
Friday, June 3, 2022

friday fotos - silly but pretty?

We were mucking out my trailer after a recent adventure the other day, when....

do you see it?
I spotted something unusual looking amid the sawdust and manure. Something with just the briefest flash of fuchia....

And, obviously, I immediately whipped out ye olde iphone to snap some pictures! Bc who am I to deny all you dear readers from this marvelous moment in the manure??

behold nature's majesty lol
The google tells me this is a Zebra Swallowtail, a 'puddling' species that feeds on "flower nectar and minerals from damp soil," and, ahem, cough cough, damp poo too. You're welcome lol. 

Have a wonderful weekend!


  1. Hahaha! It is pretty... especially for a poo eater!

  2. Your poo butterflies are so much prettier than our poo butterflies -
    which are basically poo-colored ;D


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