
Thursday, June 9, 2022

bleeding the stone

There's no real doubt that blogging as a social platform has.... hm, "peaked" is probably a nice way to say it. Instagram, facebook, tik tok, etc are all easier, faster and better integrated with both smart phones and mainstream media consumers. For those whose primary pursuit is to "stay connected," blogs are borderline primitive, let's be real. 

step 1 to maximizing media: observe your subject relentlessly
So it's not much of a surprise, or a secret for that matter, that participation in the blogosphere has declined precipitously over the years. And I'm not gonna lie, guys. I've.... kiiiiinda willed myself to quit on more than a few occasions. 

But.... I keep reading. And, ultimately, I keep posting too. 

(For now lol). 

who doesn't love video of horses being horses?
Bc... Idk. There's something about the 'long format' narrative that I find so much more compelling than the thoroughly curated stylized and (imo) myopic snippets from other social media.

Just being honest.... If I wanted to browse through a series of individual impressive glossy photos.... I'd just read a magazine or whatever. It's not personal, I don't relate to it, it doesn't move me or resonate with my own horsey life. 

At a certain point, if you've seen one perfect horse or rider or whatever, you've kinda seen 'em all, right? 

whoops! that's a cat
Getting into reading blogs was legitimately the first time in my life where.... Suddenly the horse world opened up before my eyes, became accessible. I could read about people just like me, from all sorts of backgrounds and with all sorts of goals and priorities, figuring out how to carve out just the right space for horses in life. 

People writing about the ups and the downs. Problem solving. Setbacks or major achievements. No character limits, no hashtags or paid plugs, and legit as many photos as your internet service provider sees fit to upload. 

again, back to the horses, and those damn flies.
if you video long enough, surely something interesting will happen, right????
I followed bloggers who seemed to be at about my skill level but were going out and doing things I'd never considered possible -- or would have never even known about from the vantage point within my own experiences. And reading about it inspired me. Made me realize that I could do that too. And so.... I did

There is really no way to quantify that kind of impact. Except to say I'm eternally grateful for it. 

success in media is all about snapping your diamond in the rough shot from all that video.
apparently, royal's tail = nature's original fly mask
That doesn't even touch on the educational value of the equestrian blogger hive mind. My own experience remains extremely limited compared to some of y'all. There are still untold categories of equine injuries and illnesses that I have yet to witness with my own two eyes.

Which is obvi where the collective of shared experiences is so valuable. Bloggers over the years have written about so many hyper-specific circumstances that realistically none of us would *ever* experience in a single lifetime.... Bc let's be real, a lifetime isn't enough to learn everything. Except, this shared community has made it possible for me to learn a few lessons the "easy" way, and thus be more prepared when things go down in real life. 
whooops there's that cat again.... i think?
At the end of the day, tho, that's all only part of why I keep writing. Altruism is great and all, sure it's nice to 'contribute to the common good' or whatever.... But... That's kinda the nasty little hook of social media, right? At a certain point, if you're in it for what you get back... disappointment (or worse) is inevitable. 

So obviously, there's gotta be something in it for me, right?? 

but lo! through the magic of modern photo editting apps, voila! content is born!
apps used are: PicCollage & WordSwag
Right. At the end of the day, even if blogging wasn't a public spectacle (and I know for a fact there are a few of you drop-outs out there who have simplified the matter by just switching to private lol), it's still proven to be an immense resource for me. 

It's a catalogue of all our greatest moments, and all our worst. Reference material from many lessons learned, and a diary of how I spend my days, at least as reflected through the prism of my horsey life. Captured contours of normal daily life that aren't necessarily consequential in the moment, but can mean everything in retrospect. 

or something lol. idk. it's a metaphor i guess, maybe?
And I browse that index and archive constantly. The photos, the memories, everything. When all else fails, this is what compels me to keep going. 

Idk if any of that is why you read, or, for those of you still writing... why you write too. But ya know, whatever your reason. I hope you keep doing it too! 


  1. Hear hear! I like reading about those hyper specific circumstances as well, it makes me feel not so alone, particularly on those "bad" days. Please keep writing and sharing!

    1. yessss -- i've learned so much about problem solving and trouble shooting or just like... general triage just from following along with other blogs

  2. I love blogging vs instagram or tiktok. Sure I make tiktoks here and there, but blogging means I can write everything and create a story I can look back on. Plus instagram just is a hassle to format a long post on, like yeesh and half the time no one reads it. I'm not the best at keeping mine updated but I prefer it over any other social media, but please keep going!! I love reading about you and Charlie <3

    1. thanks! and yea i mean, the internet is full of all sorts of fun things etc, and sometimes the anonymous meme or pic or short video or whatever is nice and all, but yea agreed i really like the story telling part too

  3. I still read everyone's blogs on my list, although even with dwindling numbers I've axed quite a few that are just no longer relatable and/or enjoyable. I feel like the content I loved consuming six, seven plus years ago isn't what's being put out today. Maybe with insta etc and people wanting to curate a more specific image, it seems like it is more about the glossy and positive. And while I'm not here to revel in people's misery, #relatabletho lol. I love reading about the training and the struggles and then seeing the success at the end of it. Not, "Look at us being amazing at this show, and click here for my outfit deals. Here's a discount code!"

    I also have being thriving in the private blog life tho because not having to worry about judgey people has made me be soo much more detailed and honest--which in turn has made better content for me to go back and peruse. So each his own I guess 🤷🏼‍♀️

    1. ugh agreed on all counts. for so long i was so so so religious on like, trying to read everything and comment on everything etc, but it just got hard to keep up esp when a lot of what's out there now is just... like you say, a different kind of content. glad the private blog route is working out for you tho, bc yea somehow this community did go through a hyper judgmental phase (maybe the whole internet did?) and that definitely ain't fun. i still miss your blog tho :(

    2. Oh I miss the Opie adventures! I thought you'd stopped blogging since the Bobby tales were so epic and hard to match. I think I need to start a blog for my new guy...
      Betsy in WI

    3. definitely start a blog for the new guy (and congrats)!!!! let us know when you have a link and we'll add it to the feed ;)

    4. Agreed I miss your blog and voice too!!

  4. I still love reading blogs. It's the more detailed dialog along with multiple pictures throughout that keeps me going. You don't get that with the other sites.

    1. yesssss i'm 100% here for those details and ALL those pictures lol... like there are some pictures on this site that i LOVE, for random sorts of reasons like bc they remind me of a specific person or location or moment in time or whatever, but the picture itself is kinda maybe not "good" enough to stand up on its own or be selected as like the top 2-3 that can go on any of those shorter format sites. no such limits on the blog tho!

  5. I just keep writing, it's my diary of horsey happenings to look back on :) Bonus if anyone actually reads it, but really I'd keep adding posts even if views were zero. I do like scrolling through instagram, but agree, it's so superficial - I prefer to sit and read the nitty gritty full of details version if something interests me.

    1. my thoughts exactly. the whole "views" thing is so tricky now too --- idk if every blog is in the same situation, but the traffic patterns on mine changed sometime in the last year to what appears to be decidedly NOT normal human organic traffic. i get these weird spikes from uncertain origins in random countries that have basically obliterated any possibility of tracking real page views or interactions etc. which... kinda sucks bc i used to like looking at those stats... but on the other hand it's kinda relieved me from worrying about whether any one post is popular or well read or whatever. i just write about the stuff i care about, and whatever happens happens!

  6. I enjoy reading everyone's successes and disappointments, plus product reviews. I now buy from websites I otherwise would never have known about. Thank-you to all the bloggers who share their lives with strangers.

    1. oooh that's a good point too! product reviews are honestly not my favorite and i don't really love commercial content.... but then again, it can be so so valuable when a real person is in a similar situation and is like, 'wow this specific product was a game changer' or whatever. i've definitely learned a lot about tools, techniques, products etc just from that

  7. The hardest thing for me is finding the hour+ that I need to write blogs to the level of detail and thoughtfulness that I enjoy reading back to myself. I want that journal for myself, but my life keeps getting in the way. And that part really is frustrating to me.

    1. ugh yea, i think that's a really relatable feeling for many bloggers or would-be bloggers. having either time, inspiration, or both to actually do the writing can be a serious challenge.... and tbh, i've kinda given up on trying to 'force it.' i try to just focus on the details that i WANT to share or document, and not give myself a hard time about much else. with that said, tho, when i do actually make myself sit down and commit something to the proverbial paper... usually the blogs kinda write themselves and then it's done. usually lol....

  8. I love reading blogs, but - well, I've always know that posting long format with any sort of consistency is hard for me. Stuff like Twitter and Tumblr, I can do regularly because it's quick little dashed-off thoughts or whatever, but there's just something about the longer format that I'll be good for a while and then just... squirrel off somewhere else.

    1. honestly i think there's definitely a cyclical sort of pattern for most writers. i usually have the most to write about when something is new or exciting or challenging or whatever.... but so much of life with horses is kinda the small ho-hum daily activities that, sure, maybe we can eke out a post (or ten) about every now and again... but at a certain point, what more can be said lol? shorter format blogs are still pretty good tho in my book, it can't all be epic recaps!

  9. It's funny, I've recently been thinking about posting about the drop off in blogs. I still love reading other people's blogs and was thinking about asking if there are any new great ones I should be following!

    As for my blog, I am glad for the followers I still have, I know I get very long winded sometimes and I'm not a great writer, but it's fun to know someone is still following along! I honestly would probably keep writing it just for me at this point, it's almost like keeping a diary and I love having my media and memories organized together. I'm very sentimental and nostalgic and I'm sure at some point in my life when I'm retired and have free time (HAHA) I'll enjoy reading the whole thing again!

    1. YES --- i'm super sentimental and nostalgic too, and definitely feel like there's guaranteed to a be a point in my life (hopefully a long ways off, but still) where i'm more likely to be reliving some of my experiences today vs creating new memories, if that makes sense.

      and i love following along with your blog too, love that you're always so honest about the process while still being really determined and persistent in seeing your goals through. it's easy enough to have big dreams but it's something else to see what it takes to fight to make them a reality!

    2. Thank you, I totally appreciate that! I certainly try to be pretty honest about the struggles as well as the triumphs, not only for my readers but again for myself to look back on someday too!

  10. Most of the people who had been commenting on my blog have fallen away in some manner or another. Now I just use it as a way to document things for myself. If people want to comment and share in that, so much the better.

    I do enjoy reading others.

    1. Yea it’s kinda sad looking through comment section on old posts bc legit most of the comments are from bloggers who aren’t active any more…

  11. I feel like my blogging motivation ebbs and flows. I find when there's less interaction I feel a little less motivated to keep going. But I agree with you, I like having a place to look back at what we've been through or accomplished and that's why I keep going with it. Plus, what would I do with all these outfits if I didn't share them with you guys?! I definitely miss reading some of the blogs that have stopped posting, and don't feel like following on instagram brings the same stories.

    1. ugh yea i really miss the variety and vibrancy of the good ol' halcyon days of blogging, where there were dozens of new posts from across the spectrum every day. like... how am i supposed to goof off and procrastinate from work if nobody is publishing any more?!? tho ya know, casually browsing custom tall boot options after you post another amazing outfit does help fill that time at least a little bit LOL

  12. Reading blogs was my favorite way to waste time at work lol And now I am basically down to two or three. I totally get why people quit, but I do wonder what happened to some of them. Everyone should be required to do some sort of "Where are they now" update lol

    1. i am 1,000% in support of that requirement. for some of my old favorites that stopped, i know why or have been able to stay in touch one way or another. for others tho.... it's just like they dropped off into the void :(

  13. I definitely don't blog as much as I used to and contemplate giving it up now that I spend eight hours a day staring at a computer screen, but I agree with you that the other social media platforms don't leave me feeling nearly as connected. I love reading the stories behind the photos. I love seeing the ups and downs and relating to them. And my own blog has become such a happy way to look back at good memories and track progress. Plus it's the best way to look up things I want to share with people in real life. I did get locked out of BlogLovin for a month or so and I feel like I missed so much of everyone's lives. I'm really bad at commenting (see issues about blogs on phones) but I missed reading so much!

  14. Thank you very much for including my blog, The Backyard Horse Blog, in your blog roll. Yesterday I was looking at my blog stats, including how folks come to find my blog, and noticed that some of your readers must have clicked on the link through your site. Cool! I also enjoy reading horse blogs and will have to spend some time combing through the great list of blogs you have put together to find some ones I have not read before. Always fun to find a new discovery! And thanks again. P.S.- Love the "borrowed" forelock shot in this post. :-)

  15. Yes! This! All of this! I feel like blogging is so much more real and less self-esteem-crushing (lol) than Insta. And I LOVE the horse blogging community. I think because it's so much smaller, and almost everyone knows almost everyone, it's lost the anonymity that seems to contribute to a lot of the cruelty shown in comments on the less personal platforms.

  16. I really like reading blogs. It offers an insight into people like me who are not all polish and glamor all the time. I rarely comment. I have noticed that some of the blogs I used to read have gone away, which is a bummer, but I can imagine its a lot of work, so I get why people stop..

  17. I really meant to reply to this and it appears I didn't. I'm down to 1 browser that lets me reply to blogger... Anyway, I read blogs though I'm terrible at commenting (see browser issues). I've gotten awful at blogging, but that's due to work and no time. Still, I blog when I can so I have a log of how stuff goes for if and when I want it. So I'm glad some still exist and when I have time, I'll try and write what's in my head ... or not.


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