perfectly satisfied to shove it off into the capable hands of my trusted mechanic. Make it Safe! and Reliable! and I'm Happy!

formal christening, care of my niece and nephew lol
I always knew that it was my "starter" truck, tho. And that eventually I'd upgrade to something much nicer -- like the trucks in the $8K range back when I was shopping in 2014. (*Hahaha such innocent, naïve times!*). 

More specifically, I was pretty positive the time had come when I first brought Charlie home. Which, you may recall, was the first time I gifted myself a vehicle as a birthday present --- when Charlie got his own appropriately sized chariot!

oh did i mention the flood lights? LOL
Somehow, tho, that old Chevy just kept on trucking. It never seemed like the right time to replace it. And you all know what happened next haha -- the used market went nuts omg wtf

guys it has like BUTTONS and stuff for the windows and mirrors omg -- no more cranks!
But I always casually kept an eye out, ya know? And a couple weeks ago, I found it <3

ooooh it has suicide doors too!!
So please allow me to introduce you to the version 2.0 of Emma's Tow Vehicle, the slightly absurd Big Daddy 2010 Chevy Silverado 1500 (v8, 4wd), with just a hair over 100K miles. 

feast your eyes bc it will *never* be this clean and uncluttered again
Enhancements include: 4 doors with plenty of seating, more modern fittings like automatic windows, locks, mirror control (*gasp!*), fog lights galore, and absolutely ridiculous monster tires. Ahem, to be clear, this well-kept and lightly-used truck was most definitely somebody's plaything before coming to me lol.

guys these tires.... omg.... they might not be permanent lol, or will they?? see the red spikes omfg haha, more than one person has officially dubbed it slightly... redneck
But ya know. It hits all my requirements: v8 and 4wd and.... Yep, that about covers it LOL! Again, I'm not really a "truck" person. I don't really know much, don't really care much. But I've been towing as part of my regular routine now for something like 8 years (and ~40K miles)... so... it feels like I kinda know what I need for that pursuit.

spying from my apt window
Plus. Let's be real, guys. With the market as it is.... I really was not at all inclined to pay $20K for a truck that's gonna get driven a couple times a month and otherwise live under a tree. 

"sure sure, it's big dark and handsome... but, ahem, have you seen ME??" -- charlie, unimpressed
I wanted something nice enough to be easy and fun (and Safe! and Reliable!) to tow my ponies to horse shows, but not really much more than that.

anyway. horses and stuff <3
Because despite what my somewhat obsessive and excitable picture taking above suggests... Driving this thing around the city, and especially parking it in my neighborhood, is kinda a pain in the ass and significantly more expensive than my little civic lol. Which... Duh haha. 

and michael <3
The biggest advantage to this new vehicle is its unusually low mileage. Bc again, it was the former owner's toy, basically. He did CB radio stuff with it, used it to drive to the beach with his teenage kids, and... yea that was about it haha. So theoretically, with proper care and feeding, it should hopefully last me a good long time -- fingers crossed!

that's all for now!
There are a couple odds and ends to work out before it's tow-ready, like wiring in the electric brake controller. Plus I have a bed cover (tonneau?) on order since my last truck's cap really spoiled me for storage lol. 

And in the meantime I'm using it as my daily driver for a few weeks to get really comfortable with the new dimensions and figure out all its secrets lol (considering it's a used vehicle, they ALL have secrets!). 

Soon enough, tho, hopefully we'll be out and about with pony in tow!! Excitement abounds, lol. Anybody else have a similar approach to vehicle shopping? I tend to be a little trigger happy once I find something that fits my needs... But maybe you're more into research or have a longer list of specifications? 


  1. Congrats!!! I hope it is a very pleasant getting to know each other period with only good surprises! I bought my trailer with a similar approach. Knew I wanted a two horse straight load, ideally with dressing room although not a must. Kept an eye on FB marketplace and snapped up a deal when I found one, before the truck even.

    1. dude, yes, exactly -- my budget with my first truck was so tight that i basically could not afford to be picky. i bought the first truck that met my criteria (and more or less got the blessing of my saintly mechanic), and honestly was happy ever after (well, 8 yrs lol).

  2. Congratulations!! That's a nice truck!

    1. thanks!!! i'm hoping the darker color will make it less obvious once it's living... under a tree lol

  3. Despite Charlie's lack of enthusiasm, I will say congrats on the truck! I enjoyed seeing the horse and the cat photos too, by the way. I love a good barn cat. So far I've always gotten used, older trucks too. The newest one I ever bought was six years old, but the other two were nine plus. And you are smart to drive it for a while without the trailer to learn its "personality", so to speak. May you have many happy driving years together!

    1. oh man a six year old truck sounds basically brand new to me!! i'm just so excited to have silly modern luxuries like *buttons* and a *key fob* omg haha... and yea i definitely agree about driving the truck on its own for a while first. like... i grew up in the city, all of my cars have been tiny little parallel-parking pocket rockets haha, learning how to drive a half ton pick up truck the first time around was a BIG adjustment. this truck i think is a little smaller, but maybe higher off the ground? so my perception of all its corners is a little different and i just want to get used to all that before my horse is involved LOL

  4. Yayayayayayayay!!!!!!! This was a long time coming for you, I'm so glad it finally happened! 🤩🤩

    1. dude, RIGHT???? i'm so excited tho haha. this truck isn't perfect, but ya know, for the price it didn't have to be! and i honestly love it, feels so fancy after ol' faithful's relentless utilitarianism ....

  5. Congrats! That's so exciting to have new wheels.

  6. Congrats! We are planners and researchers in our house for all major purchases whenever possible. lol Though this does not necessarily mean we don't have unforeseen things like "at 10 years old, the suicide doors in the Element are no longer cool; I just want to get into the back seat, dang it."

    1. lol yea in my head i always imagine myself to be a real planner and researcher.... but honestly i tend to distill stuff down to the most fundamental practicalities: what do i need to do xyz? and go from there lol.... and if this new thing fits that bill, then we're good to go, and anything extra is a bonus!

  7. Oooh! It's so nice! You might need to find me a new truck sooner rather than later... I never wrote about it, but the week after fair hill my brake line broke when I went to turn my truck around and I went flying backwards into my neighbor's yard... It was terrifying.

    My truck is low mileage, but nearly as old (2006) as your old truck. I drive way more often, but very few miles/week (we average 3 mile trips). But, it's getting very old and regretting its life choices. Anyway, congrats on your awesome new truck!

    1. oh lord i am definitely not a perfect agent haha -- it's pretty much guaranteed that i'm willing to make compromises and concessions, and am a notoriously bad negotiator LOL... good luck shopping tho! the blown brake lines thing is definitely scary, i'm lucky that the times it's happened to me have been in flat parking lots... but still, no bueno!

  8. Congrats, and what a great find! Wishing you many happy and safe adventures with it. I'm back to square one with my trailer and tow vehicle search but eh, all in good time when it's the right one (:

    1. it really is a journey getting all the pieces together... definitely way more complicated than i originally expected haha! but i'm hooked on the freedom afforded by having my own rig so... we make it work, right?? good luck in getting your eventual towing situation together too!!

  9. Congrats! Those are some wheels on it! Lol! The spikes!
    Sounds like you found exactly what you needed!

  10. Nice, congrats on the new to you truck!

  11. Congratulations! Few things are more exciting than a new truck!


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