
Friday, March 1, 2019

ding another day

This whole equestrian blogging community never ceases to amaze me - bloggers, readers, commenters, all of you. Really truly. Y'all are a special bunch.

charlie practicing his #goatskills during evening enrichment from stall rest
Sharing bits and pieces of my own life so publicly on the internet can be scary sometimes.

Like it's one thing to just post the glamour shots - those special glossy moments where everything knits together into a glittery rose-tinted moment of utter perfection. Or, ahem, well. You know what I mean. Those moments that to *us* are close enough to perfection.

loookie!! only a few holes through the toe of this wrap!! gettin better!
Those good moments are always the easiest to share, right?

The struggles tho? The low moments? The self doubt or mistakes or sadness or uncertainty or fear? It's a lot harder to form those feelings into words and release them out into the wild, into the notoriously cold judgement of the anonymous web.

so much stuff tho. we switched to packing with sugardine and i made wayyyyyy too much. kinda looks like blood, no?
But somehow, for some reason, so many of us are driven to do it. Superficially, I blog for myself and nobody else. I love having this little corner of the web as an archive of my horsey life. It's my encyclopedia, my diary, my book of record, and my photo album. And as such, I try to keep it as honest as possible. For better or worse.

more outdoor enrichment while waiting for the vet!! warm and sunny enough to be out without a blanket too!
Realistically, there's no reason why any "book of record" needs to be public in this way tho. Except, in sharing my story, it's taken on a life of it's own. Participating in this community has given me this whole new channel into the equestrian lifestyle. It's opened my world to trading horsey stories and experiences, and sharing in all the joys and sorrows with everyone else here.

apparently not too lame to keep climbing up that little hill
I'm amazed and inspired and filled with gratitude almost every day of writing this blog and sharing this small little story with you all. And equally amazed and inspired by the stories you all tell too.

I'm not sure what it is - whether it's about horses or whatever - that makes this community so special and unusual among the rest of the social media channels. But your genuine support and encouragement and engagement are like stabilizing forces in my world, especially in those most challenging times. I know that in the most difficult moments, you all will be there. And that means so much.

we interrupt this lame horse update with a pic of playing pups. bc obvi
So I probably don't say it often enough - but I remain extremely grateful for this community. Thank you. Just. For everything.

and uh. wait a sec. about that lame horse. ya know. the one who was waiting for the vet for rads on that RF to see if he chipped off some of the coffin bone?? uh. yea. THIS was how he chose to stand while waiting for the vet. needless to say, the radiograph machine did *not* need to come off the truck haha
I think my favorite thing about reading so many other blogs is just how relatable all your experiences are. We don't all have the same interests or goals or backgrounds or hopes and dreams or resources or whatever. We're not all in the same place or on the same trajectories... But it doesn't really seem to matter, right?

"oops, guess i was actually fine all along. shrug??" - charlie, probably
Bc the horses are still gonna be horses -- still gonna give us that thrilling ride of a lifetime or that unexpected serving of humble pie. Still gonna spook at that thing they've already walked past 8,000 times, or injure themselves in some moment of reckless abandon. And still gonna be exactly what we need after a long day of dealing with all of life's other obligations.

when you are a #bigboy it's easy to steal food over the fence
And in some small but important way, it's reassuring and reaffirming to share in those experiences with you all. Any sort of social media is hard, I think. It's hard not to want to compare myself or cast judgment or whatever, and I think we all deal with that to a certain degree. And I'm sure as shit not claiming perfection in any way over here.

But again. Something about this community makes me want to keep participating.

dis one might not be "big" but he's for sure the most macho resident on farm
And hopefully that will continue to be the case for all of the foreseeable future. Luckily, despite Charlie's latest ding, he seems fully on board with that idea too.

charlie loves the shetlands, even the fabio-esque stallions haha
We did end up getting the vet out bc that persistent lameness really wasn't sitting well. The vet agreed and we talked through options like rads and a distal limb perfusion.

If you're not familiar with that procedure, it's actually really cool: essentially you put a tourniquet on the leg, then pump it full of antibiotics below the tourniquet, leaving it in place for something like 30min. This forces a concentrated dose of antibiotics directly into the injured extremity, vs relying on some systemic treatment in a 1,400lb animal.

he just wants to be friends with everybody
The vet's thought was that: if we were still dealing with acute and extreme lameness this far out from the injury, there was maybe a not insignificant chance that Charlie had either chipped off a fragment at the edge of his coffin bone, or was brewing a bone infection, or both. Infection in particular would only make things worse the longer we waited, so she wanted to get in front of it.

of course, with that kind of hair, who wouldn't want to be friends with this guy??
As is Charlie's way, tho, he appears to have only tiptoed jussssst up to the edge of catastrophe, but not actually gone all the way. After we made the appointment, he came basically sound. And the morning of, as you see in the picture above, he was standing heavily on that hoof while grazing without a care in the world. Phew! Bullet dodged, again.

anyway. back to the vet visit. better living through chemistry. and a whole fuck ton of antibiotics.
Still tho. We opted to go guns blazing with the antibiotics, minus the limb perfusion. He got his tetanus booster plus shots of Gent and Excede, and will have more of each over the coming week. Bc bone infections are not cool, yo.

Other than that, tho? Well? The puncture isn't draining any more - another good sign. So the vet wrapped him up with some sugardine (sugar + betadine, a cool, inexpensive, effective vet-recommended DIY solution!), and we'll continue that until the sugardine I mixed is gone. Then just a dry wrap for another little bit. And meanwhile the big guy is back to normal turnout.

but hey, happy charlie = happy emma!
Not-so-secretly, I'm hoping that this veritable antibiotic-assault on Charlie's system will mean no abscess this time. Maybe? Pretty please??? But I guess we'll see. In the meantime, he gets another week or so of rest. A small price to pay, right?


  1. Yay!!! Glad you dodged the big bullet!!! Now Charlie just needs to keep his toes to himself and stop trying to walk across sharp objects 😂

    1. Omg right ?! There’s other stuff we could be doing if he would just quit it lol!

  2. glad you got out the big guns antibiotic wise. whats the benefit of the sugardine?

    1. Yea I mean he was already on SMZs - I basically always have at least a couple days worth on hand bc.... ya know. Charlie haha.

      Re the sugardine, I guess it’s sticky and antiseptic but also there’s apparently some kind of chemical good juju between the two components that makes it a really solid hoof pack for abscesses or similar type injuries?

    2. yeah I used to make sure I always had a full bottle on hand. In case of emergencies. But for hoof stuff I always got something more because I was terrified of my horse's foot falling off... Runkle stepped on at least 4 jump clips. Except my vet liked enroflaxacin for foot stuff which is.... so expensive.

    3. oh interesting - i honestly don't really know much about the various medical options out there beyond what vets have told me to use. and before charlie i never had to do like, literally anything with hooves haha. tho he hasn't stepped on a clip yet so who knows, maybe that's in our future still too!

  3. Glad he's doing better already. I used Sugardine on Nilla's leg wounds to get rid of proud flesh and the effect was amazing.

    1. oh wow, really?? that's actually kinda awesome. i'd only ever heard of it being used for abscesses, but had never actually tried it myself. it's so easy and cheap tho haha now i'm imaging all these other uses for it lol!

  4. Phewf! Glad Charlie is starting to feel better and I hope that round of antibiotics does help him keep abscessing at bay!

    1. thanks i hope so too! sometimes i daydream about just dunking him in a giant vat of antibiotics and leaving it that. bc that's totally how it works, right?

  5. Phew! Glad he's on the mend! And I agree, this corner of the interwebs is a pretty great, supportive place.

  6. I've noticed too that even from very different backgrounds and in very different stages, we all still have a ton in common. We're all "fighting the same fights" so to speak, they might just look a little bit different from person to person.

  7. Um, your whole opening paragraph made me barf in my mouth. You blog for you own ego only proven by the fact that you delete any comment (within seconds) that doesn't fall in line with bloating your ego.

    1. we can't all be perfect!

    2. Funny how it comes from an Anonymous poster... I'm so sorry you have to deal with such ridiculous and completely RUDE accusations on your character, Emma. Keep your head up - social media evokes (as you said) a portion of negativity but that doesn't mean we need to acknowledge or feed into it.

    3. @Anonymous, I'm pretty sure nobody is forcing you to read this blog, maybe some self-help topics would be better suited for you? Really though, I hope you can find some happiness and a way to fulfill yourself in a way that doesn't include tearing others down. True trolls hide in the dark.

      Emma, every time I read your blog, as well as the comments posted, I am reminded of all of the wonderful and supportive people in the equestrian community-- enough to even out some of the stuck-up bitches we sometimes find hanging around in our sport. I can't wait to hear about your adventures with Charles this season!

  8. I’m behind on my blog reading (just read first post about the nail now) That stinks!!! :( super glad to hear he is starting to feel better thought!!

    1. thank you! yea definitely super unfortunate but.... well. he's getting better so that's what counts!

  9. "Bc the horses are still gonna be horses -- still gonna give us that thrilling ride of a lifetime or that unexpected serving of humble pie.----- And still gonna be exactly what we need after a long day of dealing with all of life's other obligations."

    THIS so much THIS.

    I love this blogging community as well, and I am so glad you are part of it. :)

    1. thanks girl, i appreciate it -- and am glad you keep writing too!!

  10. I love to read your stories about you and Charlie! Being able to connect with people over a shared times (good and bad) is everything in the this nutso world.

    1. ha thanks - and i totally agree! the connections i've made through this community mean the world

  11. Wholeheartedly agree about the community here. I too blog for myself as a diary and photo album of life in general, but having comments and reading others' stories really adds a layer to it that I so love.

    Glad the soundness seems to be moving in the right direction. Horses can be SO frustrating, but this sounds like all good news.

    1. agreed that the extra layer of participation and engagement really transforms the whole experience! and yea charlie just likes to keep me worried, i think. likes to remind me how important he is to me haha

  12. I am constantly amazed at how people reach out to support me when I post a not-so-happy post. I have been worried about Charlie so I'm happy that he seems to be on the mend.

    1. thanks i'm super relieved. like, the odds were always good that he would be fine but still, i worry, ya know? and yea agreed that i'm always really impressed with how quickly all the wagons circle when someone is having a hard time or needs help!

  13. Phew! I'm glad Charlie is okay! Oh gosh, but I'm sure he has some more heart attacks in store for you lol. I'm glad YOU'RE doing okay as well, and yes, the blogosphere is wonderful <3

    1. ha yup definitely probably not the last time lol..... maybe one day i'll be fully used to it??

  14. Glad to hear Charlie seems to be ok right now! But if that kid could stop giving you heart attacks that would be nice!

    And you set a great tone for the blogging community - you always read blogs and leave positive commments, so the support you get here is all part of that kindness/good will. ��

    1. Thank you!! I really love reading all the other blogs - it’s crazy how much I’ve learned through all of them, well beyond anything I could have gleaned just thru my own day to day experiences. Plus the friends made thru the community are pretty awesome ;)

  15. The blog community is amazing. It is hard to hit publish in a post where you are putting yourself out there. All the fears, self doubt and mistakes. It makes it more real though and the encouragement that flows back is priceless. There will always be negative folks and rude comments but they seem fewer and fewer these days.

    Glad Charlie skated past catastrophe and is feeling better.

    1. Agreed completely. Putting ourselves out there is kinda inherently risky, esp when we talk about matters we care deeply about or that are very personal. But I’m glad we do it, and I’m glad the network is so strong !

  16. Support from our blogging community is a wonderful thing. I just got to reading about the puncture incident this morning - what a bummer. My farrier also recommends sugardine. If I understand right - because it can penetrate and stick + the sugar affects ph to negatively impact bacteria growth. Fingers crossed it works for Charlie so you don't have to go with the nuclear option.

    1. Oooh yea that makes sense - the vet sorta explained to me why sugardine works but I didn’t really catch it all, beyond her saying that the chemistry between the two components worked well. Your point about the Ph sounds about right for that. It’s a cool concoction !!

  17. Yay! I was worried for you, so glad he's feeling better!

    1. thanks - i think he secretly likes keeping us all just moderately worried!!

  18. "We're not all in the same place or on the same trajectories... But it doesn't really seem to matter, right?" Yes yes. I so enjoy reading the range of experiences, and seeing the connections people make and reflecting on what they learn. And definitely glad to hear Charlie seems to be on his way!

    1. thanks and agreed completely. the biggest thing that drew me into reading so many blogs, and eventually starting my own, was just how relatable it all was. even for people who were enjoying their horses in ways completely different from me, there's still so much to be gotten!

  19. I don't know what I'd do without the blogging community over the years! It reminds me so much of having pen pals (which I had a bunch when I was a kid) -- but when you don't interact with horse people in day to day life, it's nice to be able to have this wonderful community to laugh and cry with! I seriously hope Charlie is on the mend soon! His poor footsies!

    1. aw i had pen pals as a kid too!! and yea i think you make an important point: my capacity to talk about horses far far FAR exceeds what most other non-horsey people in my life can take haha. like sure, my friends etc care about the stuff that makes me happy, but they really aren't going to be able to absorb my fire hose of nitty gritties lol. this community tho? it's really such a perfect outlet! esp bc there's so many other ppl who feel similarly haha

  20. Really glad to hear that you and Charlie dodged a bullet!! Fingers crossed he heals up completely and soon :)

    1. thanks!! i'm hopeful at this point, tho it's now looking like he probably will abscess too on top of it all. le sigh!

  21. The blogging community has become a large part of my horse world, even though I don't get to post much anymore. I write for myself to create a psuedo diary, but of course I write to reach out to people too. There's a ton of things that have been influenced by bloggers- finding Penn and indirectly my bronze medal, the whole dressage community of people that I've come to bounce most of my ideas off of (eventers too!), and some of the biggest impacts on my riding and training. Life actually wouldn't be the same if I hadn't taken up residence in my own corner of the WWW. Plus when you're down, there's an entire support system here, from all disciplines. There are some trolls (looking at you anonymous up there), but there's a ton of love too.

    I'm glad Charlie seems to have dodged a bullet! Fingers crossed it stays that way!

  22. Ive been away so I have missed this, sorry to hear about the injury! Sending good vibes.

  23. We've got puffy legs because mare decided to roll and probably caught her leg in a fence. Sigh, all the spray but luckily the swelling is slowly going down


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