
Tuesday, May 31, 2022

the horse with no ears

At this rate it feels like we're averaging a lesson every 6 weeks or so.... But y'all might remember there was a brief intermission this spring when Charlie had a few weeks off for a sore hoof. 

For all my good intentions about building Charlie's fitness the "right" ways etc, it's kinda hard when you can't actually ride the horse. We're getting back at it, tho. Slowly but surely, as always, here in Charlieland lol.

this sweet face <3
And he seems good, ya know? Our schooling rides at home are pleasant and productive. The horse seems happy, especially after his season of discontent and malaise following BFF Iggy's death. But idk... sometimes I also kinda question Charlie's enthusiasm for the work lol... sigh.

ears up over the last jump of the day
Homeboy is up to date on his wellness schedule, maintenance routine, dentistry, chiro / acupuncture, farriery.... Etc etc etc. He's seen his team and gotten all his boxes checked. But.... He's also kinda been a bit of a bronto, excuse my french, about jumping lessons this spring. 

ugh lol... a lot to unpack here
This isn't exactly new behavior for my sweet war torn and world weary gelding. It's not uncharacteristic for him to.... not really wanna go. It's just kinda an uninspiring drag lol, and can feel like a real chore to get him clicked into gear. Not to mention that it always makes me worry too, naturally.

uninspiring jump 1 of final course
But.... once he DOES decide to go, he... ya know, goes. It just took a lot of work this lesson, lol. At least by the end, we got him cruising around stepping over the jumps from comfortable distances and even approaches while moving up to do the step. Basically like a schooled-but-bored jumper. Which ya know, that's ultimately more or less acceptable in my book. 

getting better as he goes tho
The working consensus right now from the people who know the horse best and whom I trust is that.... Ehhhhh he's kinda stiff and weak rn, as might be expected from a light winter and unintentionally sporadic spring. His topline is basically in shambles and his fitness is nil. And he is, legitimately, bored by the ring, I think.

and finishing strong
So the idea is to keep building and working on his condition as much as possible without making him feel so dull lol. Because realistically... the horse doesn't really look half bad. He knows his job, even if he does kinda phone it in every now and again.

Once he got a couple good jumps and forward distances under his belt during the warm up, it became easier and easier to click him back into gear. Kinda like shaking the rust off, I guess. Makes me want to set up a couple grids in the next week or two and see if that doesn't get him feeling a little more agile. 

He seemed to want a little less micro management and packaging up from me during this ride, too, which is a bit of a different style than I've been working on (having been recently focusing on really feeling both the front and back of the horse all the way around).  

we'll take it, sir, and we'll keep working on the margins while we're at it
Again, tho, the horse knows his job, so at a certain point I'm happy to leave him to it. A strategy he proved beyond any shred of a doubt at this past weekend's awesome hunter pace --- which was quite possibly the most fun we've ever had at one of these things. More on that later lol.

Anyway, tho, it was a good lesson. Kinda harder work for me than it should have been. And not necessarily the most awe-inspiring lol. But some good reps all the same. I'll take it! 


  1. I am always so surprised when you write things that also describe Carmen. because they are very different. Or maybe not. Carmen's ears will hide too at times. I have fallen into the nag-nag-nag to keep her going and really trying to NOT do that. It's hard. But it makes her happier and we end up with more 'go', so........

    1. yep exactly --- the struggle is so real! i wish there was a way we could explain to these sweet creatures why the 'practice' sessions are so important, even if it feels like repetitive drilling. like i remember as a kid being made to practice scales on the piano and *hating* it -- i only wanted to learn big exciting pieces lol.... maybe that's how charlie feels too???

  2. Bump in the road. I know weather and soundness willing you and your trusted peeps will have Charlie back in prime fitness in no time!

    1. here's hoping!! it's always that balance between improving technique, and just getting out and having fun, right? we had more fun this weekend tho so hopefully charlie will remember that feeling LOL

  3. I'm sure you'll have Chuck feeling great in no time. He's probably just waiting for a fun adventure to light him back up!

  4. I feel you!! Apart from being 2 hands smaller and a different breed (lol) Thunder is basically the same person as Charlie. The thing that made the biggest difference in his life was when I tweaked his feeding (ie fed him the kind of diet that would have turned most horses into fire-breathing monsters!). He was much happier to work once he was brimming with energy! Still always errs on the side of lazy though, lol - Firn


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