
Friday, June 12, 2020

oh my god, becky

Look at this horse.... 

Charles. Buddy. Really???

Tho you gotta give credit to this massive work of art. 

Because literally every single inch of Charlie's not-insubstantial frame (at least, the left side) is absolute caked.

"I regret nothing." - Charlie, probably

Hm, yes. Some fuckery has been afoot here.

Lol, meanwhile, just as I believed the worst had already happened, out of nowhere appeared....

The 4 wheeler of DOOOOOOOOM.

Highly recommend you enjoy this brief video of Charlie losing his ever loving mind screaming internally spooking oh-so-gently at the unexpected appearance of...... a parked 4 wheeler. 

Poor suffering Charlie. 

He lives such a tuff life, dealing with daily grooming and vicious farm equipment. It really wears him out!

At least this time he'll live to see another mud puddle!

TGIF everyone... Here's hoping your horses are cleaner (and less ridiculous) than mine lol.


  1. Charlie and Nay Nay have a lot in common. Nay Nay looks a lot like that this morning...

    1. i'm happy for the rain... but can't quite say the same about the mud!

  2. That's dedication to your art!

    1. or dedication to trying to not get ridden LOL

  3. LOL oh my god charlie.. its parked...

    1. that whole area is a source of unending trauma for poor charlie. a few weeks ago, the tractor came through with the mower.... and, sometimes people ride their horses past! AND, once? there was a guy just STANDING THERE. really, it's terrible -- much safer to go back to the herd!

  4. Hahha - that mud is epic!! And LMAO on the video - the zooming on the atv was classic horror film! ;-) To Charlie's defense, the 4 wheeler is acting all creepy parked in the shadows.

    1. lolol that whole area is basically a horror zone to him, goofy horse. and yea i possibly had a little too much fun making that video ;)

  5. OMG that is some MUD!! He totally doesn't look like he has any regrets LOL

    1. i'm highly skeptical that he thought maybe he'd get so dirty that i wouldn't have time to actually ride lol

  6. I mean what if the 4-wheeler is in the mud next time

    1. that would most certainly mark the End of Days LOL

  7. Charlie looks so proud of himself for all that mud!

    One of the reasons I always get to the barn *at least* an hour before my lesson time is because of a situation with a horse I leased in high school. I arrived at the barn about 30-40 minutes before my lesson, and went to pull him out of his stall to groom and tack him up, and he was covered from the tip of his nose to the bottom of his tail, on both sides, in about 4 layers of mud. I'm not even exaggerating! Like, roll Charlie around a few more times and you will get the true picture. If only cell phone photos had been a thing then! My trainer at the time was a total stickler for grooming, too, and if a horse was dirty or had shavings in their tail for your lesson, she'd send your butt back to the barn to start over. Needless to say, I rushed and somehow made it to my class on time, and got a great arm workout in the process. But it was close!

    1. lol oh man yea.... there have been times in the past where the only option is to just hose the horse down LOL. agreed tho about always showing up a little early since ya never know what you're going to find!

  8. I really appreciate the little touches on that video... that was HILARIOUS

    1. lolololol so glad you enjoyed it ;) i felt like the blair witch project making that video haha but it was fun

  9. Some famous live art person really should do a show based on Mud Art from horses rolling... Charlie could be the star of the show with his mud rolling skills hahaha

    1. oh. my. god. YES! i'm imagining.... colorful dyed mud and horses shaking violently into crowds of unsuspecting audience members lolol.... tho, poor charlie, he can't roll all the way over, so we'd probably need at least another horse (or three!)

  10. But in Charlie's defense - things come... and then they go.

  11. Ha ha ha. Charlie looked like a zebra. And clearly Sir Charles had never even seen a 4 wheeler before..... I mean it's not like he lived on a race track or you've taken him anywhere.....

    1. oh my lord, that horse hahaha.... for real tho he basically defaults to being massively suspicious of that exact piece of ground on our farm. never mind that, ya know, it's right outside the field where he LIVES, and he walks through that area at least twice, but sometimes up to 5-6x a DAY. for whatever reason, that space is haunted to him, and anything inside it too. like that god forsaken 4 wheeler LOL

  12. Ooooo boy... I can just imagine your reaction of "really Charlie, really??" when you first saw him! Haha!

    1. Honestly I kinda had a sneaking suspicion the moment I saw all the mannnnny flat spots in the mud hahaha

  13. HAHAHAH love it. I also love when they finally notice parked equipment or a dropped whip or whatnot and then decide to spook.

  14. The zebra mud stripes are very impressive!

  15. That video is EVERYTHING

  16. Hahaha I thought it might have come flying up out of nowhere... but no. Parked. Silly pony. All that rolling had his brain spinning!

  17. OMG, I found Scout in the exact same state the other day when the vet was coming out to do vaccines. I had to give him a full bath to get the mud off!!!! The video with the 4 wheeler is SO good!!!!!!


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